Chen Mo’s life origin crushed ordinary weird and imperial spirits.

The strength required to advance is naturally much more!

The horrific death process of Li Ming’s first rising and then suppressing has completely aroused the fear of more than a billion people in Lei Guo!

A large amount of fear power gathered together like a trickle, turning into a raging Wang Yang and infused into Chen Mo’s body!

At this moment, Chen Mo’s strength increased exponentially!

The fear value is also in millions of units, crazy soaring!

Under the impact of the huge and incomparable power of fear, a certain valve was finally breached!

With a burst of invigorating feeling, Chen Mo smoothly advanced to the A level!

Suddenly, he felt that his life source had been sublimated!

Countless terrifying voices ringing in the ears, more than a billion!

These voices are the fears that the creature produces based on him.

Chen Mo had a feeling that he could easily manipulate the life and death of these beings who feared him!

It feels like a real god!

At the same time, Chen Mo’s strength increased tenfold, and it was incredibly powerful!

Even if he doesn’t level up the various skills.

However, after leveling up, the power of these skills has all increased several times!

It is like the power of the same knife, in the hands of a child, and in the hands of a strong man.

It’s completely different!

“This… It is the power of the Fear Demon God! ”

Chen Mo felt the increase in strength, and his mentality inexplicably changed.

He felt that he was the real God!

A thought blossoms.

A thought falls.

After advancing to the A level, Chen Mo’s control over the dream world he created increased several times!

As soon as his mind moved, the spirits of the three major civil organizations died in a nightmare at the same time!

As for the others, they have no use value and are thrown out of the dream at will.

The whole dream world collapsed.


Real world, North Sea City.

Li Ming died suddenly and the live broadcast was interrupted.

A few seconds later, all the dreaming spirits were dead!

This sudden change made Zhang Yuanxin feel a huge chill!

A hunch in the dark told him that a great danger was quietly coming!

If he doesn’t go again… Will die!!!

Before this life-and-death crisis, Zhang Yuanxin couldn’t control anything else.

What Qinhai Prefecture, what Secret Service Bureau.

Let’s all hell with it!

He just wants to live!

Being alive is more important than anything else!

Under the huge panic, Zhang Yuanxin did not say a word and directly chose to run.

Only to see him incarnate in the form of a spirit body and drift away into the distance.

It’s as fast as teleporting!

“Get out of here! At my speed, that scarecrow can’t catch up with me! ”

Zhang Yuanxin thought so in his heart, and within a few breaths, he was far away from Beihai City.

Then, this is just the world in Zhang Yuanxin’s eyes.

In the eyes of those experts, it was a different story.

Only to see Zhang Yuanxin’s body appear behind him at an unknown time when a scarecrow appeared.

The scarecrow clung to Zhang Yuanxin’s back, and two ghost claws covered his eyes, while turning his head to look at the others!

Zhang Yuanxin, who was blindfolded, crawled on the ground like a dog, basically in a circle.

Not even ten meters went out.

As he climbed, he was still saying things like “Escape Smoothly” and “The Scarecrow Can’t Catch Up.”

This scene fell into the eyes of those experts and professors, and immediately made them terrified to the extreme!

Zhang Yuanxin, an A-grade, has completely become a plaything in the hands of the Scarecrow and is arbitrarily fiddled with by him!

Zhang Yuanxin climbed for a long time, and then breathed a long sigh of relief and said slightly smugly:

“The base camp has arrived, and now it’s safe!”

After saying that, he lifted his spirit state and sat down on the ground.

Looking at Zhang Yuanxin’s sitting posture, it seems that he is not sitting on the ground, but sitting on a luxurious big chair.

After he sat down, the scarecrow behind him removed his paws and freed his eyes.

Zhang Yuanxin, who was still staying in the base camp before, actually returned to Beihai City!

In front of him, there were several terrified old professors, looking at him with trembling bodies!

“This… What’s going on? I’ve left Beihai City? How did you get back here?

That’s impossible! That’s impossible! ”

Zhang Yuanxin screamed in disbelief, completely unable to believe his eyes!

But after seeing the expressions of these old professors, Zhang Yuanxin trembled and vaguely thought of something.

He turned his head hard and saw something he least wanted to see!


It’s that terrifying scarecrow!


Zhang Yuanxin, who was being played, could no longer suppress the fear in his heart, and opened his mouth to let out a terrible scream.

Then countless scarecrows poured out of his throat and crawled all over his body!

In just a blink of an eye, Zhang Yuanxin’s face was covered by straw drilled out from deep in his throat!

During this time, Zhang Yuanxin wanted to incarnate as a spirit body and get rid of these straws.

But no matter what means he used, there was no effect!

Can only die in a crazy struggle, a little bit of pain!

After a few seconds, Zhang Yuanxin turned into a scarecrow with a strange posture, standing in place.

“Delicious… Fear…”

“And… A…”

After Zhang Yuanxin’s death, Chen Mo opened his mouth to make a series of incomparably terrifying sounds.

After hearing this, the old professors directly spat out white foam and passed out.

This level of fear is beyond their limits.

It was a strong spiritual attack.


At this moment, Chen Mo absorbed a huge amount of fear power and suddenly advanced to the A level, doubling his strength!

This put him into a strange state.

In this state, Chen Mo’s nature and reason were suppressed.

At this moment, what he showed was the divinity of the evil god of fear of the Demon God!

To put it simply, Chen Mo is now in a semi-out of control state!

At this time, he is the true evil god!

An evil god who vainly tries to destroy everything and devours fear in a frenzy!

This is the nature of evil gods!

Chen Mo ignored the old professors who were like ants in his eyes.

He slowly lifted his head and looked in one direction.

