Flesh and straw mingle together, creepy and upright!

But in order to investigate the truth of this strange incident.

The agents of the Secret Service could only suppress the fear and discomfort in their hearts and clean up the straw on these corpses little by little.

It is necessary to know that the flesh and blood of these corpses have been mixed with the scarecrows, and it is extremely difficult to clean up.

It’s also very bloody!

This kind of work is really not something that ordinary people can do.


Before cleaning the face, it took half an hour.

It took more than three hours to clean up the whole body, and the cleaning was not as clean as the face.

Fortunately, the efforts of the investigators were not in vain.

Sure enough, they found a clue!

“Director, these corpses have words in their hearts!”

Needless to say, Kou Zhengliang had already seen it.

The heart of each corpse was carved out of a strange, twisted big character.

It seems to be conveying a message.

However, there are thirty-one words in total, and how to arrange and combine them is a problem.

At this time, it is necessary for the old leader of the think tank at the previous meeting to come out.

After only a short period of observation, the old leader of this think tank discovered the law.

“Go, arrange these corpses by height, from top to bottom.”


At the behest of this old wise leader, the thirty-one corpses were lined up in a row, and the words on them were successfully combined.

The crowd followed the corpses and read them one by one.

“The earth fell to death

Night crows peck at the setting sun

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in darkness

Gaze at you! ”


Just thirty-one words, but it made every Spirit Guardian present feel a chill in their hearts!

This short poem, like a basin of ice water, mercilessly poured through their bodies and minds!

The old leader of the think tank pointed to the words on the corpse and said tremblingly:

“It, it’s warning us, it’s warning us!”

Hearing this, another leader who was an ordinary person gritted his teeth and said:

“Even if it is a warning, we cannot back down from it!”

Isn’t it true that our Secret Service is still afraid of a weirdness?

Don’t forget, the purpose of our Secret Service is to eliminate strange and supernatural events! ”

This is an impassioned remark!

Many people were aroused in their fighting spirit, and the fear in their hearts subsided a few points.

But at this moment…



Suddenly the night crow hissed in the sky.

The hiss was hoarse and eerie, and the listener was uncomfortable.

Amid the roar of the night crow, an investigator looked pained and held his head in a vicious face.

The leader who had just spoken was at his side, and when he saw the situation, he casually asked him:

“Don’t like the sound of the night crow?” Then use your power to incarnate the sun and pierce through the darkness! Pierce this…”

This leader originally wanted to have another wave of chicken soup to stabilize the morale of the army and boost morale.

But he was only halfway through his words, and the investigator couldn’t stand it!


Accompanied by a terrible scream.

A large amount of straw grew in his body, enveloping him layer by layer.

In just a few seconds, this investigator turned into a strange scarecrow in front of this leader!

This horrible scene frightened the leader’s words to an abrupt end, and a fart squatted heavily on the ground.

In utter horror, the leader’s facial muscles were twisted, looking somewhat comical.

Watching one colleague turn into a scarecrow, the other investigators were horrified!

But they did not forget their duty, and they held on to their fear to surround the scarecrow who had been a colleague a few seconds ago.

In the midst of the siege, the scarecrow suddenly opened his mouth.

A hoarse, eerie, dead and desperate voice emanated from his mouth.

“The earth is dead and silent.”

Night crows peck at the sunset ~~

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in the darkness

Gaze at you!! ‘Lough’



The same poem, coming out of the mouth of this scarecrow, is matched by that terrible voice.

How has the horror doubled?

There was also the night crow in the sky, which was constantly hissing, as if to match the chanting of the Scarecrow.

It has taken the sense of horror up another notch!

At this time, Li Xiangxiang, who was hiding on the sidelines and watching the whole strange incident in his eyes.

I was already scared into a cold sweat and my scalp was tingling!

In this extreme fear, she could feel her heart beating wildly!

The sound of “poof, poof” sounded in the ear, and it was exceptionally clear.

It’s like the heart is about to jump out!

Only by covering her mouth with death can she control herself and not scream out loud!

“What the hell is this?” Scarecrow? The living scarecrow?

Are the horrific legends of the Scarecrows in Anjo true?

Is there really a terrible scarecrow wandering around the city?

What does this flash mob have to do with that scarecrow? ”

The more Li Xiangxiang thought about it, the more frightened he became.

She no longer had the courage to look down, forcibly supported her weak legs, and stumbled away.


At this time, the attention of the Secret Service was on the Scarecrow, and they had no intention of caring about anything else.

After chanting this poem, the scarecrow, transformed by humans, lost his movement.

The night crow in the sky also disappeared.

