Chen Mo’s consciousness was attached to the giant scarecrow statue, and looking at the kneeling believers, there was a wonderful feeling.

The skill of perceiving fear was more useful than he had imagined.

This giant scarecrow statue is the representative of the god of fear and the object of direct fear of the Twilight Sect believers.

Their power of fear first gathered on the statue and then transmitted to Chen Mo.

Therefore, Chen Mo could attach consciousness to its body and achieve the effect of a god descending!

At this time, through this giant scarecrow statue, Chen Mo could probably exert about 50% of his strength.

And it is possible to transfer something, but not to output too powerful.


Chen Mo looked at these believers who were constantly praying and prostrating, and his mind fluttered.

Although this Twilight Sect was not deliberately established by him, he did not even know the existence of this sect until again.

However, this did not prevent Chen Mo from discovering the value of the Dusk Sect!

It has been more than a year since I was reborn into this world.

Chen Mo found that the horror of this world was intensifying! More and more spooky events!

While countries are doing their best to suppress news related to the resurgence of terror.

But with the proliferation of strange events, more and more people are beginning to perceive the abnormality!

Under the fear and fear, ordinary people are eager to find a spiritual support and dependence.

At this time, it is undoubtedly the golden opportunity for the development of the Twilight Sect!

After using Su Jing, Chen Mo had not found a better way to spread fear on a large scale.

Now, he’s found it!

The answer is the Twilight Sect!

This sect that believes in its own is worth supporting!


Thinking of this, Chen Mo was ready to give these believers a little sweetness.

How many people can join a sect that only has fear and death, but has no benefit?

But with the benefits, it’s different!

The first thing Chen Mo would reward was naturally Liu Ningxue, who had single-handedly formed the Dusk Sect and strengthened it.

As soon as his mind moved, a stream of black qi poured out of his body, and then condensed into a dead night crow.

The Death Night Raven hissed a few times, circled for a while, and then landed on Liu Ningxue’s shoulder.

The Death Night Crow can not only protect the willow snow, but also a symbol of the approval of the gods!

With the approval of the Fear Demon God, Liu Ningxue’s body trembled with excitement and tears filled his eyes!

Immediately afterward, Chen Mo transmitted the octagonal ghost-faced bronze mirror and gave Liu Ningxue the gift.

Although this weirdness is C-class, it has great potential!

It may not be possible to upgrade to B level in the future.

And it is a prop-type weirdness, which can be used without driving, which is more suitable for willow snow. (Can exert more power after driving)

Subsequently, Chen Mo gave some E-level strange rewards to the backbone members of the Dusk Sect to help them improve their strength.

These E-grade weirdness was of little use to Chen Mo, it was purely chicken ribs.

It is a pity to lose it, but it is better to give it to these believers.

Although ordinary believers are not rewarded, they have witnessed the existence of the god of fear and seen this great being rewarding believers.

I can’t help but be excited, and my faith is becoming more and more religious!


“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

After Chen Mo’s reward, these believers prayed feverishly, and feelings of fear and awe were mixed.

Chen Mo devoured the fear in it, but it wasn’t enough, far from it!

“Fear… Fear…… Fear!!! ”

Chen Mo opened his mouth, and a terrifying and hoarse voice echoed through the altar.

Under the influence of the death whisper, his voice was terrifying!

All the believers fell to their knees trembling, with no other emotion in their hearts.

Only Liu Ningxue, who possessed ninety-nine tricks, could slightly understand some of Chen Mo’s meaning.

This great god of fear is asking these believers for fear!

He needs fear!

He needs more fear!

After understanding this, Liu Ningxue said aloud in a frenzied voice:

“We believers will surely spread the fear of the great god of fear to the whole world!

Immerse the world in fear! Let the world cry in fear! ”

After hearing these words, Chen Mo was somewhat satisfied.

Staying in this state is draining his power all the time.

Therefore, after doing these things, Chen Mo planned to withdraw his consciousness from the statue and return to the body.

Then the Twilight Sect is free to play and continue to expand, gathering fears for him!

However, at this moment, Chen Mo suddenly sensed the breath of some Imperial Spirit Beings and was quietly coming to this small island.

And come straight to the altar in the center of the island!

Looking at the posture, it was the enemy of the Twilight Sect!

After discovering this situation, Chen Mo’s face showed a sinister and twisted smile.

Maybe he can collect a sum of fear points again.


Ma Donglai is the deputy director of the special affairs bureau of a small coastal town in Lei Guo, a C-level imperial spirit person, and his strength is still so-so.

Even if it is a first-class big country, it is impossible for the B class to walk all over the streets, and the A class is everywhere.

In this remote coastal town, Ma Donglai can also be regarded as a character.

Some time ago, an organization called the “Dusk Sect” infiltrated this small seaside town, seemingly engaged in some secret activities.

Originally, this matter could not be managed by Ma Donglai, the deputy director.

But it was the end of the year, and the country of Lei had a big festival.

Even the Spirits have to take shifts for the holidays.

In the case of insufficient manpower, Ma Donglai could only go out on his own.

He followed the trail all the way to this desolate and deserted island.

The mood is terrible!

The winter sea breeze, cold to the bone, blows on the face like a knife blowing!

After going to the island, Ma Donglai scolded the palm while giving his palm a sigh.

“These damn cults run to these desert islands in the big winter to go crazy, and the harmful Lao Tzu also suffers!”

When they are caught, Lao Tzu must pick their skins! ”

“That’s what the horse bureau said! This bullshit Twilight Sect! I really want to break their brains and see if there is a shi inside!

