After the night fell, the Styx revealed its true face, and countless evil spirits surrounded Xiong Yinglong and his party!

When he saw that he was about to be destroyed, Xiong Yinglong gritted his teeth and took something out of his arms.

It is a quaint and small incense burner with some powder that looks like ashes.

“Protect me!”

Xiong Yinglong gave an order, and then, under the protection of the four great Kongs, carefully lit the incense burner.

Soon, wisps of gray light smoke drifted out of the incense burner and surrounded them.

As soon as the Wraith in the Styx came into contact with this gray smoke, it immediately screamed and fled away.

This incense burner is a strange thing that can be used without control.

The function is to dispel the strangeness of the spirit body, but it has a service life and cannot be used indefinitely.

The top level of Lei Guo knew Xiong Yinglong’s weakness, so he specially assigned it to him.

This is a powerful prop.

Xiong Yinglong originally planned to stay and use it later.

But now we can’t save any more.

No matter how much people are saved, they will be gone!


Under the protection of these gray smokes, the people were temporarily freed from danger, and one by one, like dead dogs, collapsed on the black canopy boat.

Xiong Yinglong counted the number of people and found that there were still twenty-three people left!

When he first entered the Ghost Realm, Xiong Yinglong brought thirty guards and retinue, plus himself and the four great Kongs, that is, thirty-five people.

One died in Deadgate Village.

Three people died in Shengmen Village.

After nightfall, three were swallowed up by the creeping ground.

There is also a person who jumped into the Styx River and died thoroughly.

That’s already a loss of eight people.

Just now it was attacked by countless wraiths, and four more people were lost!

That adds up to 12 people!

On the first day of entering the ghost realm, more than half of the manpower was lost!

If only the loss of cannon fodder is enough.

The key is to use a powerful prop, plus the third and fifth of the four King Kong are injured!

At present, this situation is not very good!

Xiong Yinglong’s face was gloomy and incomparably angry!

But at the same time, I also deeply felt the danger of this A-level ghost domain!

This A-level ghost domain is not very suitable for Xiong Yinglong to play.

If he could, he even wanted to take someone out of this A-level ghost domain immediately.

But the A-level ghost domain is not something you want to come and go as you want.

Xiong Yinglong wanted to leave only two ways.

The first is to crack the operation law of this ghost domain and find a way out of it.

The second is to wait until thirty days later, the psychic pen cooldown time has passed, and then open the space door and leave.

It’s just that now neither of these two methods can be used!


Under the protection of gray smoke, Xiong Yinglong and his party stayed up all night.

When I saw that this strange incense burner was about to burn out, the sky slowly lit up.

Counting the time, it was about 12 hours.

As the sky brightens up a little, the Styx gradually shrinks into the appearance of an ordinary river during the day.

The terrible ghosts returned to the water, and everything seemed to calm down again.

Xiong Yinglong and his party did not want to stay in the water at all, and quickly went ashore.

As a result, as soon as they came ashore, the people of Shengmen Village invited them to the ancestral hall.

And the inviter is still the same villager!

Ma Jun and the other guards looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

After Xiong Yinglong thought about it, he still felt that he would go to see it again.

As a result, I went to the ancestral hall, and it was still exactly the same scene as yesterday!

The same is the lottery, the same is the birth of ghost babies.

This time, three more people were shot and died on the spot!

But Xiong Yinglong noticed that the other seven people from Shengmen Village who were selected were exactly the same as the seven yesterday!

Or those seven people!

Xiong Yinglong had some vague speculation in his mind.


After the incident in the ancestral hall of Shengmen Village was over, the people of Dead Gate Village came to invite Xiong Yinglong and his entourage again.

After I went, it was the same thing as yesterday – the marriage!

This time, Xiong Yinglong and they were still drawn by one person.

The other four people in the draw are exactly the same as yesterday!

Or those four people!

At this point, Xiong Yinglong finally figured it out.

It’s a reincarnation!

Regardless of the repetition of the same day’s events.

The only people who really died were his men!

