“Attention all citizens! Insert an urgent message!

There are unknown weather disasters in various areas of Nanchuan Country, and the visibility is low, so please reduce your travel and safety first! ”


Yang Lei listened to the news, looked at the gray sky outside the window, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed!

An hour ago, the cities of Nanchuan Kingdom suddenly cast a shadow and fell into a state of semi-blackness.

Anjo is no exception.

This situation is a bit like a cloudy day when the light is very dark, but there is a difference.

In the darkness, something was writhing in the shadows, as if some shadows were going to come alive!

After getting closer, there was nothing.

It’s very weird!

Others Yang Lei did not know.

But he himself loved the sudden weather disaster.

The reason is simple, Yang Lei is a senior criminal.

He went to jail at the age of 16.

Now 35 years old, he has been in prison four times in 19 years.

It can be said that most of Yang Lei’s best years were spent in prison.

Not long ago, Yang Lei just released it, and his hands were very tight, but it was impossible to work well.

Encountering this kind of dark weather disaster, it is just right for him to go out and “hunt”!

In this case, it is estimated that there is no time to take care of him when he commits something.

Thinking of this, Yang Lei put on his coat, took a fruit knife and went out.


At this time, the streets were in a mess.

The sudden change in weather caused many traffic accidents, and most roads were blocked.

The streets are full of hurried passers-by, looking panicked and careful.

Needless to say, it can be seen that these people are thinking of going home early to avoid this unknown weather disaster.

Yang Lei was not in a hurry or panic.

Under the shadow of the shadows, he was like a hungry wolf, and his fierce and greedy eyes wandered through the bodies of passers-by.

However, there were too many people on the main road, and Yang Lei did not dare to do anything here.

After thinking about it, he began to walk towards the remote suburban area.

In the process of walking, Yang Lei felt that the air around him was particularly depressed, making his breathing slightly difficult.

Unconsciously, Yang Lei was actually a little sleepy, and his consciousness began to blur.

He walked in the middle of the remote alleys in a daze, his brain becoming less and less awake.

At this time, Yang Lei vaguely saw a tall thin figure in front of him.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that he had come out “hunting” this time.

Yang Lei shook his head, trying to sober himself up.

Then he felt the fruit knife in his arms and quietly circled to the back of the tall thin figure, approaching little by little.

When the distance between the two people is close to a certain point.

Yang Lei pounced on it and pressed the knife against the back of the tall thin figure.

“Hand over everything on your body!” Otherwise, Lao Tzu will take your life! ”

Yang Lei roared fiercely, and at the same time, the knife reached forward.

Under his threat, the tall thin figure seemed frightened, pausing motionlessly.

Just when Yang Lei was a little impatient, a hoarse and eerie voice suddenly sounded.

“I… Yes…… Fear…… Fear…… And…… Die…… Dead, you… Want…… ?”

At the same time as this sound sounded, the figure slowly turned its head.

This is the real sense of the turn.

Because his body was motionless, only his head rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, and a pair of black hole hole eyes stared at Yang Lei!

This scene is terrifying!

Yang Lei was startled and suddenly woke up.

At this time, he was horrified to find that the target of his hostage was actually a scarecrow!

A tall, skinny scarecrow!


After a pause of half a second, Yang Lei shouted in horror.

In extreme panic, he swung his fruit knife wildly and frantically stabbed at the Scarecrow.

But after several stabs in a row, it was impossible to stab at all.

As if this were not a scarecrow, but a steel plate!

Just when Yang Lei wanted to throw the knife and escape, he actually stabbed it with the last knife.

This made Yang Lei stunned.

But soon, a look of extreme horror appeared on his face!

The knife was so powerful that he even stuck his arm into the Scarecrow’s body.

It’s easy to come in, it’s hard to get out.

Yu Lei felt that his arm was stuck in the body of the Straw Man by death.

Can’t move!

Stuck in the body of this terrifying scarecrow, Yang Lei was about to be scared crazy

He tried his best to pull out his arm.

But it doesn’t work at all!

Not only that, but his body was dragged into it little by little.

It seems like it is going to be swallowed up by this scarecrow entirely!

At first, Yang Lei was only stuck in the position of his forearm.

But soon, the elbow was engulfed and the shoulder was engulfed!

Yang Lei’s whole person was being dragged in and devoured by the Scarecrow little by little!

And it is being devoured in an extremely terrifying way!

“Aa!!!aa Help me! Help me!!! ”

Yang Lei screamed madly and struggled madly.

But this alley was chosen by him to rob it, very hidden, very remote.

Usually, there are no people, and now when encountering such sudden weather disasters, there is no one else.

Yang Lei was swallowed into his body by the Scarecrow little by little, inch by inch.

