The dream realm is a world created by Chen Mo.

Suddenly there was one more intruder, how could he not feel it?

Just when Chen Mo wanted to gather all his forces to eliminate or trap Li Ming.

He suddenly found that there was a live broadcast of the dream world in the sky outside!

And it covers the entire Thunder Country!

This made Chen Mo instantly come to the spirit!

The difficulty of advancing to the A level was far beyond his imagination, and it required a huge amount of fear points!

Just by relying on a North Sea City, there are still some missing!

The live broadcast of this strange incident carried out by the Holy Eagle Country was to plunge the Thunder Country into greater chaos.

But inadvertently, he helped Chen Mo a lot!

He can transmit his terror through this unbreakable live broadcast for all Lei people to see.

Thus gaining more power of fear!

Therefore, the dream just now was carefully prepared by Chen Mo.

The owner of this dream had long been tortured half dead.

Where there is still the spirit like that little boy bouncing around, full of energy.

This pair of mother and son, all of them are made up by Chen Mo.


At this time, in the dream, Li Ming’s vision once again left the little boy uncontrollably.

After a while, a short scream sounded.

It’s the little boy’s voice!

This scream was terrified to the extreme, and it was extremely terrible!

But only half a second later, there was a faint sound of nursery rhymes in the dense weeds.

It was a woman’s, and a little boy’s voice.

“The earth fell to death…

Night crows peck at the sunset…

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in the darkness…

Gaze at you! ”

If the unsuspecting people heard this nursery rhyme of the mother and son chorus, they thought it was a warm picture.

But the Lei people who see the whole dream in their eyes know that there is no mother and son?

It’s just the self-directed self-acting of that Scarecrow monster!

Imagine the horror picture, coupled with this seemingly warm mother and son chorus.

It made the scalps of countless Lei people tingle, and a chill came out from the bottom of their hearts!

Permeate the whole body!

“It’s also horrible, too scary! I’m a horror movie lover.

But compared to this dream, those so-called first-class horror movies are garbage! ”

“I’m scared to death! I had doubted that I was too timid.

Turn your head and look, good fellow, there is a big scary mess around! ”

“This Scarecrow monster is terrifying! Fortunately, this thing only exists in dreams.

If it were in the real world, I wouldn’t know what to do. ”

“What the hell is going on in Beihai City?” Why did such a horrible dream come out and drag the whole city into it!

I can’t imagine what kind of fear people in Beihai City are experiencing! ”

“What is the top brass of Lei Guo doing?” Such a major disaster, why not solve it with all efforts?! ”

“Yes! I put up with hiding the news, and I put up with not telling the people what was going on.

But you can’t watch the people of this whole city die in fear, right? Couldn’t anyone save them? ”


In addition to the fear, countless people began to talk.

In fact, those who can participate in the discussion are already bold people.

More people were frightened and pale, their lips trembling, and their foreheads sweating coldly!

Without even the strength to speak, he almost collapsed to the ground.

The worse thing is that he was directly frightened to faint, or collapsed to the ground in fright.

In short, almost the entire Lei Kingdom fell into fear after seeing this live broadcast of this dream!

Although due to the limitation of distance, the fear value that these ordinary people can provide is very weak.

However, the accumulation of a small amount turned into a raging river water that poured into Chen Mo’s body!

Chen Mo worked hard to absorb the power of these fears.

At the same time, the fear value is constantly soaring!

1 million…

3 million…

5 million!

10 million!

The fear value that Chen Mo possessed had reached an unprecedented height!

At this point, he was only one step away from advancing to the A level!

Chen Mo’s cold and terrifying gaze stared at Li Ming in the dream world.

“If I kill this Spirit Guardian in front of all the Thunder People, I should be able to gain the most fear power and help me ascend to the A level!”

Thinking of this, Chen Mo spent another 3 million + 5 million, that is, 8 million fear points, to raise the dream country to LV12.

Even Chen Mo is still B+ level weird.

But LV12’s Dream Realm is enough to kill Li Ming!

Chen Mo’s mind moved, and the dream world began to change dramatically!


When Li Ming was still feeling a little frightened by the dream he had just had, the world around him began to twist and melt!

Soon he came to a dark, cold, damp and empty place.

