After the meeting between Zhou Chuan and Zhang Yuanxin, the entire Beihai City was put into operation.

They first told the people of the whole city through various channels that it was not allowed to make or hide scarecrows.

Once the scarecrow is found, destroy it on the spot or hand it over.

Then, let the detectives search door to door.

Make sure that some people have joined the Twilight Sect and are reluctant to destroy or hand over the Scarecrows.

Don’t check don’t know, a check is scared!

In a small Beihai City, there are already thousands of scarecrows of all kinds!

And there are many potential followers of the Twilight Sect!

After discovering this, I don’t know what the situation will become!

This is a wake-up call for the Secret Service!


Among them, Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun’s rental house have also been investigated.

But they had already prepared after seeing the radio and had already hidden the trumpet scarecrow.

After all, in order to search the whole city in a short period of time, it is impossible for the detectives to search carefully.

After roughly checking and finding that there was none, I left.

Looking at the back of the agents leaving, Xiao Yun said with a complicated look:

“Xiao Qing, I believe your words more and more now.

If the god of fear does not exist, it is just a rumor, a story.

There could not have been such a big reaction from the authorities!

Fear of demons, it is true! We…… What are we going to do? ”

Xiao Yun asked trembling and terrified.

Yesterday, she was a staunch atheist.

Now, all indications were that the truth of this world was a hundred times more terrifying than she had imagined!

All kinds of terrible rumors, it is very likely to be true!

This caused Xiao Yun’s three views to be hit hard, and for a while his brain was blank, and he didn’t know what to do.

Seeing this, Xiao Qing sighed, touched her head and comforted:

“I don’t know, for the time being, do as that mini-comic book says.

Dedicate our fear to the Demon God of Fear in the hope that it will bless us. ”

With that, Xiao Qing took out a scarecrow from the mezzanine of her underwear.

It was the one she made.

It turned out that Xiao Qing had hidden the Scarecrow in such a private place, and it was no wonder that the agents had not found it.


“Nourishing! Click! ”

While the two were talking, the TV that was originally broadcasting a variety show suddenly changed gear!

After a burst of snowflakes, a serious-looking host appears in the picture.

“Now insert an urgent message!”

Due to some special reasons, Beihai City is temporarily banned!

No one is allowed to leave without special circumstances!

Communication with the outside world is also temporarily cut off, and all residents cannot transmit information to the outside world by any means!

Violation of the above regulations will be punished as a crime of endangering the safety of the guo family!!!

At 3 o’clock sharp, Director Zhou will hold a city-wide press conference at the Golden Bull Square in the city center to explain the reasons for this.

Please keep an eye on all the people!

People who are unable to come to the scene can watch the city-wide press conference through television, live webcasting and other forms! ”

After this emergency briefing, all television programs were suspended.

As if in preparation for the next city-wide press conference.

Xiao Qing looked at the time, and now it was more than half an hour before three o’clock.

It can be seen that these actions of the high-level of Beihai City are very hasty and eager!

She had a vague feeling that the mountain rain was about to come and the wind was blowing all over the building!

“Xiao Qing, what to do?”

Xiao Yun looked at his girlfriend pitifully.

She really had no idea, and asked a dozen “what to do” today.

Xiao Qing pondered for a moment and said:

“It’s another lockdown, another scarecrow, and another severance of contact with the outside world.”

This step-by-step action reveals a taste of nervousness and anxiety everywhere.

A city-wide press conference will be held soon, and it is estimated that there will be some important news to say.

Something really big is going on in Beihai City! The mountain rain is about to blow all over the building!

Let’s go to the scene and have a look. ”

After saying that, Xiao Qing took her girlfriend Xiaoyun and went to the Golden Bull Square in the city center.


This emergency announcement caused the whole city of Beihai City to fall into panic!

Countless people want to know why the city is locked down and why they are cut off from the outside world.

Soon, a large number of citizens gathered in the Taurus Square in the city center.

Restless, they just want to find a truth!

The whole square was boiling, and there were voices of protest and discussion everywhere.

However, under the control of a large number of guards, there has been no riot for the time being.

The square was densely packed with people’s heads and had been crowded.

The people who could not come to the scene also stood in front of the TV set and watched the press conference.

At this moment, the entire sight of Beihai City was condensed on the Golden Bull Square in the city center.

At this time, these ordinary people do not know what terrible things will happen next!


