With Zhao Feng’s evacuation, Tuqiu County had completely become the territory of the Dusk Sect!

One hundred thousand believers gathered around the giant Scarecrow statue, praying loudly and offering their fear!

In the dim sky, the Death Night Crow is constantly hissing, and eerie prayers are heard throughout the sky!

The whole tuqiu county seems to have turned into a foreign country, giving people an indescribable sense of weirdness.

The ordinary people in the county town and some surviving spirits were all hiding in the corners, trembling.

Fear is not going to end!



Wing City, in the Ghost Realm of Styx reincarnation.

A point of light in Chen Mozhi’s sea is getting brighter and brighter!

A large amount of fear power condensed on the giant Scarecrow statue, making it constantly stronger!

Chen Mo’s consciousness spanned thousands of kilometers and descended on this giant scarecrow statue, bringing it to life.

After sensing that there was a B-level Imperial Spirit Cultivator around, Chen Mo glanced at him.

At this eye, Chen Mo used fear erosion.

It directly broke Zhao Feng’s psychological defense line and let him flee in the wilderness.

This is also a B-level Spirit Bearer, if it is a C level or even weaker Spirit Bearer.

It is possible to be killed by the direct fear of Chen Mo’s eyes!

Crushing by endless fear, the sanity collapses and becomes an empty shell without thinking!

After Beihai City absorbed a large amount of fear power, Chen Mo was getting closer and closer to the A level, and there was a possibility of a breakthrough at any time.

In this plan, he planned to descend on Beihai City and pull the entire city’s Imperial Spirit into the Dream Realm.

Then squeeze them dry up to advance to the A level!


The scarecrow body that Chen Mo had descended from was constantly strengthening under the blessing of the power of fear.

On the other side, Zhang Yuanxin also received the news and rushed to Tuqiu County overnight!

On the way, Zhang Yuanxin encountered Zhao Feng, who had fled into the wilderness.

Seeing that he was so embarrassed, Zhang Yuanxin asked him in a deep voice:

“What the hell is going on in Hill County? How did you abandon the city and flee? ”

Seeing Zhang Yuanxin, the heart that Zhao Feng was carrying finally let go.

He knelt down in front of Zhang Yuanxin and cried out:

“Zhang Dong, the scarecrows of Tuqiu County suddenly all came back to life and wantonly slaughtered our Imperial Spirit Bearers!”

Those followers of the Twilight Sect took the opportunity to carry out a large-scale sacrifice.

The streets of the entire mounds are full of those fanatical believers, let alone 100,000 people!

The scarecrow they were offering, very huge, ten meters long!

And…… And…”

“And what?!”

Zhang Yuanxin asked sharply.

Hearing the previous news, Zhang Yuanxin’s mood was a little heavy.

At this time, Zhao Feng was still in a daze, and it seemed that there were more terrible things that he had not said, how could Zhang Yuanxin not be able to do so.

“And that giant scarecrow statue seems to be coming back to life!”

It…… It looked at me a few kilometers away, and my sanity was hit hard!

This power… Definitely more than a B grade! It was horrible! ”

Under Zhang Yuanxin’s questioning, Zhao Feng said his thoughts in a hurry.

Until now, when he thought of the terrible gaze of the Scarecrow, Zhao Feng still had a feeling of cardiac arrest!

Zhao Feng had never been so scared as he was today!

“Beyond the power of the B class?”

Zhang Yuanxin’s face was solemn, and the task evaluation of the Secret Service Bureau was indeed correct.

This strange incident in Beihai City does have a level of danger of Class A!

The main thing is that there is too little intelligence.

So far, Xiong Yinglong’s death has not been clearly investigated.

Only to say that it may be related to the strangeness of the appearance of a scarecrow.

In addition, the weird generally moves in a fixed place and obeys certain rules.

Very few people run around.

The strangeness of spanning thousands of kilometers in a short period of time has never been heard of.

Therefore, before Zhang Yuanxin had not dared to be sure, this scarecrow in Beihai City, known as the Fear Demon God, was related to the one who killed Xiong Yinglong.

But now it seems… The two are certainly inseparable!

Zhang Yuanxin sorted out the information he had obtained now.

The Twilight Sect believes in a creepy creature called the Dread Demon God who looks like a Scarecrow.

This eerie body is unknown.

The means of the scarecrows who have been descending through consciousness to the believers are in turmoil.

The strength it showed before was about B-level.

But this time, it climbed straight to the A level! (The protagonist has not reached A, the level is between A and B, the strength is comparable to the A level, in Zhao Feng’s view, it is A)

How strong is this scarecrow’s strange strength?

It’s hard to do… Is He really a god?


Thinking of this, Zhang Yuanxin had already retreated.

He is more than half a hundred years old, rich, powerful and powerful, mainly seeking stability, and does not like to take risks.

Now this strange incident in Beihai City had exceeded his expectations.

Running away immediately seems to be a good choice?

Although he thought so in his heart, Zhang Yuanxin did not really run away immediately.

After all, all this information was told to him by Zhao Feng.

No matter what, Zhang Yuanxin also has to go to the scene to take a look and confirm the situation, right?

If there was no big deal, he would be directly scared away, wouldn’t he become a joke in the entire Thunder Kingdom Spirit Realm in the future?

With such an idea, Zhang Yuanxin decided to go to Tuqiu County first to see the situation before speaking.

This place is not far from Tuqiu County, and Zhang Yuanxin took Zhao Feng to continue on the road.

Soon, they were on the outskirts of Hill County.