At a glance, the ground is full of bones!

The rivers of blood are crisscrossing and flowing, and there are constantly unjust souls struggling and roaring in the river!

But soon he was dragged into the river of blood by a force, and he could never turn over!

Only a terrible scream was left to reverberate in this space.

Here, it’s like purgatory!

Just by seeing this environment, countless Lei Guoren who were watching the live broadcast outside were frightened and their legs were weak!

Li Ming was fine.

After all, he was a spirit reverend, and he wasn’t too afraid.

But he felt an extremely ominous premonition!

There is even a feeling that your heart is pounding, and you will die at any time!

“What’s going on? This dream gave me the feeling of how it suddenly became dangerous many times over! ”

Li Ming was terrified in his heart and could no longer deal with it calmly.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Ming was no longer excluded from the dream in an illusory form.

Instead, it was contained in the dream.

This means that he can use his own power now!

After discovering this, Li Ming ripped off his head in front of countless Lei Guoren and grabbed it in his hand.

Without waiting for those ordinary people to scream, Li Ming’s headless body turned into a tall and mighty headless knight.

The head in his hand turned into a ghost-headed beheading knife!

A-Class Spooky Headless Knight, On!

This scene shocked many Lei people.

They vaguely understood the meaning of the Spirit Bearer.

It turns out that the world has long changed!

And as ordinary people, they have always been kept in the dark!


In the dream world, Li Ming did not know that more than a billion people were watching him, and vaguely guessed the truth of the world.

But even if he knew, he wouldn’t care.

At this moment, Li Ming’s relaxed mood disappeared, and the whole person was tense and had already entered a state of battle!

The sense of crisis in his heart grew stronger!

The hair stood upright!

“This dream is very dangerous, very dangerous!”

Li Ming kept reminding himself in his heart.

The next moment, the change is abrupt!

The bones and rivers of blood on the ground trembled.

Then it fused together at a very fast speed and turned into a bloody skeleton weird.

At a glance, there are at least a hundred!


After seeing the enemy, Li Ming was relieved.

A voice burst out from his chest, and then he swung the ghost’s head and slashed the horse knife, killing the skeletons strangely.

As an A-level Spirit Bearer with a single ability.

Li Ming’s ability in melee combat is indeed ferocious!

He transformed into a headless knight and killed seven in and seven out of hundreds of skeletons!

Countless blood-soaked skeletons were smashed by the ghost-headed beheading knife in Li Ming’s hand!

Blood and bone scum degraded him.

Li Ming is a reckless man, and once he fights, he suppresses all the negative emotions such as fear and worry in his heart.

The whole person kills the red eye!

In just a few minutes, those hundreds of blood-soaked skeletons were killed by Li Ming!

“Hahaha! Joyfully! What other means, all of them out! ”

Although there was no mouth, Li Ming’s chest still emitted an arrogant sound.

He thought he could do it again!

But soon, the space in front of me twisted and melted.

Li Ming has come to a brand new space!

There are many cauldrons of many people here, and some shadows can be faintly seen in them, as if they are cooking something.

After Li Ming’s arrival, some horrific corpses that had been boiled in half were actually crawled out of these pots!

These corpses went to Li Ming to kill.

A battle is going on again!


In this way, Li Ming killed through layer after layer of space!

Chopped up I don’t know how much weird!

Finally, he killed through the seventeenth floor!

Li Ming stood in a pile of corpses and shouted madly:

“What means to use them all!”

If you don’t have more ability, stretch out your neck and wait for Lao Tzu to cut it! ”



Li Ming, who was killing the rise, laughed wildly.

Halfway through the battle, he vaguely guessed that this dream seemed to correspond to the eighteenth layer of hell.

That said, the last layer is next.

After breaking through the eighteenth floor, you may be able to end this dream!

On the previous seventeen floors, Li Ming didn’t take much effort to kill through.

It seems that his initial premonition was not accurate.

This dream was no big deal, it couldn’t stop an A-level spirit hunter like him!

When I was satisfied, the space around me began to distort and melt.

Become like another world.

Li Ming, who had already experienced this process a dozen times, was very calm, quietly waiting for the new strange to appear.

But what happened next exceeded his expectations!

The previous seventeen layers of hell were all eerie, dark and damp places.

