At the same time, the back slowly turned its head.

Make a weird “click, click” sound!

As it turned, a scarecrow face was revealed!

Once a colleague, he has actually become a scarecrow!

This startled the investigator and stunned for a moment.

It was this stunned god’s kung fu that grew many ghost claws on this scarecrow’s body and instantly pierced into his body!


In severe pain, the investigator screamed.

He tried to resist, but the scarecrows who had burrowed into his body took control of his body in an instant.

Let him have no resistance!

Straw plunged into his flesh, guts, bones!

This feeling is extremely painful and desperate!

“Save me! Horse Bureau, save me!!! ”

In desperation, the investigator turned to Ma Donglai and called for help.

But Ma Dong looked at him and was terrified!

Because Ma Donglai saw that after being stabbed into the body by the straw, the investigator under his command transformed into a scarecrow little by little!

In just two or three seconds, a big living person turned into a vicious and strange scarecrow!

This scene is extremely frightening!


“Scarecrow? Don’t…… Could it have something to do with the weirdness that killed General Bear?

Isn’t it in Nanchuan Country? I wouldn’t be so unlucky, would I? ”

Ma Donglai’s mind turned sharply, and finally decided to retreat first.

“Get out of here! This weirdness is not something we can deal with, go back and report it to the General Bureau! ”

Ma Donglai shouted loudly, and at the same time turned around and fled outside the island.

But before he could escape far, he stopped where he was!

Only to see Ma Dong come around, suddenly appeared one after another black-robed people!

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

These black-robed people whispered prayers, and a strange and terrifying atmosphere filled the look.

They were all Spirit Bearers! Not a single ordinary person!

After discovering this, Ma Donglai was shocked!

He knew that these people were followers of the Twilight Sect.

But before he came, he couldn’t have guessed that the Twilight Sect was actually related to the strange scarecrow who killed General Bear!

Moreover, the believers who can come to this desert island are all spiritual beings!

If he could know this news in advance, he wouldn’t dare to kill Ma Donglai!

This is a terrifying horror that can kill a Class A Spirit Person!

This level of weirdness has the ability to destroy the city!

Don’t say it’s a Ma Dong coming.

Even if the power of this small coastal town where he was located was fully mobilized, it would only be to deliver vegetables to this scarecrow!

They had no choice but to inform the General Bureau of the Special Affairs Department of the State of Lei!

But now, Ma Donglai seems to have no chance to leave this desert island…

In the midst of the whispered prayer, the members of the Twilight Sect gradually approached Ma Donglai.

In the process, scarecrows emerged from among them.

They mingled in the crowd and approached Ma Donglai with an eerie smile.

At this moment, a huge wave of fear engulfed Ma Donglai!

He smelled death!

“I fought with you!”

Ma Donglai roared, and with all his might, a black skull appeared on his hand.

This black skull is the weirdness he harnesses.

In the hollow eyes of the skull, a black gas will emit out.

When the creatures are contaminated, they will be cursed terribly!

The stronger the target, the weaker the cursed power is.

On the contrary, the stronger.

Spiritual Beings below the C level, after being hit by Ma Donglai’s strange blow, are almost bound to die!

He didn’t believe that all of these Twilight Sect cultivators had C-level or above strength.

Even if it is death, Ma Donglai will drag a few into the water and die with him!

However, just as he was about to summon the strange force and pull a few cushions, a sharp pain suddenly came from behind him.

Ma Donglai twisted to see, and the whole person was instantly frightened!

Only to see a skinny and eerie scarecrow grow out of his back! Connected to his flesh and blood!

This scene was too terrifying and terrifying, and Ma Donglai only felt a cold breath rush straight into his head.

It made him stiff and overwhelmed.

Ma Dong came and went, but the Scarecrow did!

With a wicked and eerie smile on its face, it stretched out four skinny scarecrow claws and grabbed Ma Dong.

Two of them grabbed Ma Donglai’s head.

The other two caught Ma Donglai’s strangeness, that is, the skull.

And then…… Power at the same time!



With two muffled sounds, Ma Donglai’s two heads exploded at the same time!

Before he died, he provided Chen Mo with a large amount of fear value.

It seems that Ma Donglai’s fear before his death has reached the extreme!

And his death also made the remaining investigators all paralyzed on the ground in horror, and they didn’t even have the courage to struggle and resist!