And clear consciousness the whole time!

That’s the most painful, the most painful thing!


When he saw Yang Lei’s swallowed shoulder and head, a tragic green light appeared in the alley.

Dangling back and forth in the shadows.

This made Yang Lei, who was already desperate, see a glimmer of hope!

He shouted to the place where the light came:

“Save me! Come and save me! Is there anybody? Help me! ”

It seemed that Yang Lei was heard shouting, and the light did not rush to this side.

Vaguely, Yang Lei saw an equally tall thin figure walking toward him, holding a dilapidated old green lantern in his hand.

“Are you going faster?” Hurry up and save me! ”

Under the eager fear, Yang Lei broke the scolding, and there was some resentment in his heart for why this person did not hurry up to save himself.

In Yang Lei’s constant cry for help, the figure still maintained its original speed and walked smoothly to this side.

But at this time, the Scarecrow did not know for what reason, but stopped devouring.

This made Yang Lei’s heart burst with a glimmer of hope!

But when the figure got closer, he froze.

This figure carrying a lantern is actually a scarecrow!

A scarecrow with a lantern?!

Hell yes!

Without waiting for Yang Lei to react, the scarecrow raised the lantern in his hand and aimed it at him.

Yang Lei only felt a whirlwind of heaven, followed by a burst of relaxation in his body, and there was a sense of soaring.

It feels as if you are free from all the shackles, and it is very enjoyable!

“What’s going on? Am I saved? Am I out of trouble? ”

At first, Yang Lei thought he was saved, and he was very surprised.

But soon, he saw a body exactly like himself, completely engulfed by the scarecrow!

Seeing this picture, Yang Lei froze.

He finally found that he was actually in a soul state now!

He…… He’s dead!

Ask for flowers

After trying to understand this, before Yang Lei could feel fear, a powerful suction force came.

Sucked him into a miserable green space.

Here, there are countless unjust souls screaming, roaring, struggling, and sinking!

They were burned by the green flame in the center, and the pain was extreme!

Endless pain is condensed here!

Burst out of power and lit this tragic green ghost lamp!


At this moment, Yang Lei understood everything.

His soul was sucked into that miserable green lantern!

What awaits him will be endless pain!


The next moment, green flames struck him.


A terrible scream came from the Seven Sins Nether Lamp, but it was quickly cut off.

Since then, there has been another sinful soul in the lantern, which has become the fuel of the Seven Sins Nether Lamp.


Accepting a soul who had committed seven deadly sins, Chen Mo was quite satisfied.

But when he thought of the appearance of the shadows, he was a little distressed.

The shadows that leaked from the dark forest spread to every city in Nanchuan Country.

This shadow seems to have the effect of assimilating the living beings in it.


However, due to its dispersion, the effect of assimilation is very low and the strength is low.

The Spirits can basically ignore it.

Words of ordinary people

Strong willpower, will not be affected for a short time.

If the willpower is weak, there will be a trance, mental depression, and confusion in the early stage.

Then it will be assimilated step by step.

Chen Mo speculated that the whole process would take 20-50 days, which was very slow.

Overall, this strange incident covering the whole Nanchuan country is not very harmful.

But Chen Mo always had a vague feeling that things would not be so simple.

After the shadow was covered, Chen Mo’s straw man appeared for a short period of “black screen” phenomenon.

To be precise, the connection between him and a straw man was temporarily severed.

It took half a minute to recover.

Therefore, Chen Mo would come out to check on this doppelganger, and as a result, he encountered a robber who gave away his head, and he reluctantly accepted his soul.

Back to the fact that the straw man was cut off.

This matter basically will not be done by the Secret Service.

The Secret Service would not take a shot at itself in this situation.

If you want to shoot, it must be more than that.

So who was it that temporarily severed his connection with the Straw Man?

Those folk spirits?


After the destruction of the Guangwei Lu Society, Anjo did not have such a powerful civil organization.

Chen Mo’s scarecrow was not so easy to cut off.


After thinking about it carefully, Chen Mo did not find out who or the forces in Ancheng who might be doing this.

So…… It is very likely that there will be an external force!

With such an analysis, Chen Mo felt that there was a high probability of sneaking in a few “little mice” in Ancheng.

“Pray … Pray that you will not be caught by me… Little mice…”

After roughly thinking about it, Chen Mo carried the Seven Sins Nether Lamp and slowly blended into the darkness.

As for the straw man who had just been separated, he continued to stay where he was, performing his duties.

Maybe there is a chance to catch those little mice.

At this time, in an abandoned factory in Anjo.

There were more than a dozen mysterious people dressed in black robes and hoods, who could not see clearly.


Third more.

Thanks to “PEIN” and “15921xxx793” 588 tips! _

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