But this eighteenth floor is actually a rice field sprinkled with sunshine!

You can still smell the grass!

There are also birds singing overhead.

Everything seems so beautiful!

Li Ming is stupid, but he is not too stupid.

At this point, I also felt that something was wrong!

The so-called things are more abnormal than demons!

The painting style of this eighteenth layer is also too different from the previous one!

Just as Li Ming was raising his vigilance, a crisp wind chime sounded.

This was followed by the sound of a mother and son singing nursery rhymes.

“The earth fell to death…

Night crows peck at the sunset…

Come on!

Come on!

The Scarecrow is staring at you!

He is in the darkness…

Gaze at you! ”

Hearing this nursery rhyme, Li Ming, who was still murderous before, instantly exploded!

Not only him, but also the billions of Lei people watching the live broadcast outside, also fell into fear in an instant.

The image of a scarecrow slowly appeared in their hearts!

Unconsciously, this scarecrow has actually become a shadow in their hearts!

As soon as it is triggered, you will be terrified to the point of no return!


Look at the dream world again.

Hearing this terrible nursery rhyme, Li Ming’s heart burst with a hint of coolness.

He just grabbed the ghost head beheading knife in his hand and “looked” around vigilantly.

“Jingle Bells!”

“Jingle Bells!”

The wind chimes are getting closer and closer, and the nursery rhymes are getting closer and closer.

In a golden wheat field, a mother and son came along.

It was the mother and son that Li Ming saw in his first dream!

At this time, the mother and son had a strange smile on their faces, and the mother was carrying a wind chime in her hand.

Make a crisp sound in the wind.

But they walked fearlessly towards Li Ming, who was incarnated as a headless knight, and the smile on their faces did not diminish in the slightest!

Needless to say, this pair of mother and son is no longer human!

Thinking of this, Li Ming tightened the ghost head in his hand and cut off the horse knife.

When the mother and son get closer, smash them with one sword!

But as the mother and son approached, the whole world distorted and mutated!

The sun is setting and darkness is shrouding the earth!

The rice seeds that are full of rice ears wither and turn into dry yellow straw.

The birds in the sky were gone.

In its place was a huge eerie crow that constantly emitted a seeping hissing sound.

And that mother and son have also undergone tremendous changes!

The first was the wind chime in the mother’s hand, which gradually turned into a simple and old lantern, emitting a tragic green glow!

After seeing this tragic green light, Li Ming’s subconscious alarm bell was great!

It’s like encountering a predator!

“Is it a weirdness aimed at the soul?”

Li Ming was terrified.

He is the kind of spirit recluse who controls the strange system of a single real system.

The most feared thing is the means against the soul!

However, the change of mother and child is not over.

Their bodies blurred, and everything but the old lantern was gone.

The one who appeared there turned into a skinny and vicious scarecrow!

This scarecrow, carrying the old green lantern in one hand and a giant three-meter-long sickle in the other.

In addition, there were dozens of red-eyed Death Night Ravens swirling over Him like a black cloud!

The scarecrow just stood there silently, without any movement.

But even so, it still brought Li Ming an inexplicable sense of fear!

It seems that this scarecrow is the embodiment of fear, the master of fear!

Li Ming was terrified, not to mention the ordinary people of Lei Guo.

When they saw Chen Mo’s complete form, many people were directly frightened, and the whole person’s mind had been taken away by fear!

At this time, Chen Mo had already gotten rid of the level of using means to frighten people.

He is fear!

Even if Chen Mo didn’t do anything, just standing there quietly, he could make the beings who saw him collapse in fear!

This is already a strange and powerful spiritual attack!


Speaking of Li Ming, after being frightened by Chen Mo.

He immediately realized that this scarecrow was the source of this strange incident!

Maybe this weird is still the murderer of Xiong Yinglong!

“No way! The first hand is strong, and the next hand suffers! Kill! ”

Li Ming shouted angrily in his heart, and he wanted to raise the ghost head and slash the saber to kill the scarecrow.

But with this thought, he was horrified to find that the power in his body was rapidly fading!

Then, in just a few seconds, Li Ming changed from a tall, powerful, ferocious and terrifying headless knight to an ordinary person!

