Beihai City, in the office of the Director of the Special Services Bureau.

Zhou Zhouchuan looked at the three men sitting across from him, and his expression was a little uneasy.

Recently, Beihai City, a small city by the sea, has never been more lively!

Many powerful civil spiritist organizations entered Beihai City and began to investigate this A-class strange incident.

Among them, more powerful than Monday Chuan, there are not one thousand but also eight hundred!

If he didn’t have an official background, he wouldn’t even be qualified to speak to these powerful people!

At this time, the three men sitting across from the Monday River were the strongest of them.

Each one is an A-level Spirit Bearer!

The first person, named Su Yingchen, was the head of the Morning Dawn Society.

The second person, named Li Ming, is the president of the Guangming Society.

The third person, named Zhang Yuanxin, is the chairman of the Future Group.

These three people were the most top-notch group of people among the entire Thunder Country Folk Spirit Guardians!

They were attracted to Beihai City by the generous rewards offered by Lei Guo, and temporarily reached a cooperative relationship.

In order to complete this A-level mission!

However, although these three people were all A-level Imperial Spirit Masters, their strength was far inferior to Xiong Yinglong.

Xiong Yinglong has an official background, and the three weird things he controls are perfectly matched together, and he can exert these weird powers of two hundred percent!

Some spirits control multiple eccentricities, but the weirdness conflicts with each other, which will have a negative impact.

Among the three, Su Yingchen and Li Ming are lucky people.

They are very talented, and they have luckily mastered an A-level weirdness and become the top strong.

However, one A-level weirdness is already their limit, and it is difficult to control other weirdness.

As for Zhang Yuanxin, the coming is much more complicated.

He looked like a middle-aged man, but he was actually in his early sixties.

Before the resurgence of terror, Zhang Yuanxin was one of the top few richest people in Lei Guo!

Rich and powerful, extremely connected!

After the horror revived, he was one of the very few ordinary people who knew the truth.

Later, he detected that he had the talent to become a spirit master, so he used his power to constantly strengthen his strength.

Now he has mastered three B+ level weirdness and become an A-level spirit master.

Among the three, the eldest Zhang Yuanxin is the strongest.


The three of them teamed up to find Zhou Chuan to discuss some important matters.

Zhang Yuanxin said to Zhou Zhouchuan:

“Director Zhou, after our investigation, this Dusk Sect has continued to spread news related to the Scarecrow in Beihai City.

They are trying to absorb ordinary people and expand the power of the sect! We have to stop them! ”

Zhang Yuanxin’s face sank like water.

They had caught some followers of the Twilight Sect.

But before they could torture these believers, they committed suicide by shouting slogans such as “Fear is eternal, demons are eternal”!

This made Zhang Yuanxin realize that this Twilight Sect was not simple!

They are extremely well organized!


Hearing this, Zhou Chuan rubbed his temples in distress and asked:

“I also know to stop them, but how can I stop them?”

This Twilight Sect is haunted, and the number of people is increasing, and we can’t stop it! ”

Hearing this, Li Ming said casually:

“Isn’t that simple? Wouldn’t it be enough to evacuate all the ordinary people in Beihai City? ”

Seeing his casual look, Zhou Chuan and Zhang Yuanxin both had some doubts, and secretly scolded the fools in their hearts.

Su Yingchen, who also had no knowledge, felt that this was a good note and nodded slightly.

In the end, it was Monday Chuan who stood up and explained.

“This Twilight Sect has been quietly developing for some time, and who knows if there are any of their followers among the ordinary people?”

If these believers are evacuated and circulated throughout the country, it may cause even more trouble.

Therefore, not only can we not evacuate ordinary people now, but also have to blockade Beihai City. ”

As he spoke, Monday Chuan sighed.

That’s what it means.

Now Beihai City has become a big bomb!

There is a danger of explosion at any time!

Must be blocked first!

As the director of the Beihai City Special Affairs Bureau, Zhou Zhouchuan’s life was very sad, and there was always a feeling of insecurity.


After hearing Zhou Chuan’s explanation, Li Ming nodded his head as if he understood and asked:

“If we don’t evacuate ordinary people, then we simply don’t care about them.”

Just find out and kill the people of the Twilight Sect.