“Boss, you can’t go on like this anymore!” If this continues, within a few days our people will die! ”

The old man said with horror.

It is not that they have not thought of not going to the ancestral hall.

But as long as they dared to refuse, the entire A-level ghost domain would undergo a change, as if something extremely terrifying was going to happen!

Xiong Yinglong’s face was as deep as water, and his anger was surging.

“Old Five, what do you say to do?”

Xiong Yinglong was not stupid, but he couldn’t think of the current situation, what to do.

There are only two villages and one river in the whole ghost domain.

Seem…… There is nowhere else to go.

Hearing this, Old Five’s eyes flashed a crazy light!

“Boss, we only have one way to go now. Just go to the river and see! ”

“Going to the river?”

Hearing this, even Xiong Yinglong was shocked!

“Yes! This river is the biggest variable in this A-class ghost domain!

Maybe…… The secret is in the river!

Let’s take a sip of the ash smoke from the incense burner and go underwater to see it! ”


This plan of the old five is simply crazy to the extreme!

But after Xiong Yinglong thought about it carefully, he found that it made quite sense.

The cycle of life and death, perhaps a glimmer of life, is on that seemingly terrible road of death!

“Sit still and wait is definitely not OK, there is no other way at the moment, just try it according to the plan of the fifth elder!”

Xiong Yinglong is also a daring man.

After a little thought, he agreed to the plan.

That night, night fell, and Xiong Yinglong and his party were ready.

Xiong Yinglong lit all the ashes left in the ancient incense burner, and wisps of light smoke came out.

“A person swallows a mouthful in his mouth, and must not swallow it in his stomach!”

After holding it, I jumped into the water, explored around, and told me as soon as I found it. ”


Hearing Xiong Yinglong’s order, everyone’s face was extremely serious.

At the same time, there is a deep fear!

But…… They don’t have a choice!

Surrounded by countless evil spirits, Xiong Yinglong and the others swallowed the gray smoke shield and jumped into the Styx River one by one.

Suddenly, the cold and eerie river water wrapped them up!

A force is tearing at their souls!

Fortunately, there is a gray smoke protective body, and Xiong Yinglong and his party are not in danger for the time being.


Underwater, Xiong Yinglong swam around, trying to find something out of the ordinary.

Others are also desperately searching.

As time passed, the weak Spirit Guardians among them began to be unable to resist the erosion of the Styx, and one by one they died.

In the end, even the fifth of the four King Kongs was torn apart in a painful struggle and died on the spot!

The bear should be torn!

But at this desperate moment, the third of the four King Kongs suddenly found a surging undercurrent!

In this undercurrent, there was no strange force that eroded the soul!

It made him happy!

Under the leadership of the third elder, seven or eight people who were still alive entered this undercurrent and were taken into the distance.



Xiong Yinglong They followed the waves, and suddenly there was a sound similar to the fall of a waterfall next to their ears.

Then the direction of the water turned and actually fell vertically downwards!

Before falling, Xiong Yinglong hurriedly looked up at the water.

By this time the surface of the water had been sealed with mud, and they seemed to have entered some underground dark river.


“Bang bang bang!!!”

In a muffled sound, all seven or eight people who were still alive fell to another place.

After landing on the ground, Xiong Yinglong quickly stood up and looked at the sky.

High up, there is a waterfall hanging in the air, but it does not fall on the ground.

About a hundred meters above the ground, the waterfall suddenly stopped flowing, as if entering an unknown space.

Xiong Yinglong They fell from this place.

It seems that they have no chance to return the same way.

Thinking of this, Xiong Yinglong looked gloomy at the environment he was in now.

This is completely different from the upper space, like a new ghost realm!

This ghost realm is a world divided into two.

One side is as pale as snow!

One side is red as blood!

One white and one red are opposed to each other, forming a huge contrast, giving people an inexplicable sense of weirdness and horror!

Xiong Yinglong and his party stood on the dividing line between the red and white areas.

It is the Red and White Double Fire Ghost Domain!


It seems that everyone is not interested in this plot, and the chase is crazy. I sorted out the outline and hurried to get rid of this plot.

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