The octagonal ghost-faced bronze mirror is a rather powerful C-class creep, and there is still more potential to be tapped.

Even if No. 1 is not strong enough. Even if there is one less eight-door nail.

But the damage it did to the High Sky was actually greater than No. 1 imagined!

The strangeness of the high heavens is called the Soul Monument!

The Heavenly Defense Line was established with the Zhen Soul Monument as the core.

Day and night, desperately trying to stop the expansion of the Dark Forest!

Among them, Gao Tian alone has borne more than 70% of the pressure and has been in the limit state!

At this time, any bit of external force will become the last straw to crush the camel.

Therefore, Nanchuan Kingdom would send a lot of powerful imperial spirits to guard Gao Tian’s side and protect him.

But there are too many strange and strange things in this world.

The octagonal ghost-faced bronze mirror was specially selected by the Beichuan Kingdom to deal with Gao Tian!

This weirdness can directly ignore the heavy protection and attack the body of the high heavens across the distance!

Although the power is not strong for Gao Tian.

But it just happened to be the last shred of strength that broke the balance!

A trace of pain flashed on Gao Tian’s face, and his spirit appeared to relax for a moment.

The defense line of heaven also began to be unstable!


“Hiss ~~~”

There was an eerie hissing sound from the dark forest, and darker shadows swam outward against the ground!

“Be on guard! Protect the Lord of the Heavens! ”

“Go and get the enemy who attacked Lord Tall Heaven out!”

“The Dark Forest riots have intensified! All on guard! ”


This sudden situation caused a moment of turmoil in the Heavenly Defense Line.

But it soon stabilized.

A group of people protect the high heavens and fight against the shadows swimming out of the dark forest.

Another group of 060 people searched around in anger, trying to find out the enemies who hurt the high heavens.

The entire Heavenly Defense Line is in operation!

It didn’t take long for the Imperial Spirit of the Nanchuan Kingdom to find a clue.


A cry of helplessness, horror and despair came from afar.

The reverberations lingered around for a long time.

Just by listening to this voice, you can imagine what kind of pain and fear the owner of this scream experienced before he died!

“There is a situation! Let’s go, let’s go and see! ”

Hearing this scream, the Imperial Spirit of the Nanchuan Kingdom did not hesitate in the slightest and immediately rushed in that direction.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

The scene in front of them made these powerful spirit bearers inhale a cool breath.

I just think it’s weird!

I saw eight scarecrows standing there in different shapes.

They were dressed in clothes and hung with remnants of flesh and blood, and the prototype of human beings could be faintly seen.

In addition, the faces of these eight people were different.

Some looked frightened and desperate.

Some of the corners of their mouths raised eerie smiles.

Some showed a look of relief.


This strange scene makes people’s hearts hairy!

“These people are spies sent by the Beichuan Kingdom, and it should be their attack on Lord Gao Tian.”

After some inspection, a highly detectable spirit hunter came to a conclusion.

“But how did they become where they are now?” Was there something strange about it? ”

One asked doubtfully.

“Obviously, yes! And it is a strange thing that is not weak, and it is easy to solve them. ”

The man replied with a face as deep as water.

In the course of their conversation, a spirit keeper looked at the scarecrows and vaguely remembered something.

He said with some uncertainty:

“I remember that Anjo and Yun both had a scarecrow weird, and Ju said it was very difficult to deal with!”

Wouldn’t it be the weirdness that killed these eight people? ”

“How is that possible? This is already the northernmost part of Nanchuan Country. The range of activities like that spooky won’t be that big. ”

“Hmm… Makes sense, maybe I think too much. ”

“Leave that alone. Pack up the bodies and look around to see where the mystery that killed them is. ”


After some conversation, the men took action.


In a shadow not far away, Chen Mo saw all this.

The Imperial Spirit Bearers in the Heavenly Defense Line are all very strong, and they are never left alone.

He controls a Straw Man doppelganger, and it is almost impossible to kill them and gain fear points!

Moreover, the main purpose of Chen Mo’s trip is to explore the world and understand the Nanchuan Kingdom.

Killing these few Spirit Bearers of the Scorpion Squad was just a matter of convenience.

Who called their strength not strong, and still mastered the powerful weirdness of the octagonal ghost face bronze mirror?