What gods are there in this world? Some of them are just weird! ”

It was said that the twenty or so subordinates around him were constantly swearing at the Dusk Sect.

The abilities of the Spirit Guardians are strange, and most of them do not have the ability to withstand the cold.

On such a cold day, no one wants to run to a desert island on the sea.

They can be said to be holding their breath!


In order to complete this task quickly, Ma Donglai led the people and horses to rush towards the island with a big grin, without the slightest need to hide the meaning.

With the increase of strange incidents, various civil society organizations have emerged.

If some non-governmental organizations go against the interests of Lei Guo, they will be characterized as cults and reduced to suppressed existence.

However, most of these sectarian organizations were of low strength, and some of them didn’t even have a single Spirit Guardian, all of them were ordinary people!

Therefore, Ma Donglai did not pay attention to the Dusk Sect at all, and only wanted to quickly destroy it so that he could retreat into the bed and sleep.

Where did he know that the cultivators who could go to the island to sacrifice the Fear Demon God were all the elite of the Twilight Sect.

More than a hundred people, all of them are Imperial Spirits!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to provide Chen Mo with so many fear points?


On the way to the island, Ma Donglai’s subordinates chatted casually.

“By the way, do you know about General Xiong Ying Long Xiong?”

“This is big news inside the Spirits!” Can you not know? ”

“Yes! General Xiong and all his right-hand men died in Nanchuan Kingdom!

I didn’t know what terrible things there were in Nanchuan Kingdom, and even the A-level Imperial Spirit Cultivators couldn’t stop it. ”

“But isn’t it! It was really horrible! If I encountered the strange thing about killing General Bear, I was afraid that ten lives, a hundred lives would not be enough to die! ”

“It is said that the death of General Bear made the headquarters furious! The cause and effect of this incident are already being fully investigated. It is estimated that he will soon avenge General Bear! ”

“You may not be able to find out the results!” The weirdness of being able to kill a Class A Spirit Person… I can’t imagine it, I just shiver when I think about it! ”

“Encountering this level of weirdness, it can only be said that it is a blood mold!” I don’t know who the next batch of unlucky eggs who will die at this strange hand will be. ”

“Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, that weird is in Nanchuan Country.”

“I heard that one of General Bear’s right-hand men shouted the Scarecrow before he died. This weirdness may have something to do with the Scarecrow. ”

“Really? Then I will have to pay attention to avoid the Scarecrow in the future. ”

A group of people talked about the recent major events in the country.


After going to the island, Ma Donglai interrupted them.

“All right, let’s talk less!” Is this something that you street fighters should worry about?

As far as your broken strength is concerned, don’t think about the weirdness of killing General Xiong for the rest of your life.

Let’s get to the island and run errands! ”

Ma Donglai planned the conversation between his men and sent them all out.

After all his men went to the island to investigate, Ma Donglai set up a fire and waited for the news.

In his opinion, such an unknown small organization is not worth his hand at all.

These people under your command can easily handle it!

However, after sending most of his men out, Ma Donglai waited for ten minutes in a row, and did not wait for any movement!

This gave him a vague sense of foreboding!

“The situation is not right! Let’s go, let’s go and see. ”

Ma Donglai’s face was very solemn.

He took the five men who remained by his side and walked toward the interior of the island.

This desolate island has almost no plants and animals.

Most of the places are rugged and strange rocks, jagged and standing, like stone forests.

Ma Donglai walked around the stone forest, not only did he not see anyone, but he did not even hear the sound for half a minute!

The whole island, dead silence!


Ma Donglai swallowed the spit and inexplicably produced a feeling of fear.

His men also felt this intense fear, and proposed to him:

“Ma Bureau, this island is not quite right!”

Or…… Shall we withdraw first? Looking for some support to get back to the island? ”

Hearing this, Ma Donglai’s face was a little struggling.

The subconscious mind told him that the island’s depths could be dangerous.

But now that more than a dozen subordinates are gone, he doesn’t do anything and runs away, how can he, the deputy director, still be the director?

Thinking of this, Ma Donglai gritted his teeth and said:

“Don’t panic, Lao Tzu is also a C-level spirit reaper.”

I still don’t believe what that inexplicable Twilight Sect can do to me!

Go, keep going! ”

After saying this, Ma Donglai led the people to the island.

Fortunately, after a while, they saw a familiar back.

“It’s Xiao Zhang!”

After seeing this back, one of Ma Donglai’s subordinates was overjoyed and quickly rushed towards him.

Ma Donglai vaguely felt that this back shadow looked like an indescribable strangeness.

But before he could stop him, his men came up behind the shadow and patted it the shoulder.

“Xiao Zhang, what are you doing standing here?” Have you found any clues? We…”

Halfway through the conversation, the man suddenly froze, and his face became frightened.

Because the feeling when I just tapped my shoulder was very wrong!

It didn’t feel like it was slapped on flesh and blood, but on a soft straw!



At this moment, he suddenly remembered a terrible possibility!

At the same time, Naruto slowly turned his head.

Make a weird “click, click” sound!


To add to the setting of the red bride, the book is not clear, causing misunderstanding for everyone.

The strength of the Red Bride was not improved, she was originally a strong person, but because of a series of reasons, she was lost, and almost did not save her life.

After the strength recovered a little, it became stronger, not grown! (Not fully recovered)

The reason for the recovery is related to the protagonist, which is a foreshadowing and will be said later.

In addition, the protagonist is not Xiong Yinglong’s opponent for the time being, and he cooperated with Hongxu to kill him, how can he become the booty of the protagonist of the Hongxu bride?

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