This gaze was like substance, instantly piercing through countless buildings and obstacles, spanning a distance of more than ten kilometers, and directly landing on Su Yingchen, who was frantically fleeing.

Su Yingchen’s heart is very deep, and the yin is very poisonous.

Seeing that the situation was out of control, he immediately thought about running.

But Su Yingchen was a very chicken thief and did not flee directly.

Instead, he deliberately let Zhang Yuanxin run first, and after attracting Chen Mo’s attention, he was running!

However, all the intrigues and tricks and tricks.

In the face of absolute strength, there is no point!

Fear Perception and Fear Erosion are activated simultaneously!

One locked Su Yingchen’s position, one ready to take his life!


Su Yingchen had already fled to another city and was on the phone with Qin Haizhou, the chief of the Lei State Special Affairs Bureau.

“Hey! Director Qin, that scarecrow has gone away in a strange way!

Its strength suddenly multiplied, directly killing thousands of our men.

Then he easily killed Zhang Yuanxin, and now he is probably already hunting me down! ”

Su Yingchen said in horror.

In the face of death, no matter how heavy the heart, there is only fear!

“What? Zhang Yuanxin did not have the slightest resistance in front of that scarecrow’s strange face?! ”

Hearing this news, Qin Haizhou couldn’t help but be shocked.

Even if he wanted to kill Zhang Yuanxin in a 1-on-1 situation, he would have to exert some effort.

This scarecrow weirdly actually killed Zhang Yuanxin easily, is it the weirdness of the A+ level?

Thinking of this, Qin Haizhou was terrified!

A+ level weird and terrifying!

Each has the strength to easily destroy a small country!

Thunder Kingdom appeared in a strange A+ level before, causing great casualties and damage!

In the end, it was a combination of several allies and it took a lot of effort to successfully capture them.

And it was a weird A+ level with low lethality and weak harm.

The terrible weirdness of Scarecrow covering a city with one shot has been upgraded to A+ level…

Qin Haizhou did not dare to imagine the consequences!

What’s more, there are still people from the Holy Eagle Kingdom making trouble in the country!

How can he be good!

Thunder Country… Can you really survive this disaster?

Thinking of this, Qin Haizhou was worried.


Just when Qin Haizhou was extremely distressed, Su Yingchen’s body suddenly froze!

A strange force invaded his body, causing him to fall into a huge wave of fear!

In front of you, many fantasies are constantly emerging!

All of them were the things that Su Yingchen feared the most and did not dare to face.

“No! No! No!!! ”

In just an instant, Su Yingchen collapsed.

He fell to the ground, tearing his hair like a madman!

Qin Haizhou, who saw this scene, was stunned, and he shouted urgently:

“Su Yingchen, what’s wrong with you?” Be sober, be sober! ”

However, Qin Haizhou’s shouting had no effect at all.

If Chen Mo’s fear erosion could be cracked so easily, then he would be promoted to the A level in vain.

Su Yingchen was completely consumed by fear!

He first tore his own hair, and after pulling out the blood, he actually tore his face!

Eyes, nose, ears, and other organs.

Su Yingchen was ripped off his face!

That horrible picture, even Qin Haizhou couldn’t stand it!


In the communicator, Su Yingchen’s distorted and fearful roars were constantly heard.

It’s like a cry from hell!

Creepy and chilling!

After watching for a while, Qin Haizhou really couldn’t stand it.

With a trembling hand, he turned off the communicator and cut off the video.

Qin Haizhou knew that Su Yingchen was already dead!

The three top folk spirits sent this time were all destroyed!

This is an A-level Spirit Bearer!

Even if their strength is weak in the A level, they are still the most powerful people in this world.

However, in front of the Scarecrow, he was wantonly toyed with and slaughtered!

“What’s going on? What’s going on here?

Why did that scarecrow get so much stronger all at once? Why, exactly? ”

Qin Haizhou’s thoughts became a mess.

On the other side, Chen Mo was exceptionally calm.


Revealing his evil god’s nature, he is out of control!

It is acting entirely by the instinct of the evil gods.

And the core purpose of the evil god’s instinct is only one – to devour fear!

The power of fear of the A-level Spirit Guardian is exceptionally delicious!

Zhang Yuanxin and the three of them provided Chen Mo with millions of fear points before he died.

For ordinary people, there are not millions or millions of people, and they simply cannot provide so many fear points.

The more powerful a life is, the more fear points it can provide!

These forces of fear even further stimulated Chen Mo’s greedy nature in the state of the evil god!

“Devouring… Fear…”

He muttered to himself.

At this time, Chen Mo’s fear value had reached an astonishing fifty million points!

He consumed 200,000 + 300,000 + 500,000 + 1 million + 2 million + 3 million + 5 million + 10 million + 20 million in one go.

That is, 32 million fear points, raising the skill of the straw man to LV20!

LV20’s Straw Man Twin, which can create 10,000 Twins! A thousand of them are free to move!

And the skill range is extremely wide!

After the ascension, Chen Mo’s mind moved, and countless scarecrows appeared in various cities in the Thunder Kingdom!

These sudden appearance of scarecrows made countless half-dead Lei Guo people who had been scared after watching the live broadcast completely fall into fear!

They screamed and cried and fled in all directions.

The Scarecrow has become the nightmare of the whole Thunder People!

And this is just the beginning of a nightmare!

Chen Mo, who was controlled by the evil god’s instinct, only wanted to harvest the power of fear!

After using the doppelganger throughout the Thunder Kingdom, the harvest journey is about to begin.


Countless scarecrows let out a strange hissing sound, and then slowly moved!

The nightmare begins!


Four thousand words to send, see the cool brothers vote for the month! Mm-hmm!

Thanks to the “Rhein” and “lgq13579” 1000 tips!

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