At the same time, the scarecrows in the mounds of the county came alive in large numbers and stretched out their vicious ghost claws to those folk spirits!

Tonight, the moon is dark and windy, and it is an excellent night of killing!

Countless scarecrows slaughtered those spirits through the night.

Terrified screams echoed through the dark night sky of Touqiu County!

A few eerie and terrifying crows could be faintly heard.

The whole of Hill County is like a terrible purgatory!


Soon, the news of the Scarecrow rebellion reached Liu Ningxue’s ears.

When she heard the news, she immediately understood.

This is the great god of fear in helping them clear the scene!

As long as you drag or destroy the Imperial Spirit of Tuqiu County, the Twilight Sect will have time to hold a sacrifice ceremony!

However, this time is very short, and the three A-level Spirit Bearers will come to support it later.

The movements of the Twilight Sect must be fast!

Be sure to seize the opportunity!

Thinking of this, Liu Ningxue immediately made a decision, and commanded his subordinates:

“Notice, five minutes later, the ceremony will begin, and all the believers will gather at the designated venue!”


A dozen core believers said yes and immediately began to act.

An unprecedented festival is about to be held!


Zhao Feng is a B-level Imperial Spirit Cultivator, affiliated to the Future Group, and was cultivated by Zhang Yuanxin.

The area he is in charge of is Hill County.

That night, as usual, he indulged in alcohol and beauty, indulging in eroticism.

In Zhao Feng’s view, the task of Beihai City this time was completely a vacation.

There is not much danger, and there is no heavy work.

Best of all, there is no official Secret Service in charge!

The feeling of losing restraint and embracing freedom is so refreshing!

If it weren’t for Zhang Yuanxin pressing on him, he felt that he was about to become an omnipotent king, and he could do whatever he wanted!

All the desires in human nature are released.

Or that word – cool!

However…… Danger tends to creep in at times when people are most lax.

Just as Zhao Feng was drowsy, one of his men hurried in.

“Manager Zhao, it’s not good, something big has happened!”

Zhao Feng put his arms around a beautiful woman, looked up drunkenly and said:

“What are you yelling at? What a big deal? Are those Twilight Sect rats running out of trouble again?

Kill, kill me hard! How many kills how many!

I’d rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go of one! ”

“No, it’s…”

Speaking of this, the man bowed his head and suddenly stopped speaking.

Zhao Feng subconsciously moved closer to him and asked curiously:

“Not the Twilight Sect?” What’s that? You mean. ”

When Zhao Feng approached, the man suddenly raised his head, and a face actually became the face of a scarecrow!

The hoarse sound is also terrifying!

“Yes… The Scarecrow is coming! ”

As he spoke, the scarecrows shot at Zhao Feng like poisonous snakes.

Zhao Feng was excited, and the wine gas in his body turned into cold sweat and flowed down.

He subconsciously protected the beautiful woman in his arms behind him, and a strange wreath of blood appeared in front of him.

This strange wreath blocked the Scarecrow’s attack, and then Zhao Feng stretched out a pale finger bone to blast the Scarecrow in the air.

Between the electric light and flint, a battle was over.

Although, it’s thrilling!


After killing this scarecrow, Zhao Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and said to the beautiful woman behind him:

“It’s all right, Lao Tzu, a B-level Spirit Bearer, would he be afraid of these small means?”

Although he said this on his lips, Zhao Feng’s face was frightened, and he was obviously frightened.

How did a good subordinate suddenly become a scarecrow?

Zhao Feng couldn’t figure it out.

Who knew the next moment, a rough and stiff body pressed against his back, and the cold air blew in his ears.

Zhao Feng turned his head, and it was a terrifying scarecrow face again!

That delicate beauty just now has actually become a scarecrow!

His pupils contracted violently in fright, and at the same time he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

The scarecrow took a bite and bit off half of Zhao Feng’s neck!


Zhao Feng spat out blood and scolded angrily.

Enduring pain and fear, he used his strange finger bones again to blow up the scarecrow behind him.

At the same time, the injury in the neck slowly recovered.

Thanks to Zhao Feng, one of the weird has the ability to repair himself.

Otherwise, if you are yin like this, you will definitely be seriously injured!

However, it was precisely because of this ability that he was promoted to the B-level Imperial Spirit Person.


“Manager Zhao, something big has happened!”

Just when Zhao Feng was in a panic, there was another urgent voice outside the door, and at the same time, a figure broke in.