The four investigators who were still alive had been surrounded by the Twilight Sect’s Cultists and the Scarecrows.

Their strongest Ma Donglai was also killed in a second, how could he resist?

Under the great despair and panic, their psychological defense line has collapsed!


“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

The Twilight Sect’s followers continued to whisper prayers and slowly approached the remaining four investigators.

This little bit of the process of moving towards death can create the greatest fear!

It was also true that under the oppression of the Twilight Sect’s disciples, the four investigators were terrified and screamed and screamed!

The sea breeze is cold in winter.

But the chill that goes deep into the bone marrow, is even colder!

However, Chen Mo did not kill them.

Just when they were terrified, a scarecrow’s head suddenly emerged from the middle of the four investigators.

“Spread … Fear…… The Scarecrow… Fear! ”

A death whisper was deeply imprinted in the minds of the four investigators.

At the same time, completely defeat their sanity and let them fall into madness!

“Aaaah! Scarecrow, Scarecrow! Aaaah! ”

The four investigators looked sluggish, their hands and feet danced, their language was illogical, and their mouths were still drooling.

They were scared crazy by the living!!!


After doing all this, Chen Mo did not stay any longer.

His black hole hole eyes stared at Liu Ningxue for a moment, and then his consciousness receded and returned to his body.

Liu Ningxue did not disappoint Chen Mo, she understood Chen Mo’s meaning.

“Send these investigators to the door of the Secret Service in Beihai City.”

Let them know, the Scarecrow… Here it comes!!! ”

Liu Ningxue coldly commanded his opponent.

She knew that this was what the Great Fear Demon God meant.

Terror needs to spread.

These four frightened investigators are the medium for spreading fear!

The fall of Beihai City will also begin with these four crazy investigators!

Fear…… It’s coming!!!

You guys…… You ready?!

Liu Ningxue stared in the direction of Beihai City across the sea, and a smile highly similar to Chen Mo’s face appeared.

The Death Night Raven on her shoulder also became excited, and looked up and hissed a few times.

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

Seeing this, the believers around Liu Ningxue fell to their knees and shouted feverishly!

At this time, Beihai City on the border of Lei Guo did not know that it was about to usher in the biggest disaster in history!


Three hours later, the Beihai City Secret Service.

Director Monday Chuan was pacing back and forth uneasily in the hall.

Deputy Director Ma Donglai took people to pay off a small organization called the “Twilight Sect.”

But now that most of the day has passed, if you can’t say that you are going to return, you have to have some news, right?

But really?

Ma Donglai and his party have been missing for several hours, which makes Zhou Chuan how not to worry?

“Shouldn’t it be all right?” We are only a small city in Beihai City, what danger can there be?

No, no, no! They certainly didn’t have an accident, it should just be that the communicator was temporarily broken. ”

Monday Chuan kept comforting himself.

But at this moment, there were several muffled noises at the door, as if someone had dropped something heavy on the Secret Service.


Hearing this voice, Zhou Chuan vaguely had a hint of bad feeling and hurried to the door.

“The bureau and the bureau chief are the four investigators who followed Deputy Director Ma to suppress the Twilight Sect!”

At the same time as hearing this, Zhou Zhouchuan had already rushed to the door.

He stared at it, and sure enough, it was four of Ma Donglai’s subordinates.

However, these four people, at this time, were already sluggish and slurred, constantly chanting something.

They…… Crazy!

Looking at the crazy looks of these four people, Zhou Chuan felt a huge chill!

The four men were too crazy to return to the Secret Service on their own.

Someone deliberately left them at the door of the Secret Service!

This is a demonstration to the Secret Service!

It is contempt for the Secret Service!

Contempt for the Thunder Kingdom!

In addition, the fate of Ma Donglai’s group of people does not need to be said more, and it can basically be judged that they are dead!

These four crazy people are the last survivors!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chuan shivered all over his body, and a wave of fear rose from the bottom of his heart.

He is a C+-level Spirit Bearer, slightly stronger than Ma Donglai, but also limited in strength.

These enemies can kill Ma Donglai, and most likely kill him!

After the reaction, Monday Chuan said eagerly to the crowd:

“Quick! Take the four of them with you and retire to the Secret Service! ”



Thanks to the 588 tips of “Cut Path Cockroach Thief”, “The Author Contains My Marten”, and “Poor Road Zhang Sanfeng”!

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