After the Secret Service revoked the task of targeting the Scarecrow, Chen Mo was much more comfortable.

At least no one was staring at him all day.

When there was nothing wrong at night, Chen Mo went out for a walk.

Find a soul who has violated the seven deadly sins, put it in the Seven Sins Nether Lamp, and increase some of its power.

Or cultivate the weirdness in the ghost domain, similar to having a pet.

It’s just that these “pets” are a little scary.

There were originally nearly 20 strange things in Chen Mo’s ghost domain

After absorbing the strangeness of all the members of the Anjo Mitsuki Riku Society, the number came to 50.

It is still half a year away from the small goal of the hundred ghosts walking at night.

These weirdness can be strong and weak, and the strongest is only the D+ level.

But the number is there, plus there is no problem in countering the weirdness of a C-class.


In addition to these, Chen Mo really hasn’t had any major events lately and has entered a short period of stable development.

“Nightmare” is close to the finale.

It turned out that this small mountain village that made a “scarecrow” had been abducting and selling women and children for many years.

Most of the women in the village are trafficked.

Among them is the mother of the little heroine.

In fact, the little heroine originally had a sister.

But because she was a girl, she was drowned by her biological father at birth.

The little heroine or her mother desperately resisted to save her.

But watching the little heroine grow up to be eight or nine years old, her appearance is quite cute.

Her father had a bad idea and wanted to sell her off.

This made the little heroine’s mother intolerable and directly fought with him.

During the fight, the little heroine’s mother was beaten to death!

The body was buried in a mass grave in the back hill.

In this mass grave in Houshan, countless corpses were buried.

Among them, the mother of the little heroine was killed by domestic violence in this way.

There are also those who tried to escape from the mountain village and were beaten to death.

The 143 resentments of these wronged souls have been condensed together for a long time!

Knowing that the little girl’s mother was buried, these resentments were activated!

Driven by endless resentment, the scarecrow on the mass grave came alive!

Become a vengeful demon and take revenge on the villagers!

One by one, the sinful villagers scarecrows are killed!

The whole village was in a panic!

These sinful people are drowning in endless fear!


Later, a group of lost donkey friends discovered this hidden mountain village.

They wanted to help these “poor” villagers at first.

But after experiencing many difficulties and dangers, they have unearthed the above truth.

I also understand what kind of evil this seemingly harmonious and seemingly indisputable small mountain village hides!

The Scarecrow is the retribution of this group of villagers!

However, when these donkey friends found out the true intentions of the village, they were targeted by the villagers!

These villagers will not allow the secrets of their village to be exposed!

So the villagers waved butcher knives at the foreign donkey friends who had wanted to help them!

One by one, the donkey friends who were not killed by the scarecrows died at the hands of the villagers.

Sometimes, people are more terrifying than ghosts…

In this way, ghosts kill people and people kill people.

The evil fruits accumulated in this village for many years have all exploded!

The whole village was plunged into a bloody chaos!


“Nightmare” is a divine work without a trough, and the climax is wave after wave!

Even as it draws to a close, the story is still incredibly engaging.

At the same time, in addition to fear, it also gives readers a touch of emotion and warmth!

The mothers buried in the back mountains, even with countless grievances, do not forget to protect their daughters.

Killing and rebirth.

Butcher knife and redemption.

The perfect blend together!

Let the reader leave tears of emotion in addition to fear.

The continuous popularity of “Nightmare” has brought Chen Mo a lot of fear points!

Although the horror of the later period of the manga decreased slightly, the readership grew.

He gained more fear points!

A month later, coupled with Chen Mo’s previous storage, his fear value had exceeded 100,000!

Chen Mo did not move this fear value.

He planned to find a good time to use up all these fear values in one go.

Take a good look at your own strength!

Speaking of which, Chen Mo had not improved the core skills that were often used for a long time, namely the “Demon God Body”, “Death Night Crow”, “Death God Scythe”, and “Nightmare Ghost Claw”.

To put it bluntly, it is still poor.

Always just get a little fear value, you have to use it somewhere.

Now that we have entered a period of stable development, we can store a little more fear value without being impatient!