A little time passed, and when it was about to reach three o’clock, an elongated luxury car appeared in the eyes of the people.

Sitting in the car was Zhou Zhouchuan, director of the Beihai City Special Affairs Bureau.

Also the protagonist of this press conference!

Monday Chuan rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and asked the assistant next to him:

“The manuscript is ready.”

“The director is relieved that everything is ready.”

The seemingly shrewd and capable assistant said as he handed a stack of documents to Zhou Chuan.

Monday Chuan took a general look, confirmed that there was no problem, and then got out of the car and walked to the podium in the center of the square.

Looking at his departing back, the assistant’s eyes became strange.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he whispered a prayer:

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! Let the fear devour the entire North Sea City! ”

Zhou Zhouchuan’s personal assistant, unexpectedly, became a follower of the Twilight Sect since then!!!

And Zhou Zhouchuan did not know anything about this, and strode onto the podium under the gaze of countless people!

After coming to the podium, Monday Chuan’s face was solemn, and his voice said majestically:

“Hello all the citizens of Beihai City!

I am the director of the Beihai City Secret Service Bureau, Zhou Chuan.

You can understand the Secret Service as a secret service that deals with urgent and dangerous matters.

Just recently, we received a secret report that a shoe sect called the ‘Twilight Sect’ had infiltrated Beihai City.

This Twilight Sect is extremely harmful! Has a strong demagogic nature!

In order not to let them escape, we made preparations for a temporary lockdown.

If you find any clues related to this Twilight Sect, please report it to us in time.

Our contact details are…

After confirming the truth of the clue, the whistleblower will be given a reward of 1 million!

Remember! The evil god that this sect believes in is called the god of fear, and the specific image is the Scarecrow.

Everyone sees the Scarecrow, don’t hesitate, destroy it immediately!

If you dare not do it yourself, you can contact us.

In addition, you must not believe any words of this sect!

This shoe has been taught a lot of evil deeds, and has been…”

Monday Chuan trumpeted the dangers of the Dusk Sect on the stage, and added various appalling crimes to the Dusk Sect.

In fact, these crimes have nothing to do with the Twilight Sect’s half-dime.

It wasn’t what they did at all.

But where do ordinary citizens know this?

After hearing Zhou Chuan’s words, most of the citizens deeply resented this “Twilight Sect”!

I would like to destroy this sect that has done all kinds of bad things at once!

Very few people who had come into contact with the mini-cartoon of the Twilight Sect would be suspicious and would not know who to listen to.

At this time, Liu Ningxue, who was lurking in the crowd, suddenly smiled.

The harder Zhou Chuan performs now, the more wonderful the drama will be!

This smile of hers attracted the attention of a girl next to her.

This girl is Xiao Qing, who came to the scene of the press conference with her girlfriend.

On this occasion at the moment, normal people either hate the Dusk Sect or fear the Dusk Sect.

Liu Ningxue’s brilliant smile seemed very dazzling and unreasonable.

So it caught Xiao Qing’s attention and made her feel a little strange.

As if sensing Xiao Qing’s gaze, Liu Ningxue turned her head and glanced at her.

After touching Liu Ningxue’s eyes, Xiao Qing shook violently, and there was a feeling that he could see through his whole body!

It was as if all her thoughts, all her deep subconscious, were blank sheets of paper in front of this beautiful woman.

Let her read!

This feeling made Xiao Qing feel cold, and a strong feeling of discomfort hit her mind.

Xiao Qing quickly pulled up her girlfriend and drilled into the rest of the crowd.

“Huh? Xiao Qing, why are you pulling me? You said that this week bureau chief, what you said is true or false? Is that Twilight Sect so terrible? ”

Xiao Yun asked doubtfully.

“Shhh! Quietly, don’t talk! ”

Xiao Qing looked nervous and pulled Xiao Yun away from Liu Ningxue.

It wasn’t until I couldn’t see her that I was relieved.

That woman just now… It’s horrible!


Not to mention Xiao Qing, who was frightened by Liu Ningxue.

At this time, on the podium, Zhou Chuan’s speech was almost at the end.

At this time, a charming and charming voice suddenly appeared from the crowd and asked him a question.

“May I ask Director Zhou, if you let all our citizens deal with this Twilight Sect together, can you guarantee our safety?”

Although the sound was not loud, it seemed to have a penetrating force.

Let everyone in the room hear clearly!

