At this critical moment, Su Jing’s breathing became urgent, and her mind was running wildly, trying to find a way to survive.

But now this situation seems to be a situation of mortality!

At this moment of life and death, Su Jing involuntarily hugged the scarecrow doll in her arms.

It seems that only then can she gain some sense of security.



The female ghost transformed into Guo Guo kept crawling towards Su Jing, dragging a long cloudy water stain behind her.

Su Jing was forced by her to constantly retreat.

But the bedroom was so big, where could she retreat?

Soon, Su Jing was leaning against the corner and had no way to retreat!

The female ghost’s rotten face twitched a little, revealing a smile-like look, as if enjoying the pleasure of hunting.

Then her mouth cracked, opening wider and wider, like a black hole engulfing Su Jing.

If there is no accident, Su Jing is about to be killed by her!

But who knew that the next moment, the scarecrow doll in Su Jing’s arms suddenly changed!

Only to see a flash of blood in its eyes, its jagged mouth moving slightly, and making a hoarse and eerie sound.

“Roll !!!”

Death Whispers, Launch!

Hearing these words, the female ghost’s rotten face stiffened violently, and a look of extreme fear appeared!

The female ghost has no wisdom and cannot understand the meaning of this word.

But this word made her feel a fear she had never felt before!

It seems that if she does not leave, she will be destroyed immediately!

In horror, the female ghost was like a frightened little sheep.

She withdrew her big mouth and bypassed Su Jing.

Then use all four limbs at the same time, quickly climb to the balcony, and then climb along the outer wall of the balcony to the fourth floor.


The situation that took a sharp turn made Su Jing stunned!

Although guessing the scarecrow doll in his arms may be a little different.

But Su Jing never thought that this scarecrow doll could actually talk!

And just one word, this seemingly terrifying and vicious female ghost was scared and crawled with a rolling belt!

What does this mean?

This shows that the Scarecrow doll in her arms is an even more terrifying existence!


In fact, Chen Mo had been spying on Chen Weiwei and Yan Nan.

After learning that he could enter the ghost domain by touching the midnight corpse water, he was already planning to go to the ghost domain.

Chen Mo hadn’t originally thought of dragging Su Jing into the ghost realm.

However, before he could do it himself, Su Jing’s roommate Li Ping dragged them together into the ghost realm like a death.

Chen Mo originally wanted to go into the ghost domain to see, but naturally he didn’t stop it.

But Su Jing is his number one tool man.

How could Chen Mo let her die in the Ghost Domain?

Su Jing felt that there were two Imperial Spirit Spirits’ breaths constantly approaching outside, it was Chen Weiwei and Yan Nan.

So he didn’t lay down the killer.

Directly costs 500+1000 fear points, raising Death Whisper to LV3.

A word of whispering, easily scared away the female ghost who was only G-level.



A loud bang.

The door to Bedroom 306 was pushed open severely.

Chen Weiwei and Yan Nan rushed in.

When the two of them rushed in, they just saw the female ghost flee to the fourth floor, leaving half of her body outside.

The smoker took a deep breath of his cigarette and threw up violently.

The smoke condensed together and shot like a sharp arrow at the female ghost.

Hit her ankle with precision.

The female ghost’s ankle burst, and the corpse water gushed out.

But she escaped as fast as she could.

The huge fear made this female ghost not even want to waste time screaming.

She’s going to get away from that terrifying scarecrow as fast as she can!


“Classmate, are you all right?” How did you get dragged into the ghost domain? ”

When the smoke man attacked the female ghost, Chen Weiwei ran to Su Jing and protected her behind her.

Just half a minute.

First, the Scarecrow doll began to speak, scaring away the female ghost.

Immediately afterwards, two so-called “special investigators” suddenly broke in and injured the female ghost with unbelievable means.

All this had a huge impact on Su Jing’s Three Views!

But Su Jing is worthy of being the tool person selected by Chen Mo.

In the brief shock, I immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

She first quietly hung the Scarecrow doll around her waist, and then pretended to be afraid and said:

“Me, one of my roommates was jealous of me.

She actually threw water behind me and tried to make me disappear!

But I got both of them wet while splashing water.

Then I saw the female ghost, so terrible! ”

“It’s all right, it’s all right, there’s us in you don’t have to be afraid.

By the way, what about your roommate? Didn’t she also be dragged into the ghost domain? ”

Chen Weiwei asked after comforting her.

“She was killed by a female ghost and her body was dragged into the wall.

This female ghost originally wanted to kill me, but suddenly ran away, and it turned out that you were coming.

Really thank you for saving me! ”

Su Jing’s face was grateful.

What she said was half-true, but there was no mention of the Scarecrow doll.

Hearing this, Chen Weiwei and Yan Nan did not have any doubts.

On the one hand, Su Jing’s acting skills are too good.

On the other hand, what Su Jing said was very reasonable.

After being dragged into the ghost domain, Chen Weiwei and Yan Nan entered the dormitory building.

When they reached the third floor, they heard a scream from Room 306.

Then came the scene that happened before.

The two pushed the door and rushed in, the smoke man hurt the female ghost with his hand, and Chen Weiwei protected Su Jing and questioned her.


The third more to send, today seven more, must do! I hope that the readers will support me a lot, and the plot will soon enter the climax.

Thank you for the monthly passes of “LEGION”, “17513xxx534”, “17623xxx593”, thank you very much!

Thank you for the 100-point tip of “passing through the second dimension”, thank you very much!

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