Chen Mo was planning to develop steadily, and Su Jing received good news from there.

“Hello? Teacher Su Jing, good news, good news!

The film and television rights of our “Nightmare” work were sold, and it sold for 30 million!

In addition, investors are very optimistic about this work and want to start filming and release it as quickly as possible!

They also want to invite you to be a screenwriter, would you like to go? ”

Su Jing’s editor, Sister Ling, called, and her voice was very excited.

With the success of “Nightmare”, Ling Jie and Su Jing spoke in a more and more polite tone.

Someone wants to buy the copyright, Su Jing already knew about it, and the website has asked her opinion.

Su Jing now has no feeling for money, so she lets the website watch and do it herself.

I didn’t want to sell it for 30 million!

However, Su Jing is more concerned about the film and television of “Nightmare”.

She now vaguely understood what the Scarecrow wanted and needed.

In order to satisfy this adult, Su Jing hardly hesitated and immediately agreed.

“Okay. I’d like to go to their crew as a screenwriter. Don’t know when the official start of construction will begin? ”

“It’s fast, it’s only a few days.” We’ll pick you up when the time comes. ”


After a brief communication, the matter was finalized.

A few days later, Su Jing was picked up by the crew in Yundu.

Of course, she hadn’t forgotten to bring the Scarecrow doll with her.

From fear to dependence, Su Jing’s mentality has undergone a three-hundred-and-sixty major change!


After entering the crew, Su Jing’s work progressed very smoothly.

There are three screenwriters in the crew, and Su Jing is one of them.

However, considering Su Jing’s popularity and strength, the investor has designated her as the main screenwriter, and has a great say in the content of the script!

The other two are assistant screenwriters, responsible for helping her check the gaps and fill in the gaps, and then make up for the lack of professional skills.

Under the premise of Su Jing’s dominance, a horror film script based on “Nightmare” was soon released!

The script was excellent and quickly received almost everyone’s approval.

Once the script is approved, a series of other work will follow.

Everything else went well, but there was a little trouble with the casting.

The script is based on “Nightmare”, and the main body has not changed.

The main characters are still those two.

One is the little heroine.

One is the Scarecrow.

The age setting of the little heroine is eight or nine years old.

It’s not hard to find a young actor at this age.

But such a small actor, the acting skills are relatively weak.

If you use pure special effects to make the scarecrow in the film, then the little actor has to act in front of the air.

It’s hard to perform that fear that goes deep into the bone marrow!


At this time, the director remembered the “Scarecrow Flash” incident some time ago.

That thing caused quite a stir on the Internet.

Some people even say that several of those “scarecrows” are real monsters!

He was at the scene and saw with his own eyes that a large number of agents had blocked the scene!

But officials soon banned some sensitive speech.

Under the official suppression, this “scarecrow flash incident” was slowly overwhelmed by the massive amount of information on the Internet.

The director did not care about the truth of the incident.

When I think of this, I value the scarecrows in the guise of human beings inside.

He wondered since this flash form of fake scarecrow was believed to be real.

Then make the props realistic by yourself, and then modify them later, and the authenticity is not full?

However, wearing the camouflage suit of the Scarecrow, but also performing that eerie feeling.

Ordinary actors, really can’t do it!

In a short period of time, where to find such a person?

To this end, the director specially conducted an audition and invited some powerful actors to participate.

This matter reached Su Jing’s ears.

She didn’t react at first.

However, Su Jing seemed to have received instructions from someone and took the initiative to find the director.

“Director, I have a… Friend, he can do the job. Can you give it a chance? ”

“Really? Then call him over for an audition. ”

Hearing this, the director said casually.

In his opinion, where does Su Jing, who draws comics, know people with great acting skills?

It must have been a friend of hers who dreamed of stardom and asked for her help.

But since Su Jing opened her mouth, he would give this face and let her friend audition.

Anyway, it’s just an audition.

If the strength and acting skills are not enough, don’t blame him!

After all, the Scarecrow is the well-deserved protagonist of this film, and not everyone can play it!


The second more to send.

The excessive content of two or three chapters will usher in a big plot next.

Thanks for the 588 tip of “Wave”! _

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