A few minutes later, Xiong Yinglong and his party walked out in a daze.

Even Xiong Yinglong’s face was a little ugly, not to mention someone else.

The picture of giving birth to a ghost baby is really terrifying!

This is their senior spirit reaper.

If ordinary people see it, they will most likely be scared crazy and stupid!


After leaving the ancestral hall, they breathed in the fresh air vigorously, as if they could forget the horrific pictures just now.

After slowing down for a moment, Xiong Yinglong asked the fifth of the four King Kongs:

“What do you think of this ghost domain?”

The strength of the fifth is the weakest, but the brain is good and good at analysis.

Therefore, he was recognized by Xiong Yinglong and was incorporated by him as a subordinate of the concubine.

Hearing this, the fifth old man suppressed the feeling of wanting to throw up and said in as calm a voice as possible:

“There is not much information available at the moment.

Left of the dead gate village, right of the village of Shengmen, a small river in the middle.

The village of Dead Gate is full of men and holds a meditative marriage.

Shengmen Village is full of women, giving birth to ghost babies.

There must be some connection between the two.

But again, there are too few clues and too little information.

It can’t be analyzed for the time being. ”

Xiong Yinglong nodded, as if pondering something.

This A-class ghost domain does not seem to have any mandatory dangerous events for the time being, and no A-class weirdness has been found.

It seems that it needs to continue to explore.

At this time, a female villager came out of the ancestral hall.

She still had that weirdly stiff smile on her face and said to Xiong Yinglong and the others:

“Dear guest, it’s going to get dark soon.

Our village, do not entertain guests at night, please leave here. ”

Hearing this, everyone’s hearts jumped, and they vaguely smelled a trace of ominousness!

Xiong Yinglong looked up at the sky.

There is no sun in this ghost area, so it is impossible to see the picture of the sunset in the west.

But at this time, the light is indeed a little darker!

But the problem is that there are only two villages and one river in this ghost area.

Shengmen Village was not allowed to let them enter at night, and it was most likely that the Dead Gate Village was also like this.

So where can they go?

Thinking of this, Xiong Yinglong stepped out and asked coldly:

“What if I had to stay in the village?”

Hearing this, the villager’s smile became even more distorted, and the whole face was tangled.

Her voice also became sharp and frightening.

“When it gets dark, you can’t go into the village, you don’t want to live…”

“When it gets dark, you can’t go into the village, you don’t want to live…”

She repeated the words and turned her head and walked toward a room.

After her, the villagers in the ancestral hall also left one by one and returned to their homes.

Similarly, their mouths are repeating this sentence.

This strange scene made Ma Jun and others get goosebumps!

“Boss, what now?”

The third of the four King Kongs asked Xiong Yinglong.

Xiong Yinglong looked at the rapidly darkening sky and said in a deep voice:

“Wait, I’d like to see what happens if I don’t leave after dark.”

After coming to the A-level ghost domain, Xiong Yinglong endured and endured, and he was almost to the limit!

The two weirdness he harnessed made his character extremely manic and tyrannical!

Can endure until now, can only say that Xiong Yinglong’s willpower is choking enough, and the effect of the Green Dragon Glass Eye is also good enough.

But this time, Xiong Yinglong didn’t want to put up with it!

He wanted to see what kind of danger this A-level ghost domain was.

However, Xiong Yinglong did not intend to be reckless either.

He led the men to the edge of the river, near the canopy boat.

Here, on the edge of the village.

If something extremely terrible really happens later, Xiong Yinglong can also lead people to jump on this black tent boat to hide.

The whole ghost area does not belong to the territory of the village, and it seems that this is only this river.


Led by Xiong Yinglong, a group of them stood by the river, quietly waiting for dark.

This A-level ghost domain didn’t make them wait long.

Just ten minutes later, the entire Ghost Domain event had fallen into a darkness, with almost no light!

It is most appropriate to describe it as not seeing five fingers.



A kind of other sound, ringing in the darkness.

“Boss, what’s this sound?”

The third elder stared wide-eyed with all his might, but he still couldn’t see anything, only the outlines of some of the village buildings.

This darkness is too extreme!

Almost achieved the effect of depriving the visual!

But also Xiong Yinglong’s eyes, is a weird!

He forcefully urged the Green Dragon Glass Eye, and a faint blue light emanated from his one-eyed eye.

With the help of the Green Dragon Glass Eye, Xiong Yinglong was horrified to find that the entire Shengmen Village was squirming like an organ of some kind of creature.

It also carries a black slime that looks very disgusting!


On the squirming ground, a large bubble suddenly appeared.

After the bubble broke, some black liquid stained one of Xiong Yinglong’s guards.