Yes, Chen Mo saw this strangeness and thought it was very good.

He felt that the octagonal ghost-faced bronze mirror had great potential!

It’s just that the Scorpion Squad is too weak to play out.

After killing the eight members of the Scorpion Squad, Chen Mo took away all the weirdness on them.

There are nine of them.

Number 1 of them harnessed two weirdnesses.

After returning to the body, Chen Mo threw these weirdness into the ghost domain and slowly tamed it.

In this way, it is one step closer to the hundred tricks.


With this thought in his heart, Chen Mo quietly stayed away from these Imperial Spirit Beings.

He planned to go a little further and take a closer look at the Dark Forest’s A-level eerie.

This is a powerful strange thing that divides the two countries and makes the great powers helpless!

Come all come, how can you not see it?

However, Chen Mo had just stepped closer and an accident had happened!


An incomparably harsh scream sounded, which seemed to tear apart the eardrums and explode the head!


Many of the Spirits cried out in pain and fell to the ground struggling in pain while holding their heads!

Chen Mo was not affected.

But he saw an incomparably shocking scene.

Only to see a huge wave of shadows in the dark forest!

This shadow wave was like the waves of the tsunami, setting off tens of meters high and rushing towards the defense line of heaven!

When the two collided together, there was no earth-shattering sound.

However, the tombstone under Gao Tian’s body showed a crack!

At the same time, many small holes were punched out of the Heavenly Defense Line.

A large number of shadows poured out along these small holes.

After breaking through the Heavenly Defense Line, these shadows spread out like wild horses that had lost their reins, rapidly spreading around!

These Imperial Spirits of the Nanchuan Kingdom were powerless to stop them!

“It’s over!”

At this moment, these two words flashed in the minds of all the Nanchuan Kingdom Imperial Spirit Beings.

They looked at this scene with a miserable face.

For a while I didn’t know what to do!

“Reforge the defensive line!” Reduce losses! ”

At this moment of crisis, a weak, but incomparably firm voice sounded.

It’s high heaven!

He hasn’t fallen yet!

Inspired by the heavens, these spirits regained their strength.

No one had time to care about the weirdness that killed the Scorpion Squad.

The top group of Imperial Spirit Bearers in Nanchuan Kingdom began to show their strength!

They cooperated with each other, used their own means, and worked hard to strengthen the defense line of heaven.

With their desperate efforts, the small holes in the Heavenly Defense Line were repaired one by one.

But the shadow that ran out before could no longer be caught.

They are spreading at an alarming rate to the entire Nanchuan Kingdom!

When such a thing happened, the Heavenly Defense Line was on high alert, and Chen Mo could not see the Dark Forest closely.

Coupled with the matter of the shadow leakage, Chen Mo smelled a hint of bad breath.

Therefore, Chen Mo immediately controlled the Straw Man and rushed in the direction of Ancheng.


At the same time, the scarecrow doll that was staying in front of Su Jing’s desk suddenly moved.

He came to the villa window with a flicker.

At the same time, he transformed, revealing his true appearance!

It was a tall, skinny scarecrow with a eerie and terrifying face.

He held the Seven Sins Nether Lamp in his left hand, the Death Scythe in his right hand, and the two Death Night Ravens on his shoulders looked around at all the creatures around him ferociously!

Seeing the scarecrow’s posture of waiting in a strict line, Su Jing, who was creating “Nightmare”, felt a little uneasy and curious.

She stopped what she was doing, came to the Scarecrow, and looked up out the window.

“Lord Scarecrow, what are you looking at?”

After such a long time together, Su Jing already knew that this strange thing around her was wise.

That’s why I asked this question.

But the Scarecrow ignored her, still staring dead into the northern sky.

Su Jing looked down at him with some puzzlement.

But after watching for a full minute, I didn’t see anything wrong.

Just when Su Jing was about to give up, a strange scene happened!

A eerie shadow came from the north at an alarming speed, covering the entire sky!

In the blink of an eye, Anjo was plunged into a gray darkness, as if he had been put into a condom.

This scene also happened in other cities in Nanchuan Country.

Three minutes later.

The whole country of Nanchuan, it was dark!


The second more to send. _

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