“I… I don’t want to get married. Is it okay to give up? Is it someone else? ”

The guard was dumbfounded, and asked the clan elder.

Who knew that as soon as these words came out, all the villagers in the ancestral hall suddenly turned their faces and turned their heads to look at him.

The villagers looked gloomy and frightening, and their bodies were full of ghosts.

There was a vague feeling that they were going to run away en masse!

At the same time, the sky outside instantly darkened.

Something terrible seems to be brewing!

At this moment, even Xiong Yinglong felt a little bad.

“Promise him!”

Xiong Yinglong gave a deep command to his guards.

The guard also found that the situation was not good, and immediately changed his mouth:

“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, I promise, I promise not to do it!”

Hearing this, the villagers returned to normal, and the sky outside brightened.

An eerie smile appeared on their faces again.


“Oh ~ now that the five couples have been elected, let’s start the wedding!”

The old man of the clan smiled darkly, and then the villagers in the entire ancestral hall laughed and jumped, and their looks became more and more strange.

It’s like a bunch of demons dancing!

In the confusion, the guard was pulled into the middle by the villagers and forcibly dressed him in a big red dress.

In addition to him, four other people also got dressed, and stood expectantly in front of the five coffins plastered with the word “囍”.

Immediately after, a terrible scene appeared!

“Bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

Five muffled noises in a row, and the coffin lid was all lifted!

Five corpses dressed in red wedding robes and smelling of corpses slowly floated out of the coffin!

At this moment, the breath of the guards who had been chosen to be the bridegroom of the underworld was stagnant!

He had thought it would take a form.

Now it seems… Is it really necessary to marry a dead man!?

He was terrified in his heart and wanted to ask Xiong Yinglong for help.

But as soon as I turned back, all that came into my eyes were the villagers with strange looks.

I couldn’t see Xiong Yinglong and their group at all!

At this moment, he was completely panicked!

“No, no! I don’t want to go to the meditative marriage, let me out! I don’t want to participate in a meditative marriage! ”

He struggled to escape.

But these villagers were like a brass wall and an iron wall, dead in front of him.

Enraged, he used his strange power.

But hitting these villagers was like mud cattle into the sea, and there was no reaction at all!

“Bridegroom, don’t run around, the wedding is about to start!” Come on! ”

The voice of the clan elder came from a faint voice, like a cry in hell, and the guard who listened to it was terrified!

He wanted to struggle, but suddenly his limbs stiffened, and his body lost control!!!

“Uh… Uh…”

He opened his mouth a little gap with all his might, but he couldn’t utter a word!

Not even shouting!

At this moment, he was terrified to the extreme!

But the really scary thing is just beginning!

Only to see one of the corpses wearing a big red wedding robe float in front of the guards.

The putrid smell rushed through him with some nausea and wanted to throw up.

But the body is controlled, but it can’t spit it out.

“Worship heaven and earth!”

At this time, the voice of the clan elder came again quietly.

The guard’s body was uncontrolled, stiff and the corpse of the bride performed the ceremony.

“Second worship high church!”

“Husband and wife worship!”

The ceremony proceeded step by step, and when the husband and wife worshipped, the distance between one person and one corpse was close to the limit.

During the prayer, the guards watched as a black gotten fell out of the red cap of the corpse bride.

Fall on his face!


The guards shouted madly in their hearts, but in fact, their mouths could only tremble slightly, and they couldn’t make any sound!

There was no way to get rid of the maggot.

The corpse maggot crawled around his face and soon crawled to his eye socket.

“Don’t, don’t! Don’t! ”

The guards roared madly in their hearts.

But what he didn’t want to see, it happened.

The corpse maggot actually squirmed and burrowed into his eyes little by little!

In this scene, everyone who saw it was tingling in their scalps!

This kind of thing, just imagining it, is enough to break down the psychological defense line of many people.

What’s more, it is really happening?

After the corpse maggot burrowed into the guard’s eyes, his eyes suddenly became much sluggish, and his consciousness entered a state of chaos.


“Licheng! Cave room! ”

At this time, accompanied by a quiet shout from the clan elder, the whole marriage came to the final step.

That is… Cave room!

However, this cave room of marriage is unusual.