Monday Chuan glanced down and did not find the person who asked the question.

However, when asked by this voice, almost all the citizens looked at Zhou Zhouchuan with doubtful eyes.

Obviously, the answer to this question, they also want to know.

Seeing the situation, Zhou Chuan could only pretend to be full of confidence and said loudly:

“That’s nature! Don’t worry about security!

Under the power of our Secret Service, this chaotic sect is vulnerable!

Don’t worry, as long as we unite against this Twilight Sect.

I can guarantee that in less than five days, it will fall apart!

At that time, Beihai City will be safe, and all guards can be lifted! ”

“Director, Director, yours, your shoulders!”

Just as Monday Chuan was making a generous statement, several of his subordinates suddenly froze.

These few Imperial Spirit Beings looked at Zhou Chuan’s shoulders in horror, and their bodies were trembling violently!

“Shoulders? What’s wrong with the shoulders? ”

Monday Chuan was a little dissatisfied that the speech was interrupted, but he still subconsciously turned his head and looked at his shoulder.

At this look, his scalp exploded in an instant, and a cold breath rushed straight to the door of his head!

On his shoulders, twisted straws actually grew!

And these straws are still constantly devouring his body!

With this stunned kung fu, half of Zhou Chuan’s shoulders had been turned into straw!


This scene not only frightened Zhou Chuan, but also frightened all the audience watching this press conference!

In the eyes of ordinary people, this majestic-looking Director Zhou was just saying that he could guarantee their safety.

As a result, before the words were finished, I had an accident.

Who would dare to believe such a secret service?

However, the real horror is yet to come!!!

More straw sprang up in Zhou Chuan’s body, transforming him little by little in the direction of the scarecrow!

Not only him, but even his subordinates around him have all grown straw!

These people were nothing more than C-level, D-level, or even weaker Imperial Spirit Beings.

How could they resist the assimilation of Chen Mo’s death skill?

This group of people was powerless to resist at all, and could only struggle and twist in pain under the eyes of everyone!

But nothing can be changed!

In the endless pain and fear, little by little turned into a scarecrow!

This scene is terrifying!

Stunned all the audience!

The great fear made them forget to run away for a while, and they all stood in the same place, watching this incomparably terrifying picture.


“When?” When! ”

Before his consciousness disappeared, a scene flashed through Zhou Chuan’s mind, and he wanted to find out when he was recruited.

Suddenly, a shrewd and capable face appeared in front of Zhou Zhouchuan.

It’s him!

Be your own personal assistant!

All the people around Zhou Chuan, all of them on the stage at this time, are being transformed into scarecrows little by little.

None survived!

Only his assistant is still alive and well in the car!

After eliminating all options, the one that remains is the correct answer!

At this moment, Zhou Chuan’s heart was extremely unwilling.

He did not expect that his personal assistant, who had followed him for seven or eight years, would actually betray him!

Monday Chuan tried to open his mouth, trying to pass on this information before he died.

However, after he opened his mouth with all his might, his consciousness fell into a permanent darkness and disappeared completely!

Zhou Chuan, who turned into a scarecrow, spat out an incomparably eerie hoarse sound!

“Fear… Fear…… Fear!!! ”

He twisted his body, opened his thin arms, and roared at the audience.

At this time, all of Zhou Chuan’s subordinates were also transformed into scarecrows.

Like Monday Chuan, they also shouted at the audience, as if they were longing for fear and death!


Such a terrifying sound and picture finally woke up these frightened audiences.


I don’t know who let out a terrible scream first.

Then the whole square was in a riot, and everyone was running away without a life, only hating that Mom and Dad didn’t give themselves a few more legs!

What just happened is so terrible, too terrible!

Even the most courageous people are frightened and scattered!

Zhou Chuan, who had previously vowed to wipe out the Twilight Sect and protect the safety of the people, was transformed into a terrible and eerie scarecrow in a few breaths!

This completely broke the psychological defense line of the people!

At this moment, a strong fear emerged in the hearts of every audience.

The terrifying image of the Scarecrow became their lingering shadow!

You know, this press conference, almost the entire citizens of Beihai City are watching!

Millions of people were horrified.

Countless strong forces of fear condensed together and were absorbed by Chen Mo who was far away in Nanchuan Guoyi City!


The third more sent, today three more eleven thousand words.

If you have any opinions, don’t spray people, just don’t spray people, Mo Mo Da (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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