Three days later, Beihai City Tuqiu County.

Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun, two foreign girls, have been living in the rental house here for four or five days.

Now the situation in Beihai City was getting more and more chaotic, and the two weak women did not dare to go out and run around.

You can only buy some food to hoard, and then honestly shrink at home.

From time to time, he also offered the Scarecrow a sacrifice of fear to him for protection.

Of the two, Xiao Yun, who later believed in the existence of the Fear Demon God, was more devout than Xiao Qing.

She now has to pray every day before going to bed to sleep peacefully.


In the dim light, Xiao Yun ate instant noodles and asked Xiao Qing with a bitter face:

“You say, when will this day come to an end?”

What are those strange people, what are they trying to do?

The uncle next door had a few arguments with them yesterday.

It turned out to be killed on the spot!

They are too ferocious and inhuman! ”

Speaking of this, a trace of fear flashed in Xiao Yun’s eyes.

Nowadays, the citizens of Beihai City are basically aware of the existence of the Imperial Spirit Bearer.

I also know that it is a group of people with extraordinary strength and cruel temperament!

Beihai City, which had lost its official jurisdiction, seemed to have become a primeval forest, and began to abide by the law of the weak predatory.

In this primeval forest, the changes in the food chain between the spirits and ordinary people are becoming more and more obvious.

Apparently, the Spirits stood at the top of the food chain.

And ordinary people are the food they hunt!

“Shhh! Quietly, don’t talk about those people. If they hear it, they will be in big trouble! ”

Hearing this, Xiao Qing quickly stopped her.

To survive in this high-pressure environment, you must be careful everywhere!

“Bang bang bang!”

“Bang bang bang!”

Who knew that as soon as Xiao Qing’s voice fell, there was a rough and manic knock on the door outside.

Seeing the two of them looked at each other, their eyes were very uneasy.

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Qing went to open the door, and Xiao Yun hurriedly hid the scarecrow enshrined on the table.

Now the only people who are acting so arrogantly in Beihai City are “those people”.

Although he guessed that it was those folk spirits, Xiao Qing did not open the door directly after walking to the door.

Instead, while looking out through the cat’s eye, he asked loudly:

“Who?” It’s almost midnight, don’t sleep and knock on what door? ”

“Routine check! Open the door to Lao Tzu! ”

Through the cat’s eyes, Xiao Qing saw two people with gloomy breath and grumpy faces.

These two people are the two who killed the uncle next door yesterday!

Xiao Qing knew that these people were currently in control of Beihai City, and they had extraordinary powers, and they also had a way to enter without opening the door.

So I had no choice but to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, the two Imperial Spirit Bearers rushed in directly, knocking Xiao Qing, who could not dodge, to the ground.

“How did you do this?”

Seeing that his girlfriend was knocked down, Xiao Yun couldn’t help but complain.

“Get out!”

Who knew that Xiao Yun, who had complained a word, was also slapped to the ground by one of the two Imperial Spirit Beings who rushed in!

Then, the two spirits searched the room indiscriminately, throwing everything into a mess.

At the same time, a lot of things were destroyed and a lot of items were smashed.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun, who fell to the ground, were very angry and quietly clenched their fists.

But they know that the strength of the two sides is very different, and they can only grit their teeth and endure.


After a wanton search, the two spirits found nothing.

Nothing was found to be related to the Twilight Sect or the Scarecrow.

But just as they were about to leave, one of them casually glanced at Xiao Qing.

Then he couldn’t take his eyes off and stopped there.

Only then did he discover that the owner of this room was actually a beautiful and beautiful woman!

For a moment, evil thoughts arose.

The two spirits are old friends and have a certain understanding of each other.

When a friend stops, the other person immediately understands.

He laughed evilly and teased:

“You boy can’t control that thing in your crotch again.”

Forget it, this most of the night also has to be routinely checked, which is hard enough.

There are two girls in this room, let’s relax one by one.

I don’t want to rob you either, the other cute type belongs to me. ”


The simple communication between the two made Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun’s mood fall to the bottom.


“What do you want to do!” Don’t come here!” ”

Xiao Yun shouted in horror.

But her performance like this can only add some fun to these two spirit masters.

Xiao Qing gritted his teeth and did not say a word.

Just quietly grasped the dagger in his arms.

But the spirit bearer who walked towards her seemed to see through everything.

When Xiao Qing grabbed the dagger in his arms, a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

“Chick, you don’t think that little blade can hurt, do you?”

Honestly don’t make a fuss, let me be happy, I can still choose to let you go. ”

Hearing this, Xiao Qing was really desperate.

In front of the Spirit Bearer, even the lowest-level Spirit Bearer.

Ordinary people have no power to resist!