Seeing this, several investigators approached cautiously and checked up.

At this moment, this scarecrow was motionless like a dead thing, similar to Wang Hua’s people.

By the time the straw on the face was removed, the people inside had already lost their breath.

His pale face twisted together, his eyes filled with fear!

This scene made the atmosphere of the scene freeze to the freezing point!

An investigator, in their presence, was transformed into a scarecrow.

And they don’t say they stopped it, they don’t even know how it happened!

This feeling of powerlessness is frightening and painful!

The leader who had spoken generously before had been silenced.

His face was miserable, his body was constantly trembling, and he collapsed on the ground and couldn’t help himself.

Face to face watching a man being swallowed up by straw.

This kind of fear is not something that an ordinary person can bear!


The old think-tank leader performed much better.

Although he was also very scared, he had not yet been defeated in the psychological defense line.

He took several deep breaths, stabilized his mood and mentality, and said in a deep voice:

“It seems I guessed correctly.

This scarecrow is warning us!

This strange incident is actually a death warning! ”

“Death warning?”

Kou Zhengliang muttered to himself, his eyes lost focus, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Yes! Death Warning!

The corpses of most of the members of the Strange Land Society.

A strange incident was made in the downtown area of Anjo.

Leave a horror song on the corpse.

Finally, in front of all of us, an investigator was transformed into a scarecrow.

These actions are warning us!

If we continue to investigate it, if we continue to hunt it down…

Unpredictable and terrible things can happen! ”

Hearing this, the green tendons on Kou Zhengliang’s neck burst out, and he clenched his fists deadly!

When did they compromise with the weirdness after the Secret Service was established?

But now…

In the face of this scarecrow, they really seem to have nothing to do.

Don’t talk about the question of whether you have fought or not.

I can’t even find each other!

Thinking of this, Kou Zhengliang’s clenched fist was weakly released.

He said somewhat decadently:

“I see. I’ll go back and talk to Director Ding to see how this matter can be handled. ”

Today Ding Hanmei had other urgent matters to deal with, all of which did not come.

But if you want to make a big decision, you still have to consult with her.


The danger of this bizarre incident is not great.

At this point, it is basically over.

But it contains information, but it is very big!

After leaving some people to clean up the mess, Kou Zhengliang found Ding Hanmei and discussed the matter with her.

“That’s pretty much the way it is.

That scarecrow is weird and the results of your previous investigations are consistent, and there is a high probability that he has wisdom!

It…… Warning us!

Warning us not to offend it! ”

Hearing this, Ding Hanmei’s face showed a trace of anger.

She said coldly:

“We, the Secret Service, have never compromised with weirdness!

Take a step back today, and give in ten steps tomorrow!

If the scarecrow is going to slaughter Anseong, do we still have to back down? ”

Seeing that Ding Hanmei was still tough, Kou Zhengliang sighed and said helplessly:

“The strength of the Guangwei Lu Departure Society is not as good as ours, but it is not weak either.”

But they were quietly destroyed, without any resistance!

If we choose to fight hard with the Scarecrow… Not a wise move!

The General Administration has been very busy lately, and the Dark Forest is restless again, and there is no way to help us.

At best, this scarecrow is strange and wise, and may not kill indiscriminately.

In fact, as of now, this powerful strange has not caused a large number of casualties.

Maybe…… Its harm (good Zhao) is not so great. ”

Kou Zhengliang persuaded Ding Hanmei from all angles.

No way, they are really just fine!

If the scarecrow really wants to attack the Secret Service, he can easily break it one by one!

And they can’t find each other.

In addition, the headquarters has been busy with important things recently, and there is no time to manage them, let alone send people to support.


After hearing Kou Zhengliang’s words, Ding Hanmei did not speak for a long time.

She looked cold and turned her head to look out the office window.

Seeing this, Kou Zhengliang breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that this girl was acquiescing.

If it was someone else, Kou Zhengliang could go directly back to his Yundu.

But he had a good relationship with Ding Hanmei, and looking at this girl was like looking at his own generation.

Kou Zhengliang didn’t want to see this excellent old man, so he was so damaged in the hands of that scarecrow.

“Since that’s the case, I’m going to cancel this mission.”

I hope that the scarecrow is weird and can feel our sincerity. ”

After saying that, Kou Zhengliang got up and left.

In the office, Ding Hanmei stared at the sky outside the window, and his look gradually changed.

She has always been strong, but at this time she seems to be a little lonely…


First more to send.

Thanks to the “Queen of Kira” and “The author contains my mink” for the 1000 tips, thanks to the “Yang Wuxian” 588 tips! Thank you all for your support! _

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