“This… How can there be a ghost domain here? ”

The third of the four King Kongs was stunned.

“It seems to be a B-level ghost domain here.”

Xiong Yinglong held an instrument and measured the strength of the Red and White Double Fire Ghost Domain.

“Ghost Domain Ghost Domain… I understand!

The core of the A-level ghost domain in the upper layer is the Styx!

This B-level ghost domain should have been dragged in by that Styx River! ”

Xiong Yinglong’s eyes lit up and he vaguely guessed the truth.

At the same time, he also thought of a way to leave this ghost realm.

“That A-level ghost domain on the upper level, there is no room for me to play.

You need to go back to China to find a Grade A spirit direction to re-explore.

We can get out of here first through this B-level ghost domain! ”

In the upper A-level ghost domain, Xiong Yinglong could not force it to break.

But if he had a B-level ghost domain, he could try it, and there was a high probability that he would be able to get out of here.

Thinking of this, Xiong Yinglong began to take stock of the manpower.

After a difficult time in the Styx, Xiong Yinglong’s team of more than thirty people was only six dead!

Chen Mo, three of the four King Kongs, and two guards.

One of the guards is strong, and the C+-level Spirit Keeper is also powerful enough to control the weirdness.

Only then did he survive.

The other surviving guard surprised Xiong Yinglong.

This person is actually Ma Jun!

You must know that he was vulnerable in front of the Scarecrow and passed out in an instant.

I didn’t expect that the performance in this A-level ghost domain was not bad, and I could persist until now.


Although he thought it was a little strange, Xiong Yinglong didn’t think much about it.

After taking stock of the manpower, he said with a gloomy face:

“This B-level ghost domain has come knocking on the benefits, and we can borrow it to get out of here!”

Who knew that Xiong Yinglong’s words had just been finished, and a strange music suddenly sounded!

Reverberate throughout the Red and White Ghost Domain!

“Blah, blah! Yikes! ”

“Hip hop! Woohoo! ”

These eerie music keeps drilling into people’s ears, and they can’t stop them from covering their ears!

The person listening has a feeling of insanity.

At the same time, on the left and right sides of Xiong Yinglong’s entourage, many strange figures appeared!

On the right, there is a group of greeting relatives dressed in red and beating gongs and drums.

They were singing and dancing, so unhappy.

In the middle of the line is a large red flower palanquin with a large “囍” character pasted on it.

This seemingly festive picture reveals a strong sense of horror and violation!

On the left, there is a group of mourning processions dressed in white, blowing and singing mourning music.

They looked sad and sobbed.

In the middle of the procession is a coffin wrapped in a white cloth with a large “Dian” character on it.

Two teams, one red and one white, floated towards Xiong Yinglong!

The atmosphere is incredibly eerie!

“It’s red and white!”

Xiong Yinglong frowned slightly, but he was not flustered.

The upper Styx reincarnation ghost domain is a Class A ghost domain.

It also happened to target Xiong Yinglong’s weak point, and he couldn’t deal with it.

However, this lower-level red and white double ghost domain was a B-level ghost domain, and he had the confidence to deal with it.


“Blah, blah! Yikes! ”

“Hip hop! Woohoo! ”

The eerie music was getting closer and closer, and the red and white double brakes began to hedge against Xiong Yinglong and their group!


Xiong Yinglong roared in anger and transformed into a tall and ugly ghoul with vicious bones growing from his body.

Stirring up two strange forces, Xiong Yinglong flew towards the ordinary red and white shadows, tearing these red and white shadows apart one by one!


Others didn’t have as easily as he could.

Especially the guard who is still quite strong.

He had already exhausted his strength in the Styx River before, and at this time, in the face of the red and white double strangulation, he finally couldn’t hold on!


Only to hear him scream bitterly, and then blood gushed out of the seven knots, and he fell to the ground and died in pain.

But Ma Jun, the weakest in strength, didn’t know what was going on, and had been living strongly, like a little strong.