In an instant, these slimes grow like crazy!

It grew into tentacles and stretched into the ground, pulling this guard over!

“Ah! The general saves me, the general saves me! ”

Suddenly, before the guard could react, he was dragged and fell to the ground.

Half of the body has been engulfed into the ground!

Seeing the bear Yinglong immediately attacked!

The ghoul possessed, and a vicious tail shot out like a sharp arrow!


A sharp hiss.

Xiong Yinglong’s tail cut through the black mucus, allowing the guard to temporarily free himself from the shackles.

The guard gasped for breath and walked towards Xiong Yinglong with a frightened face.

But before he could take a few steps, he suddenly died of exhaustion and fell to the ground and died violently!

Xiong Yinglong stared at it, only to see that where he was just now, an illusory soul was slowly swallowed into the ground!

These ghosts are not aimed at the body, but at the soul!

At the same time, Xiong Yinglong also felt a strange force invading his body along the tail.

It turned out that when he was guarding the guard just now, Xiong Yinglong’s tail was also stained with some mucus!

After discovering this, Xiong Yinglong was extremely decisive and immediately stretched out a bone blade from his body to cut off his tail.

Soon, however, a brand new tail grew.

“Withdraw! Go on board! ”

After seeing the danger in the village at night, Xiong Yinglong no longer hesitated and immediately led people to retreat to the boat of the black tent.

These ghost things can directly hit the soul, and Xiong Yinglong is somewhat difficult to resist.

As for these people under him, they were even more unstoppable.

Now the only way is to leave Shengmen Village and go to the small river for a night.


Xiong Yinglong and his party retreated quickly, but after all, there were thirty people.

And the boat is too small to get on the boat so conveniently.

Two people did not evacuate in time and were swallowed up by the creeping ground.

The last one who was still on the shore saw this scene, and the frightened undead stormed!

Seeing the danger coming, the man in front of him had not yet fully boarded the boat, and he simply “poofed” and jumped into the river.

The cold water of the river surrounded him at once, but he let out a long sigh of relief.

At the very least, get rid of those terrible creeping earth.

After slowing down for a moment, he immediately headed towards the black canopy boat.

Xiong Yinglong also spotted the man who had jumped into the water and jumped on the bow of the boat to row towards him.

But before he could scratch it, the man’s face suddenly stiffened.

Without saying a word, he died instantly!

After his death, some black substance appeared from the bottom of the water, wrapping his body in layers and dragging it into the water.

Xiong Yinglong took a closer look and found that the body of this subordinate had turned into an empty shell without a soul!

Another means of devouring souls!

And strong terrible!

Devour the soul of a C-level Spirit Hunter in just a moment!

Xiong Yinglong’s mood was slightly heavy.

But at this moment, the frightened voice of the old third sounded on the ship:

“Old, boss! This river, something is wrong! ”

Xiong Yinglong was still paying attention to things on the shore at first, and after listening to the third elder’s words, he found something strange.

The river between Deathgate Village and Shengmen Village was originally only ten meters wide.

But now, I can’t see the edge at a glance!

The river that had been calm also became turbulent.

A wave came and slapped this black canopy boat in the middle of the river!

That’s it.

The most terrifying thing is that in this big river, a little green ghost fire has emerged, and one after another vicious ghosts have emerged from the river!

It’s so dense that you can’t count them!

All over the space!


I don’t know who swallowed the spit, and it seemed particularly loud on this dead and silent night.

This voice alarmed these countless vicious and terrifying ghosts!

They cried out and pounced on the canopy boat!

“Prepare for battle!”

Xiong Yinglong shouted, and the two strange things of ghouls and undead bones were launched at the same time!

However, his power was biased towards entities, and the lethality of these spirit bodies was really limited, and he could only rely on the Green Dragon Glass Eye to temporarily protect himself.

But his men were miserable!

Under the attack of countless ghosts and ghosts, the souls of several people were immediately torn apart and eaten by them.

These spirits let out a terrible scream in their mouths, but they had no power to resist!

Too much, too much!

With so many ghosts and ghosts, even Xiong Yinglong couldn’t resist for too long.

Unless it is a Grade A Spirit Guardian in the direction of the spirit body, it can only be used against it!

This is why, when the Thunder Kingdom explored the A-level ghost domain before, it needed to be equipped with at least three A-class spirit masters.

Because only in this way can we cope with all kinds of unexpected situations.


But now, Xiong Yinglong did not have such a luxurious configuration.

Their party has fallen into a life-and-death situation!


The third more sent, today’s update word count has exceeded 10,000.

Go for a late-night snack and maybe update a chapter when you get back.

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