After returning to Yicheng, Xiong Yinglong began to prepare for entering the A-class ghost domain.

The main force of this mission is naturally Xiong Yinglong himself and his four King Kongs!

In addition, Xiong Yinglong would also bring thirty guards and retinues.

These people were all C-level Spirit Masters.

Such strength has almost no room to play in the A-level ghost domain.

But…… They can act as death squads to help Xiong Yinglong clear mines.

To put it bluntly, it is to send death.

However, Xiong Yinglong did not have the slightest pity.

The state raises them so that they can contribute at such a time!


After gathering people, Xiong Yinglong led the team to the outskirts of Yicheng, an empty playground.

This playground is where the A-class ghost domain is located!

Now this place has been blocked, waiting for Xiong Yinglong’s arrival!

After coming here, Xiong Yinglong took out a brush that had been dripping blood and drew a door in the air.

The most amazing thing is that this door can actually be opened!

“Go! Fast forward! This door opened with a spooky prop can enter the ghost realm, but it can only last for thirty seconds, hurry! ”


At Xiong Yinglong’s urging, their group quickly drilled in.

By the time the last person had entered, the painted blood door had disappeared.

Xiong Yinglong looked at the brush in his hand strangely, and at this time the tip of the pen had no blood-colored ink.

If you want to use it to open the door of space, you have to wait until a month later. (Some weird can be used without driving, similar to props)

That is to say, Xiong Yinglong and others can no longer use this brush to return to the real world in a strange way.

Unless they can last past thirty days.

However, normally, thirty days of time, or have already figured out the laws of the ghost domain and found the trick to enter and exit.

Either he’s dead, and he doesn’t need that weird brush.


Thinking of this, Xiong Yinglong put it away and focused on this A-level ghost domain.

After entering the ghost realm, they came to another space.

Here is full of spring colors, pleasant scenery, a bit of the taste of Jiangnan water town.

A clear river that runs through the middle.

On both sides of the riverbank are two villages.

It couldn’t seem normal.

However, everyone present knew that this was a ghost domain, and it was a Class A ghost domain!

Its normalcy is precisely the most abnormal place!

“Let’s go, let’s go into the village.”

After looking around and finding no surprise, Xiong Yinglong led the team to the village.

Soon, the path they had taken split into two forks.

A river leads to the right side of which stands a boundary marker.

A big word on the book – Birth!

On the left side of the other leading to the small river, a boundary pillar is also erected.

A big word on the book – Die!

Looking at the two big characters on the boundary monument, Ma Jun and other guards looked at each other and vaguely felt an ominous atmosphere.

Xiong Yinglong nodded with satisfaction and said:

“That’s a bit of a ghost realm!” Those who don’t know think we’re here for an outing! ”

Hearing this, Ma Jun respectfully asked him:

“General, which way do we go?”

Xiong Ying said with a sigh of relief:

“Two paths, one life and one death.” Lao Tzu does not choose the way of life!

Go, go to the dead end! ”

Xiong Yinglong waved a big hand and led the crowd to the left side of the river.


After entering the village, Xiong Yinglong found that there was no one in the village in this big daylight!

It’s very weird!

But after walking around for a while, Xiong Yinglong heard some movements.

The place where the movement is heard is… The ancestral hall of the village!

“Boss, I always feel weird, do we want to go straight over?”

The third of the four King Kongs asked Xiong Yinglong.

Xiong Yinglong said in a deep voice:

“The task of our trip is to find out the laws of this ghost realm.

It would be even better if he could catch a few high-level weirdos and go back.

If you avoid everywhere, how can you find out the rules? ”

Hearing this, the third elder understood Xiong Yinglong’s meaning, nodded his head and stopped speaking.


Without any unnecessary nonsense, the group went to the ancestral hall of the village.

After approaching, Xiong Yinglong found that this ancestral hall was brightly lit and plastered with the big red “囍” character.

Look at it like this, it doesn’t match the word “death” at all!

And all the villagers gathered in the ancestral hall, no wonder there was no one in the village.

Just when Xiong Yinglong was strange, a villager found their group.

“Yow! Here come the guests, here come the village!

Come and go, you’re welcome, come in!

Today is the day of our big birthday in Dead Gate Village!

The visitor is a guest, such a good thing, will not be less than you! ”

With that, the villager pulled Xiong Yinglong’s clothes and dragged him toward the ancestral hall.

Xiong Yinglong’s eyes flashed a fierce light, but he did not resist and followed the villager into the ancestral hall.

The others followed suit.

This is the A-class ghost domain, Xiong Yinglong can’t go on a rampage like in the Scarecrow Valley, and use brute force to crack everything.

If he dared to make such a fool of himself in the A-level ghost domain, it was estimated that he would soon be killed on the spot!

Therefore, we can only temporarily obey and see what the situation of this ghost domain really is.


After entering the ancestral hall, Xiong Yinglong saw that in the center of the ancestral hall were five coffins.

It is plastered with the word “囍”.

The word “囍” and the coffin are paired together, and there is always a strange sense of violation, which makes people creepy!

“General, what the hell is going on in this village?” Why did you put the inscription on the coffin? ”

Ma Jun asked with a pale face.

Xiong Yinglong’s knowledge was not comparable to that of ordinary spirit masters.

Seeing this scene, he already had a vague guess in his mind.

Only to see Xiong Yinglong said lightly:

“It should be a meditative marriage.”

But…… Ordinary meditative marriages are done relatively hidden.

How this village is swinging, as if it is some kind of festive event. Somewhat quirky. ”


Hearing this, there was some hair in the hearts of the people.


At the same time, the villagers were performing strange rituals, twisting their bodies and bouncing around, with words in their mouths.

For some reason, this simple action always gives people an incomparably strange feeling!

Soon, the ceremony was over.

An old-fashioned figure of the clan took a bamboo tube and walked to each villager in turn.

These villagers draw a bamboo skewer from the bamboo tube.

Most people were annoyed after smoking.

Only a few people saw the bamboo skewers and their faces showed the color of ecstasy!

Soon, the elder of the clan took the bamboo tube and came to the front of Xiong Yinglong and his party.

“Guest, smoke one. If you win the lottery, something good will happen! ”

Hearing this, Xiong Yinglong directly smoked one, took it out and looked at it, and there was not a word.

Not on the roll.

The others also followed Xiong Yinglong’s example, and one of them drew a bamboo stick.

One of the guards glanced at the sign and shouted excitedly:

“Hit it! I won! It’s on the sign-up! ”

Hearing this, other villagers threw envious and jealous glances at him.

The old man walked slowly to him, a smile on his face full of folds, and said:

“Congratulations to this guest, your luck is good. It is possible to marry one of the brides and marry into a meditative marriage. ”

“What?” Dark…… Marriage? Half a day of smoking, is it smoking people to engage in meditation marriage? ”

At first, the guard thought it was a good thing, but he was directly dumbfounded after hearing the words “secret marriage”!


Seeing everyone’s message, it turned out that I was afraid of writing eunuchs or something.

I swear by this that I will never write it! I haven’t written it before, I haven’t read people and then I don’t write…

The outline of this book is quite long, and there is still a lot of normal writing. Now it is four thousand, as long as it does not fall below five hundred, I will always try to update. Thank you all for your support!

Thanks for the “fake” 588 tip. Thanks to “Rhein” for the 1000 tip!

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