I saw a pair of men and women who had just been married, just embraced together, and were carried into the coffin by the villagers.

Then nailed the coffin with a black coffin the length of the forearm.

Soon, it was Xiong Yinglong’s turn to be the guard.

The female corpse moved closer to him little by little, then opened her rotten arms and hugged him tightly in her arms.

At this moment, all the previous restraints are lifted.

He regained control of his body and was somewhat clearer under intense fear.

But that’s the most painful thing!

Even after regaining control of his body, this guard still could not get rid of the shackles of the corpse bride, but instead experienced the ultimate fear before dying!

His body was tightly entangled with the corpse bride and carried by the villagers into the coffin!

“No!!! No! General, save me! Please, save me! ”

Seeing that he was sent to the coffin little by little, the guards screamed bitterly.

But got no response!

Soon he was thrown into the coffin and lay merely with the corpse bride.

The lid of the coffin was closed and the endless darkness engulfed him!

Soon, he heard a muffled sound.

“Tuk tuk! Tuk tuk! ”

At this time the sound of nails nailed into the coffin!

At this moment, the guards were terrified to the extreme!

The dark narrow coffin is filled with a suffocating putrid smell.

The tremendous fear almost made him pass out!

Suddenly, a little green fluorescence lit up in the darkness.

The guards were horrified to see that the corpse bride, who was facing him face to face and face to face, gradually lifted the red hijab.

Under the red cap is a terrifying face that is half-decayed and crawling with black corpse maggots!

In her mouth, a ghostly voice sounded:

“Xianggong ~ into the cave room ~ ”

With that, this rotten and terrifying face leaned over to the guards, as if to kiss him.

The distance between one person and one corpse was already close enough.

If you get any closer, it’s just a negative distance.

And indeed it is!

This rotten and terrifying face came close to the guards, and it actually melted into it little by little!

This scene is simply terrifying!

Two heads, gradually fused!


At the last moment before the consciousness disappeared, the guards let out a terrible scream!

The whole sound is twisted together!

Just by listening to this voice, you can imagine what kind of fear he experienced before he died!


At the outermost part of the ancestral hall, Xiong Yinglong, who was standing on the edge of the crowd, looked at the entire process of the marriage with a gloomy face and did not say a word.

Everyone else saw it too, and almost everyone was frightened and pale, glad that it wasn’t themselves who were drawn.

Although Xiong Yinglong’s face was ugly, he had no intention of stopping it.

For apart from himself and his four great Kongs, the remaining thirty guards were cannon fodder.

Specially brought into the A-class ghost domain for mine clearance.

How could Xiong Yinglong rush to strike for cannon fodder?

Using their lives to explore the laws and dangers of this ghost domain is the right way for them to use it.

At this moment, the ghostly Sensen clan elder once again appeared in front of Xiong Yinglong and the others.

He said politely:

“The guest just now, who married a beautiful man, is now blessed.

If you want to be like him, you’ll have to wait until a month later! ”

The clan elder’s tone was tinged with a hint of regret.

However, when Ma Jun’s entourage and guards heard this, they breathed a long sigh of relief.

For at least a month, they no longer have to worry about being forced into a horrific marriage!

Who knew that they had just breathed a sigh of relief, and the old words of the clan turned sharply and said quietly:

“However, today is also a good day for Shengmen Village.

When they heard that we had guests here, they wanted to invite you to be guests as well.

You guys…… Want to go? ”

Hearing this, Ma Jun and the others all had a “clucking” sound in their hearts, and the secret path was not good!

Xiong Yinglong didn’t care, if he wanted to find out the laws of the ghost domain, he had to explore.

Without hesitation, he asked, “Okay, how do I get there?” ”

The clan elder said, “The people of Shengmen Village are already waiting at the entrance of the ancestral hall, and you can see them when you go out.” ”


Xiong Yinglong agreed, and led a group of people to stride towards the outside of the ancestral hall.


Thanks for the 5000 tip on “Eternal Night”!!!

Thanks to “Flourishing” and “Gaidi Tiger”. “1000 tips!

Thanks to the 588 points of “q387xxx281”, “Lotus Tang Three Oak”, and “Diga Buddha”!

I didn’t expect to have so many brothers to support, I am really grateful! Be sure to work hard to update, go all out to change it!

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