Thinking of this, Chen Mo found the one of Liu Ningxue from the countless streams of fear that poured into his body like a trickle.

Then she turned on the fear perception and traced the power of fear to her body along with the power of Liu Ningxue’s fear.


At this time, Liu Ningxue was hiding in a hidden chamber.

There was no such thing as a cheesy bath, and she was thinking about the next move of the Twilight Sect.

Zhang Yuanxin had a headache, and Liu Ningxue also had a headache.

In terms of hard power, the Twilight Sect was indeed inferior to them, and some of them could not be used.

The main thing was that the three A-level Spirit Bearers were too difficult to deal with.

The Twilight Sect did not have such a strong person of this level to compete with them.

Now those folk spirits have laid down a fierce hand, and all those who are suspicious are arrested, even killed on the spot!

This was a big blow to the spread of the Twilight Sect.

The two sides were frozen for a while.

Faced with this impasse, Liu Ningxue could not think of any good way to break through Zhang Yuanxin’s blockade for the time being.

“Sister Liu, let’s lurk for a while first.” I don’t believe that those powerful spirits can continue to consume with us. Hum! ”

Su Jing sat on the edge of Liu Ningxue, frowning her little nose and suggesting.

Hearing this, Liu Ningxue opened her mouth to say something.

But at this moment, her body trembled like electricity.

Then he inexplicably fell into ecstasy, and his face was so excited that he flushed!

“Sister Liu, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing the situation, Su Jing asked strangely.

Liu Ningxue has always been calm, and there is rarely great joy and great sorrow.

Not to mention the excitement to this extent!

Only to see Liu Ningxue fall to his knees and say excitedly and enthusiastically:

“It’s the great god of fear! His eyes are watching me! ”

“What? Fear of demons?! ”

Hearing this, Su Jing also knelt down in fear.

Liu Ningxue’s perception was extremely powerful, and when Chen Mo followed her power of fear to find her, he immediately sensed it.

“Three days later at midnight… Beihai City Tuqiu County chaos… Holding a large festival… Condensing the divine body…”

Chen Mo was thousands of kilometers apart and passed on his meaning to the past.

Although it was somewhat intermittent, with his super perceptual ability, Liu Ningxue understood Chen Mo’s meaning.

“Obey God’s will! Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

Liu Ningxue said religiously.

“Looking” Liu Ningxue, who was kneeling on the ground and praying loudly, Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction in his heart.

Then consciousness recedes and returns to the Being.

After determining that the gaze of the Fear Demon God had receded, Liu Ningxue continued to kneel for a few seconds before standing up.

Su Jing followed and asked curiously and in awe:

“Sister Liu, what divine will did the Fear Demon God descend?” What does He want us to do? ”

Hearing this, Liu Ningxue’s eyes flashed a color of excitement.

She said:

“The Dread Demon God guided us to hold a large festival in Tuqiu County, Beihai City, at midnight three days later, so that he could gather his body and descend on Beihai City so that he could descend!”

The more Liu Ningxue spoke, the more excited he became, and the light in his eyes was as brilliant as the stars in the dark in the dark environment.

Hearing this, Su Jing also cried out happily.

“What? Will the demon god of fear come again? It’s really great! ”

What did she join the Twilight Sect Diagram?

Don’t you just want to see the Scarecrow a few more times?

Only in this way, Su Jing’s heart is relying on something, and she will not be unable to linger.

But soon, Su Jing thought of another question.

She asked with some concern:

“Sister Liu, now the whole city is full of those damn spirit lords.

They see that we, the believers who fear the devil, will arrest or even kill them on the spot.

How can we hold a great festival under their blockade to worship the great god of fear? ”

Liu Ningxue smiled and touched Su Jing’s hair, and said without worry:

“Since the Great God of Fear has guided us to do this, we are only responsible for doing it.”

Our faith is unshakable! ”


Hearing this, Su Jing seemed to understand and nodded.

Although the age difference is not much, compared with Liu Ningxue, she is still a little tender.

After all, Liu Ningxue’s ninety-nine tricks and tricks were not in vain!


After receiving Chen Mo’s divine will, Liu Ningxue immediately began the layout.

She informed some of the key members of the Twilight Sect to prepare for the large-scale sacrifice in three days.

On the other hand, Chen Mo controlled all the scarecrows worshipped by the believers in Beihai City’s Tuqiu County.

Always ready to clear the scene!

An earth-shattering festival is quietly preparing to kick off the prelude to the chaos in Beihai City!


122+123 is a chapter. The third more to send, three more ten thousand words, wait for the next one. Ask for a monthly pass!

Let’s talk about the protagonist’s upgrade system again. The power of fear is equivalent to experience points, and the protagonist absorbs it to increase his level and various basic attributes.

After absorbing the power of fear, leave the fear value. Fear is equivalent to skill points, which allows the protagonist to learn various skills.

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