Loomingly, I could see a few straws emerging from his body, and quickly retracted.

But at this time, when the battle with the Ghost Domain was at its most intense, no one noticed him at all.



The core force in the Red Fire Team, the Red Fire Bride Flower Car.

and the core force in the White Fire Team, the White Fire Coffin.

These two strange things merge together and kill Xiong Yinglong at the same time!

Xiong Yinglong’s face was tyrannical, and after a roar, his claws slapped left and right!



With two loud noises, Xiong Yinglong, who was transformed into a ghoul, single-handedly blocked the red flower palanquin and the white coffin, so that they could not enter!

Xiong Yinglong exerted another force, and the Red Flower Caravan and the White Coffin actually appeared cracks in the Dao!

“Click, click, click!”

Rifts spread quickly!


With a loud noise, the red flower palanquin and the white coffin exploded at the same time.

A red and a white figure flew out, killing Xiong Yinglong at the same time.

The red figure is a red bride wearing a phoenix crown.

The white figure is a corpse wrapped in a shroud from beginning to end.

These are the two most core weirdness of the red and white double brakes!

Level has reached B+!

In the face of their siege, Xiong Yinglong did not dare to be careless.

He summoned the power of the immortal bones and grew a pair of vicious bone armor, protecting him in the middle.

Xiong Yinglong did this in preparation for an uphill battle.

Who knows, the next one that happened was unexpected!

Seeing that the Red Bride and Bai Xuan’s corpses were about to be killed in front of Xiong Yinglong, the Red Flame Bride suddenly turned around and killed the White Fire Corpse!

Bai Xuan’s body obviously did not encounter this scene either.

After a slight pause, he was only entangled in the countless red silk threads ejected by the hands of the red bride!

Xiong Yinglong originally thought that these two strange strengths should be similar.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the red bride struck, the white body would definitely not be able to resist!

Layer after layer of red silk thread wrapped around it.

In the end, I couldn’t see a trace of white on the white body, all covered with red silk threads!

Immediately afterward, Bai Xuan’s body began to crumble.

Xiong Yinglong was stunned.

“This… Is this absorbing its power?

You are not weird! You are the Spirit Bearer who has been pulled into the Ghost Realm and is about to get out of control! ”

Weird obviously wouldn’t do such a subjective act.

And this red bride did not have the slightest popularity, and it looked no different from the strange.

Therefore, Xiong Yinglong immediately confirmed her identity–a royal spirit who had been pulled into the ghost realm and was almost out of control!

The Imperial Spirit in this state is between half a person and half a trick.

It’s hard to tell her status.

But Xiong Yinglong knew that she was definitely his enemy!

So after a moment’s pause, he wanted to take a shot at the red bride.

Unexpectedly, in just a few moments, the white body had been completely absorbed by the Red Flame Bride!

Her breath has a faint tendency to enter the A grade!

Fortunately, Xiong Yinglong can still cope.

But what he never expected was that the red bride actually turned her head to look at him and gently opened her lips to spit out a gentle sound.

“Xianggong ~~ I haven’t seen you in a few days, the slave family wants to kill you~”

Hearing this, Xiong Yinglong was confused.

Messire? What’s the situation, I and this red bride just met for the first time?

Just when Xiong Yinglong couldn’t figure out the situation, several people who were still alive at this time pointed at Xiong Yinglong’s back in horror, trembling and unable to speak!

Only to see Xiong Yinglong’s back, quickly drilling out a straw, and then condensing into a scarecrow!

This scarecrow was attached to Xiong Yinglong’s back, as if it had grown out of his body!

Seeing the Scarecrow, the red bride’s tone became a little more cheerful.

“It is worthy of being a slave family’s brother-in-law, and after a few days of not seeing, the strength has become so much stronger!” Come, let the slave family have a good look! ”

With that, the Red Bride floated over to Xiong Yinglong.

When he found that a scarecrow had grown on his back, and he also knew this red bride.

Even Xiong Yinglong felt a creepy sense of fear!