“No! That’s impossible! I…… What about my power? What about my weirdness?! ”

Li Ming looked at his hands and roared in disbelief.

At this point, he was completely panicked!

Li Ming’s confidence comes from the power he controls.

But now the power has faded, and he is an ordinary person.

And how to fight the horror of the scarecrow in the dream world!

What Li Ming didn’t know was that in the previous seventeen layers of hell, every time he was contaminated with some strange fragments, his body would be invaded by Chen Moduo.

After being dragged into the dream realm of the Imperial Spirit Beings below the A level, Chen Mo could directly deprive them of all their powers.

Fiddle with them at will!

However, in the face of the A-level Spirit Bearer, it takes a little trick.

The level of the Dream Realm was enough, but Chen Mo’s basic strength was insufficient.

When he was promoted to the A level, a weak being like Li Ming among the A-level Spirit Cultivators was not at the mercy of the people?


But no matter what, Chen Mo’s purpose had been achieved.

At this time, Li Ming had lost all his strength.

Fear engulfed him!

Powerlessness was his only feeling!

At this time… The long-silent Scarecrow moved!

“Quack, creak.”

The scarecrow walked slowly toward Li Ming, the old lantern in his hand swaying, making a tooth-aching sound.

“No! Don’t come here! No! ”

Li Ming, who has lost his strength, where is his usual reckless bravery?

He screamed and crawled away into the distance.

Li Ming burrowed into the withered wheat field and frantically fled for his life!

As he fled, he looked back.

The Scarecrow’s eerie speed looked slow, walking step by step.

But the distance between it and Li Ming is constantly getting closer!

Every time Li Ming looked back, he could see that the Scarecrow and himself were closer!

This huge sense of oppression made him almost collapse!

Dream Live broadcast is broadcast from Li Ming’s first perspective.

Li Ming’s fear can also be felt by the audience watching the live broadcast.

More than a billion people in the entire Lei Kingdom held their breath almost at the same time, and their tension and fear reached the extreme!


Looking back again, the Scarecrow was only three meters away from Li Ming!

A huge cold breath rushed straight to the door of his head, making Li Ming almost faint!

“No! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!” ”

Li Ming screamed and ran wildly, turning back and continuing to run.

When he turned around again, he didn’t see the strange figure of the Scarecrow.

“Get rid of it?”

Li Ming was a little incredulous, but he still had a feeling of the rest of his life.

But the next moment —


Li Ming, who turned around and ran wildly, crashed into a hard object and fell to the ground after being rebounded.

At the moment of the collision, Li Ming’s mind appeared a terrifying figure carrying an old lantern and a giant scythe.

In great fear, Li Ming’s neck seemed to rust, and he twisted his head hard.

Caught in the eye is a scarecrow!

Li Ming sat paralyzed on the ground and looked down at the scarecrow.

From this perspective, this scarecrow looks even more emaciated and more terrifying!

“Not !!!”

Under the extreme fear, Li Ming let out a terrible scream!

The next moment, the live stream in the sky was cut off.

The dream earrings that Li Ming wore were destroyed by the power of the Scarecrow!

Before the end of the live broadcast, more than a billion Lei Guo viewers only heard a terrible scream and the sound of their necks being broken.

Li Ming’s fate is already obvious!

Li Ming’s performance in the first seventeen layers is very brave and powerful.

This made the people of Lei Guo think that he was a master of high-level shooting, and they had great expectations for him!

But now…

This master who was sent out by the top level was easily killed when he went to the scarecrow at the eighteenth level!

The powerful performance of the previous seventeen layers was like a joke!

The huge gap has caused great fear.

At this moment, countless people fell into despair.

Even the top masters who were shot at the top were easily killed, and who could stop this terrible scarecrow?

For a moment, a large number of fear values gathered together like a trickle, turning into Wang Yang pouring into Chen Mo’s body!

When Chen Mo broke through the A level, it was finally here!

The fear of a billion beings casts the power of the Demon God!


The first more 6,000 words chapter is sent! Asking for a monthly pass!!!

Thanks to the “don’t deserve to have a name” big guy 588 tips, thank you very much!

ps: This number of words is too much, I am dizzy to change, I don’t know if I have changed it. There are typos that can be pointed out and can be corrected within 24 hours.

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