“Who?! Stand there and don’t move! Otherwise don’t blame me for not being polite! ”

Two scarecrows in a row scared Zhao Feng enough, and it was already a bit of a wind and cranes.

I almost shot directly at the comers.

The Imperial Spirit Cultivator was startled by Zhao Feng’s anger, and stood looking at him with some confusion, completely unaware of what was going on with his superior.

Zhao Feng looked up and down at this person a few times, and he couldn’t see any traces of the scarecrow.

But he still did not dare to relax, and asked from a distance:

“What? Hurry up and say! ”

“Messed up! Hill County is in chaos!

Countless scarecrows suddenly came to life, killed us, and our manpower suffered heavy losses!

I was still under the cover of a few brothers before I had a chance to come back and report to you! ”

The spirit bearer said in horror.

It seems to recall the horror of countless scarecrows killing people under the moonlit night!

“What? The scarecrows of the whole mounds have come alive?! ”

Hearing this, Zhao Feng’s face instantly turned white.

At first, he thought that the two scarecrows around him were just chances.

Only now do I know that this strange incident actually covered the entire Tuqiu County!

“By the way, many Twilight Sect disciples came out and converged in one direction.

It seems that some major ceremony is going to be held.

But our hands have been severely damaged by the Scarecrows, and we are powerless to stop them, even to find out the situation! ”

At this time, the man remembered another important news and reported it to Zhao Feng.

Hearing this, Zhao Feng’s face was even more ugly.

He understood.

Tonight’s event must be a great conspiracy that the Twilight Sect has been planning for a long time!

Hill County, something big is going to happen!

“Quick! Report the situation here to Zhang Dong! Be sure to inform him! ”

After giving a command, Zhao Feng strode out to see what the situation was in Tuqiu County.

He climbed to the roof of the building and looked around.

At this look, Zhao Feng’s heart suddenly stopped, as if it was fiercely grasped by a pair of invisible hands!

I saw that the streets of Tsuchioka County were all dressed in black robes and with terrifying scarecrows painted on their backs!

Dense, you can’t see the edge at a glance!

People over 10,000, boundless!

In this situation, Zhao Feng estimated that there were at least 100,000 people!

One hundred thousand core believers of the Twilight Sect!

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle!

The pace of development of this sect is inevitably too fast!


In the faint moonlight, these black-robed people moved rapidly, gathering towards a certain point.

It’s like a black dragon running to hell!


To be precise, it is creating hell!

Even Zhao Feng, a B-level Imperial Spirit Person, felt a huge pressure at this moment!

There was even a feeling of breathlessness!

His subconscious mind told him that something terrible was about to happen in Hill County!

It was so terrible that he was a B-level spirit reaper, and he couldn’t afford it!

Beihai City, it’s going to change the sky!

In Zhao Feng’s horrified gaze, all the believers gathered at one point.

In the crowd, a giant scarecrow statue ten meters high was erected!

Below, dozens of believers pulled it up and stood in the middle of the mounds of the county!

After seeing this giant Scarecrow statue, all 100,000 believers knelt down and shouted in unison!

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”

“Fear lives on! The Demon God lives on! ”


Endless prayers echoed like waves.

In the constant prayer of 100,000 believers, the giant scarecrow statue under the moonlight became more and more vivid, as if it was going to come back to life!

Zhao Feng looked at the giant scarecrow statue several kilometers away, and his heart was pounding.

It feels like a heart-pounding sensation!

It’s a strange feeling.

If you really want to use a metaphor, it is like a cat who sees a tiger.

It’s the suppression of blood and species!

Let his clan feel afraid in his bones!

What is the Twilight Sect doing?


Just as Zhao Feng was thinking wildly in his mind, the eyes of the giant Scarecrow statue suddenly turned and looked at him violently!

A terrifying gaze pierced into his heart like substance!


Zhao Feng’s head buzzed, and he only felt as if he had been hit hard by a sledgehammer.

For a moment, Zhao Feng’s heart stopped beating, and his consciousness fell into a blank slate!


By the time the reaction came, it was already 2 seconds later.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s face was pale, and he took several steps back in succession to stabilize his body.

“Grass! What the hell is this? It’s going to be horrible! ”

In horror, he scolded, as if this was the only way to awaken his courage.

But no matter what, Zhao Feng no longer dared to look at the giant scarecrow statue.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Zhao Feng crawled downstairs with a rolling belt.

This giant Scarecrow statue gave him such a terrifying feeling!

Zhao Feng only wanted to escape from here now.

Even if you want to come back again, you must hold Zhang Yuanxin’s thigh!


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