The reward of 2,000 yuan is not very rich, but it is enough to mobilize the enthusiasm of all employees.

Moreover, this is the work assigned by the president, and it is naturally the first matter.

In order to think of ideas, it is also reasonable to swipe the phone, it is simply paid to fish, who does not want to.

Even the supervisor of their office is now searching for the right thing on his computer.

Feng Xiaoding fixed his mind.

He was not for the two thousand yuan, mainly as a newcomer, he was already weak within the bank.

If you can do the president a favor and brush your favorability, it will definitely help you to promote your career in the future.

Moreover, this big depositor even the president of the branch is so dignified and cautious, and his origin is definitely not small!

If he can give a gift that suits the other party’s wishes, the governor gives him the opportunity to visit the big depositor.

Coming and going, the achievements brought by the big depositors in the future will be counted on his head….

The bonus performance at the end of the year is beautiful just thinking about it.

He gently wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

A senior in the lattice next door stood up with his mobile phone and quipped, “Ah Feng, young people’s brains are spinning fast, there is a great opportunity.”

“Senior, don’t make fun of me, what good way can I come up with… It’s still important to get busy with work first. Feng

Xiaoding shook his head modestly, looking uninterested.

It’s just that after the other party’s attention is not on him, where is the slightest thought of continuing to work.

Several major shopping websites have opened, and various shops with fashion trends and retro stability are dazzling.

Then, click on the group again, and click on the information file of the depositor sent by the president to the group chat.

In front of you, it is a string of numbers that seem to overflow off the screen.

Indicated as a deposit….

Demand deposit!

Feng Xiaoding breathed sluggishly, lifting his spirit and counting them one by one.

A million …

Until billions, until tens of billions, it slowly stopped.

236.88 million yuan!

I couldn’t help but tremble.

Sure enough, big savers….

No wonder the governor is so cautious, the rich people with a net worth of hundreds of billions are in the bank, I am afraid that they do not have more than a billion or two billion deposits.

And this one, full of 20 billion!

If this batch of demand deposits can be converted into regular, year-end bonuses every year, it can reach an extremely amazing amount!

Its banking status is bound to rise.

To put it simply, who has the ability to let this big depositor turn the current period into a regular period.

Even if you don’t use 20 billion, 10 billion will do.

Inside the bank, you can really walk sideways!

Even the president has to whisper to the king of performance, which is the confidence brought by performance.

After a little nervousness, Feng Xiaoding calmed down and immediately continued to study, ready to delve into the information of this big depositor.

After moving his gaze, he first glimpsed his age.

“In your twenties? Hiss…… Having such a net worth in your twenties is really terrifying. Feng

Xiaoding’s face was stunned.

In his twenties, he can control more than 20 billion in liquidity, how thick does this family have?

As he continued to move his gaze, a large avatar became clear.

The person in the photo is bookish, with a green face, like a student.

This is normal, the information owned by the bank is the information entered when the account was opened.

Generally, there are no special circumstances, and depositors will not be actively asked to update.

So these materials are all years old.

You can see the photo, Feng Xiaoding is still like a ghost.

He was not frightened by the young face of the person in the photo, but because…

This man he knew!

The hero of the school back then!

Look at the name again….

Lin Fan!

Sure enough, it’s him!

Feng Xiaoding clenched his fists, and his eyes widened incomparably.

It took no less than ten confirmations before I had to believe it!

This mysterious big depositor, this branch president, his top leader is like a big customer facing the enemy.

It was actually his classmate!

That Lin Fan, who is suspected of being contaminated with vices, bankruptcy and liquidation, and is still looking for a job all over the world!

What’s going on here?

Feng Xiaoding Muran picked up the mobile phone.

At that time, Lin Fan was kicked, and he did not lack praise and applaud in the group.

After all, he also has a bit of hatred of the rich in his heart, and he is inexplicably happy when he sees the fall of the former brother Gongzi.

But the result….

That brother Gongzi did not fall at all, and judging from the amount of funds, not only did he not fall, but on the contrary, he also created brilliance again!

With a cash flow of 20 billion, it can support an enterprise with a market value of more than 100 billion!

Cash is king, banknotes are honored!

The total enterprise value of Sansen enterprises before was only more than one billion.

In other words, this money can get ten or twenty Sansen enterprises.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaoding’s face was full of bitterness.

I knew Lin Fan long ago and kept this kind of background.

At that time, when Yin Sahai wanted to kick Lin Fan, he should have come out to dissuade.

It’s not enough!

He should directly spray Yin Sahai for a while, and then be kicked out of the group with Lin Fan.

In this way, the friendship of classmates plus the experience of speaking out and being unlucky together, these 20 billion storage performance, must not fall on his head?

But now, even the intestines are repentant, and they have no effect.

Even friends have been deleted, and there is no way left.

“Nope… Always have to try. Feng

Xiaoding operated the mobile phone and sent a friend application to Lin Fan again.

Application information: Lin Fan brothers, the last misoperation was deleted, and the labor was passed.

The reason is lame.

But if you want to get results, you have to be thick-skinned.

I can only beg each other, see that the relationship was good in college, and give it another chance.

For a long time, there was no movement.

He applied again.

After another hour or two, the other party Mo said that it passed, and there was no reaction to even refusal.

Sure enough, Feng Xiaoding smiled miserably, the other party didn’t take him seriously at all, and he didn’t even bother to deal with the friend application information.

Missing is missing out, and now it is useless to regret it.

Ding-dong –

At this time, the phone rang softly.

His spirit was shocked, and he quickly lit up to see, but it was not Lin Fan who had his heart in mind.

It was his girlfriend and classmate from college.

A few messages had already been sent just now, but Feng Xiaoding’s attention and thoughts were all on Lin Fan’s side, and he didn’t notice it.

Take another look and ask over there.

“Why don’t you keep coming back to me? What are you busy with? ”


Feng Xiaoding sent a tearless expression, tapped his hands on his mobile phone, and sent it out, “I’ll tell you something, don’t tell others… Lin Fan turned out not to be down!

“Downfall? It can’t be, his sports cars are gone, he has all taken taxis. ”

It could be a misunderstanding… His demand deposits in our bank exceed 20 billion!

“Two billion billion? Isn’t this even more bullish than he used to be?


Feng Xiaoding gritted his teeth, his face was full of indignation, and he cursed in a low voice.

Yin Sahai, this stupid thing, actually kicked the chance of the whole class!

If Lin Fan is still there, relying on this relationship…

How many people have to profit from this.

Stupid, really stupid!

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