However, just when Xiao Qing fell into despair, a sudden change occurred!


The other Imperial Spirit Cultivator who was planning to plot against Xiao Yun was about to get started, but suddenly let out a terrible scream!

“Old Qin, what’s wrong with you?”

This situation surprised the Imperial Spirit Bearer on Xiao Qing’s side.

He temporarily gave up his violence against Xiao Qing and turned his head to look at his companions.

The Imperial Spirit Being, known as Old Qin, screamed bitterly, his body curled up in pain, and he turned around in his struggle

However, another Spirit Keeper saw an incomparably terrifying scene!

Only to see Lao Qin’s face dead lying on a scarecrow!

This scarecrow is not large, only ten centimeters in appearance.

But like a maggot of the tarsal bone, it stuck to Old Qin’s face.

Straw after straw, like a poisonous snake, kept burrowing into his flesh and blood!

Strangle his head in a barrage of holes!

That terrible picture made the other Spirit Guardian terrified and smelled a breath of death!

“Old Qin, don’t panic, I’ll call someone to save you right away!”

After he was stunned for half a second, he immediately turned his head and ran outside the door.

The brothers are there to sell.

When to sell if you don’t sell at this time?


Hearing what his companion said, Old Qin Qi wanted to scold the mother.

Unfortunately, his mouth, throat, and trachea were now stuffed with straw.

Don’t talk about talking, it’s hard to breathe!

Death came to him step by step after all!

However, another Spirit Hunter who wanted to escape from here was not spared.

He had only stepped out a few steps when he bumped into a huge crow head-on.

It was Chen Mo’s Death Night Crow!

“What the hell?”

After being knocked back a few steps, the Spirit Guardian drew out a bone chain and hit the Death Night Crow.

This bone chain is the strangeness he harnesses.

Without thinking about a whip, the Death Night Crow disappeared.

Just as the Spiritist was wondering where the terrible-looking crow was going, he suddenly felt a headache!

It was as if something had landed on top of his head.

“Isn’t it…!”

At this moment, a terrible and incomparable conjecture sprang up in the heart of this spirit person!

Trembling in his heart, he rolled his eyes and looked up.

What came into his eyes was a shadow, a pair of blood-red eyes.

And…… A sharp blood-stained crow’s beak!

The crow’s beak rapidly enlarged in his eyes, and the distance became negative in an instant!


With a scream, one of the eyes of this Spirit Bearer was pecked down by the Death Night Raven!

Pain and fear overwhelmed him!


For the next half minute, the death song of the two spirits was chanted.

They were tragically miserable in fear and pain, and finally cut off their lives, leaving only two corpses that were twisted in pain.

Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun were stunned and terrified, and collapsed on the ground for a long time unable to return to their senses!

Although only a short half minute.

But the impact on them is unprecedented!

Facing the fear of death…

Glad to have escaped the disaster…

Witness the fear of the Demon God…

Complex and strong emotions erupted together, making their two sisters who were not deeply involved in the world stay on the spot and look at all this foolishly.

At this moment, a haggard figure entered Xiaoyun and Xiaoqing’s rental house and closed the door with his hand.

This person is the wife of the uncle next door.

Yesterday the uncle was killed on the spot by these two spirits, and she has become a widow.

In just one day, the aunt became disheveled and confused, as if she was about to collapse.

But when she saw the scene inside the house, her eyes lit up suddenly!

Then the aunt “poofed” and fell to her knees and cried out:

“It was the Fear Demon God, the great Fear Demon God who killed these beasts.

My vendetta… Reported it!

Fear…… Forever! Woohoo…”

In the low sobbing of this big aunt, Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun also gradually woke up.

But they don’t know what to do with the situation.

Two spiritists died in their rooms, and if they were discovered by the other spirits, it would be a catastrophe!

Fortunately, the aunt cried for a while and gradually eased up.

She wiped her swollen eyes and said to Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun:

“Girls, don’t be afraid, I’m also a member of the Twilight Sect.

The two of you can get the protection of the Fear Demon God, and there must be something superior.

Today the senior believers in the sect will hold a large sacrifice, and I will take you there! ”

It turned out that Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun’s uncle and aunt next door were indeed believers in the Twilight Sect.

And it is a senior believer, and even an invitation to participate in the midnight sacrifice ceremony tonight.

It’s just a pity that the uncle died the day before.

Hearing this, Xiao Qing and Xiao Yun glanced at each other and nodded in agreement.

They had no choice but to try to blend into the Twilight Sect.

A path that had never been conceived of was paved to them.



Fourth more to send, today update thirteen thousand, tomorrow to continue.

If the previous chapter had not been banned, checked for a long time, and wasted a lot of my time, maybe I could have had another chapter.

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