Before entering, Zhang Yuanxin could faintly see a huge statue of a scarecrow, standing in the center of the county seat.

Countless hideous and terrifying Death Night Crows roared wildly around it in the night!

This scene is unspeakably weird!

It was as if an evil god had descended into the world!

After glancing at it, Zhang Yuanxin vaguely had a feeling of shock in his heart, and his scalp was slightly numb.

He knew that Zhao Feng didn’t say anything, this weirdness was indeed strong and terrible!

Zhang Yuanxin’s mind moved, and his body turned into a transparent spirit body, directly through the roof of the car and drifting towards the sky.

This is one of his weird powers.


Zhang Yuanxin, who was incarnated as a spirit, moved closer to the giant scarecrow in order to observe.

After carefully observing for a while, Zhang Yuanxin found a lot.

First of all, in terms of strength level, he vaguely felt that this scarecrow was not as good as him.

But it kept him feeling extremely dangerous!

Zhang Yuanxin was knowledgeable, and he knew that the strength and danger of weirdness could not be judged by rank alone.

Some weird levels are not high, but they are extremely dangerous.

After reaching a certain condition, you can even set off and die!

And this scarecrow’s rank is only a little weaker than his, and the gap is very small.

Maybe one day the Twilight Sect will make a bigger scarecrow, and he may be crushed in all aspects.

Secondly, Zhang Yuanxin found that in the prayer offerings of 100,000 believers, this scarecrow was getting stronger and stronger!

This is not a good sign!

Now the question in front of Zhang Yuanxin is very simple – fight or slip?

If you want to fight as soon as possible, otherwise who knows how far the scarecrow’s strength can be improved?

If you want to slip away, you can’t ink, you have to leave this place of right and wrong quickly!


Just when Zhang Yuanxin was a little hesitant, Chen Mo helped him make a choice.

By the time the power of fear had converged to a certain extent, the strength of this Scarecrow statue had been raised to the limit.

It was almost 80% of Chen Mo’s body.

And not permanently.

Without continuous offerings and sacrifices, the power of this body will gradually fade.

Until it became an ordinary large scarecrow statue.

However, this is a problem in the future, Chen Mo does not have to worry about it for the time being.

He sensed that there were three powerful breaths rapidly approaching Tuqiu County.

It’s those three A-level Spirit Bearers!

Chen Mo didn’t want to confront them for the time being.

When he broke through to the A level, were the three A-level spirit masters still at his disposal?

So Chen Mo’s mind moved, and the huge scarecrow statue began to shrink, turning into a palm-sized scarecrow doll and falling into Su Jing’s arms.

“Leave… Here…”

Chen Mo passed on a wave of consciousness to Su Jing and Liu Ningxue.

In contact with Chen Mo again, Su Jing produced a huge sense of happiness!

Happy she was about to pass out.

Even that fear was suppressed.

However, she did not forget the right thing, and under the leadership of Liu Ningxue and the cover of 100,000 believers, she moved to the secret base.

At this point, this large-scale sacrifice was over.


Looking at the vanished scarecrow, Zhang Yuanxin, who was floating in the air hesitantly, sighed.

At this point, he had no chance of fighting the scarecrow.

With the ability of the Twilight Sect to hide, they would never find it.

“Forget it, this mission is still abandoned.”

That A-grade weird, who has the ability to take it, I still continue to go back to the pension. ”

With this thought in mind, Zhang Yuanxin floated in the car and commanded his subordinates:

“Get ready, we’ll leave Beihai City early tomorrow morning.”

Hearing this, Zhao Feng was shocked and asked in surprise:

“Zhang Dong, you didn’t do this mission?”

Zhang Yuanxin slapped Zhao Feng in disgust and angrily scolded:

“Look at your provocative look, still making a fart?”

A bunch of crap, none of them lean on!

Let Lao Tzu fight with the Dusk Sect alone? ”

There is a tall top under the sky.

In the past, these folk spiritist organizations had never dealt with such a level of strange events.

It’s all the Secret Service.

At this time, I personally went into battle, and I immediately saw the difference between the two sides.

The ability and quality of the folk spirits and the official spirits in all aspects are really a bit big!

Zhang Yuanxin commanded his men to drive back to the camp while pondering whether to do some intensive training after going back.

Practice the Spirit Keepers under your command.

But these guys are all rambling and can stand up to discipline?


After deciding to give up this mission, Zhang Yuanxin was full of thoughts about going back.

What he didn’t know was.

This time, they are doomed not to go back!

Chen Mo followed Su Jing and Liu Ningxue back to the secret room where they were hiding.

Then, Chen Mo began to raise the level of the Dream Realm.

The Dream Realm skill is an advanced skill.

Upgrading to LV1 costs 10,000 points.

Now that Chen Mo has raised this skill to LV6, it will cost 300,000 fear points to improve it again!

Fortunately, he had recently gained millions of fear points in Beihai City, which was enough to support the ascension of the Dream Realm.

Chen Mo took a bite and spent 300,000 + 500,000 + 1 million + 2 million, that is, 3.8 million fear points, to raise the dream country to LV10!

After being raised to level ten, the abilities of the Dream Realm are greatly enhanced!

After casting it, Chen Mo could pull five million people into the fear dream he had created at the same time!

“Nightmares… Here we go! ”

Lying in Su Jing’s arms, Chen Mo’s mouth slowly cracked, revealing a strange and terrifying smile!

In an instant, more than four million people from the entire Beihai City were simultaneously pulled into a nightmare of fear!

Dream Realm, officially opened!


The second more to send.

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