I still don’t believe it, kill all these believers, what bullshit fear demon god can not appear?! ”

Zhang Yuanxin: …

Monday Chuan: …

Zhang Yuanxin was speechless, and his brows were wrinkled.

The first time he dealt with Li Ming, he didn’t expect this person to be stupid to such an extent!

Such a person can also control an A-grade weirdness, which can only be said to be his luck.

Monday Chuan held back his temperament and patiently explained:

“If they don’t control the Twilight Sect’s missionaries, their followers will not be able to kill them.”

You can’t kill all the ordinary people in the whole Beihai City, right? ”

“This can’t work, that can’t work, what do you really want?” Let’s just say it! ”

Li Ming cocked Erlang’s leg with some impatience.

Obviously, using his brain is a very difficult thing for him.

At this time, Zhang Yuanxin, who had already planned it, opened his mouth.

He said calmly:

“First, we are going to collect the scarecrows in the city.

This Twilight Sect tried to get its adherents to make scarecrows and make offerings.

I don’t know what their intentions were, but we just had to do the opposite with them.

Second, the blockade of the whole city can only be entered, not out.

Then go all out to capture the Twilight Sect’s disciples!

These two things are not difficult.

But this last thing requires Director Zhou to come out. ”

With that, Zhang Yuanxin turned his head and looked at Zhou Chuan.

Zhou Zhouchuan was a smart man, and immediately guessed Zhang Yuanxin’s thoughts, bowed his head and sighed.

If you want to cut off the spread of the Twilight Sect, you must either start upstream or downstream.

Starting from the upstream, it is not to let the Dusk Sect preach.

This can no longer be done, can only give up.

To start downstream is to prevent the people from believing in this sect.

This matter can only be done by Zhou Zhouchuan, who is the director of the Beihai City Special Affairs Bureau.

He is the leader of the place.

Although ordinary people don’t know what Zhou Zhouchuan does, he can often be seen on TV.

Only what such a character says can be believable.


“Okay, I’ll do it.”

After a moment of silence, Monday Chuan reluctantly took over the errand.

He vaguely felt that there would be no good results in this way against the Twilight Sect!

But as the director of the Beihai City Secret Service, he did not have to choose.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuanxin nodded with satisfaction and said:

“This thing can’t be delayed! Just this afternoon, hold a city-wide press conference to completely stomp this Twilight Sect under your feet!

When the time comes, see who else will believe that bullshit god of fear! ”

As he spoke, Zhang Yuanxin’s face raised a smile that was all under control.

Although it is not known what the specific strength of the Twilight Sect is.

But Zhang Yuanxin knew that he was definitely not as strong as them.

Otherwise, the Dusk Sect would not be bored and develop, and it would have come out to do things long ago!

Now as long as the Twilight Sect grows off the channel, they are the fish in the fish pond!

After cutting off the water source of the fish pond, the hunters only need to drain the water a little.

No matter how cunning and difficult the fish is, it will undoubtedly die!


Meanwhile, in a hidden underground chamber, Liu Ningxue was waiting for news.

Suddenly, the communicator in front of her lit up.

A line appears on it.

“The goal is about to go as expected, and fear is rooted”

After seeing these words, a smile appeared on Liu Ningxue’s beautiful face.

Sitting next to her was Su Jing.

Seeing this, Su Jing asked:

“Sister Liu, you are too smart! How do you guess what the Secret Service will do? ”

Hearing this, Liu Ningxue laughed softly and said confidently:

“They’re not the choice!”

Since we cannot stop us from spreading fear, we can only start with the people.

To persuade the people, it is more or less a leader with a head and a face, and it is necessary to understand this strange incident.

In Beihai City, such a figure is only Zhou Chuan.

He probably didn’t know, we had been staring at him for a long time!

It’s finally time for him to make a difference!

Now, the curtain has been lifted, just waiting for the good drama to start!

Let’s go, let’s go check it out. Such a good drama, can not be missed! ”

With that, Liu Ningxue and Su Jing left the secret room together and rushed to the center of Beihai City.

From the outside, the two of them are a pair of beautiful sister flowers.

No one would have thought that these two seemingly weak and lovely beauties would be the core figures of the Twilight Sect!

The good drama directed by the two of them is about to be staged in front of the people of the whole city!

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