If she can be admitted to this one of the top two art colleges in Nanchuan Country, Pingping is definitely not stupid.

After hearing the notice from the school.

Pingping immediately guessed that the real reason for the disappearance was that the missing people touched the water in the early hours of midnight!

When you touch the water at midnight, it will disappear!

Pingping, who guessed this, had a crooked mind.

She was jealous that Su Jing had not been a day or two for a day.

As Su Jing became more and more excellent, she was even more jealous!

Especially when the boy she knew she had a crush on was rejected after confessing to Su Jing, she continued to show her kindness.

There is even a tendency to become a licking dog!

This made Pingping, an ordinary girl, completely collapse!

The male god she licked wildly was actually a licking dog in front of her roommates!

Even more humble than when you licked him yourself!

How can this make Pingping acceptable?

Her heart was gradually twisted.

At this time, the shot is just a good opportunity.


Pingping is not stupid, but Su Jing is smarter.

Long before Pingping spoke, she sensed that her roommate’s look was wrong and secretly took precautions.

At the moment when Pingping threw water at her, Su Jing immediately took out a pillow to block in front of her.


A large cup of corpse water was all spilled on the pillow, and the whole pillow was soaked.

“Li Ping, are you crazy?!”

The things that Pingping can think of, Su Jing can naturally think of.

She knew that Pingping was doing this to make herself disappear!

What’s the difference between that and murder?!

One hit missed, and Pingping’s face twisted together.

“Crazy? Yes! I’m crazy!

I was driven mad by you!

Let’s get out of this world together! ”

Pingping roared, and actually rushed towards Su Jing with open arms.

Between the two of them, separated by a pillow soaked in corpse water.

Pingping’s meaning was already very clear.

Even if she took her own life, she would drag Su Jing into the water!

Su Jing didn’t expect that her roommate was actually crazy to such an extent!

Unable to dodge, the two crashed into each other, all touching the pillow that was soaked with corpse water.

After colliding together, the two looked at each other, and their eyes were a little confused.

After touching the water, it seems… Nothing happened?

This made the atmosphere a little awkward.

But the next moment, the dorm room heard the sound of dripping water.

“Tick tick tick!”

“Tick tick tick!”

Crisp water droplets hit the ground as if it were raining from the ceiling.

This caught the attention of both men.

Pingping raised her head and looked at the ceiling of the dormitory.

After only one glance, his pupils shrank sharply to the size of the tip of a needle, and his face showed an expression of extreme horror!

I saw a wet female ghost with a slightly decaying face on the ceiling.

Her limbs clenched against the wall, and she was lying on the wall like a large humanoid spider!

Through the silhouette of this female ghost’s clothes and face.

What can be seen is that she is Su Jing’s roommate who disappeared before their bedroom, Guoguo!

It turned out that when Su Jing and Pingping were unaware, they had been dragged into the ghost realm by being contaminated with corpse water!

“Fruit, fruit? You, you don’t come, you don’t come! ”

At this time, where did Pingping still have the crazy energy just now.

Seeing this female ghost, she fell to the ground in fright, her hands and feet stomped wildly, and she desperately retreated backwards.

Pingping was already so frightened that her limbs were weak, and she couldn’t stand up!

Su Jing seemed very calm, only a few fluctuations flashed in the depths of her eyes.

The nightmare she experienced every night was ten times, a hundred times more terrifying than this!

Moreover, at this time, Su Jing’s arms were still holding the Scarecrow doll.

This made her feel inexplicably at ease.

Yes, this terrifying and eerie scarecrow doll was also dragged into the ghost realm.


Pingping’s shouting attracted the attention of the female ghost.

It twisted its stiff neck and stared at Pingping with a pair of bloodshot eyes!


The huge fear made Pingping’s mind go blank, and she didn’t know what to do except scream.

The female ghost who was transformed into a fruit seemed to be annoyed by her too.

The figure moved and instantly came to the top of Pingping.

“Don’t, don’t! Guoguo, we are roommates, we are roommates! You can’t hurt me, you can’t hurt me! ”

Pingping smelled a breath of death and frantically begged for forgiveness.

But she seemed to have forgotten that she had come here because she wanted to hurt Su Jing.


Weirdness is unwise.

No matter what Pingping said, this female ghost still pounced on her.

The next moment, a terrible scream came!

However, after a while, Pingping lost her movements, and blood gushed out from under her.

Su Jing saw that after Pingping’s death, the wall of the dormitory suddenly surged, turning from solid to fluid.

Then tentacles stretched out from the wall, dragging her body into it.

Little by little, it was swallowed up and disappeared in front of Su Jing’s eyes.

See this strange scene.

Su Jing was even more certain that she was no longer in the real world at this time, but in a strange space!

She originally wanted to escape while the female ghost killed Pingping.

But the female ghost blocked the door of the dormitory, and there was no way out.

Su Jing even thought about climbing down from the third floor.

But outside the dormitory building is a void space of a black hole hole.

Su Jing’s subconscious mind told her that the world outside the dormitory could not go.

There will be great danger!


Su Jing was in a dilemma.

Female ghosts don’t have these worries.

After killing Li Ping, she slowly turned her head and looked at Su Jing.

That originally cute face became extremely terrifying!

The female ghost was lying on the ground in its entirety, moving her limbs and walking towards Su Jing step by step.

At this critical moment, Su Jing’s breathing became urgent, and her mind was running wildly, trying to find a way to survive.

But now this situation seems to be a situation of mortality!


The second more to send.

I don’t know if it is the reason for the end of the holiday, the results are suddenly a lot worse, it will not be me writing jumps, right? Woohoo┭┮_┭┮

Readers who are still watching, please give some support, thank you ~~~~


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