“Roll down for Lao Tzu!”

He scolded angrily, and even dug up his own piece of flesh and blood and threw it out!

The scarecrow jumped out, moved his body, and quickly grew into a thin scarecrow that was almost 2 meters tall.

This vicious and terrifying scarecrow was none other than Chen Mo!

While in the Scarecrow Valley, Chen Mo planted several dead seeds on Xiong Yinglong’s body.

In order not to attract his attention, not only Ma Jun was dispatched, but also a puppet was wasted to attract his attention.

Only then did he unconsciously settle down on Xiong Yinglong’s body.

However, Chen Mo did not dare to assimilate Xiong Yinglong with his hands, after all, he was an A-level Imperial Spirit Person, not something he could assimilate now.

Chen Mo was not in a hurry, so he followed him all the way, waiting for the right time to strike again.

At this time, Xiong Yinglong’s team was dead and wounded.

He wasn’t in good shape himself, and there was a red bride staring at him outside.

Most importantly, I don’t know why, Chen Mo could vaguely sense some of the thoughts of the red bride.

Her idea at this time was to kill Xiong Yinglong, absorb some of his powers, and then have the ability to leave the Red and White Double Fire Ghost Domain.

To tell the truth, Chen Mo was also hungry for Xiong Yinglong’s body.

The two weird things of ghoul and undead bone are too strong!

If you can kill Xiong Yinglong and turn his body into Chen Mo’s Scarecrow puppet, it will definitely be a very powerful thug!

The so-called enemy of the enemy is the friend.

So now, Chen Mo may be able to cooperate with the Red Bride?


The Red Lady also seemed to understand Chen Mo’s thoughts.

These two strange things killed Xiong Yinglong at the same time!

“What are you doing?” Help! ”

Smelling a hint of ominous breath, Xiong Yinglong shouted angrily at the frightened men before waking them up.

However, without waiting for them to help, Ma Jun, who was hiding behind them, suddenly turned into a scarecrow and killed the four King Kongs!

Originally, one of Chen Mo’s straw puppets could not be the opponent of the Four Great Kongs.

But they are now in a very poor state, and the connection has gone through the Styx River reincarnation ghost domain and the red and white double fire ghost domain.

And also downsized.

In the face of the sudden attack of the Straw Man Golem, he fell into the inferior wind for a while!

They couldn’t help themselves, let alone help Xiong Yinglong!

And this is, Xiong Yinglong has been surrounded by Chen Mo and the Red Flame Bride in the middle, crazy beating!

Chen Mo’s body stretched out countless nightmare ghost claws and attacked Xiong Yinglong.

At the same time, he already knew Xiong Yinglong’s weakness, and deliberately took out the Seven Sins Nether Lamp and concentrated all the green light on Xiong Yinglong’s body!

Under the illumination of the Seven Sins Nether Lamp, Xiong Yinglong felt his soul vibrate, and he had a vague feeling that he was about to be torn out of his body!

Although it wouldn’t really suck up his soul, it seriously affected his combat effectiveness!

The red bride’s soft white hands like jade in the depths of the red bride flew out countless red silk threads and wrapped around Xiong Yinglong.

These red silk threads seemed to have life, frantically drilling into Xiong Yinglong’s body.

Ears, eyes, nostrils and other places are the focus of the red silk thread attack!

For a moment, Xiong Yinglong’s body and soul were frantically attacked by Chen Mo and the Red Flame Bride.

The situation was simply not good for him!

Chen Mo was surprised to find that a straw ring appeared on the soft and white hands of the red bride!

He recalled for a moment, remembering the last time he passed through the Red and White Double Fire Ghost Domain, the Red Fire Bride desperately pulled a straw from his body.

This loss was negligible for Chen Mo, just like the loss of Mao.

So he almost forgot,

I didn’t expect to meet again, and I actually saw a straw ring on the hand of the red bride.

Does this have any deep meaning?


The protagonist has appeared, everyone don’t jump to order, whining o(╥_╥)

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