The former capital of Nanchuan Kingdom, Yicheng.

In the originally calm Styx reincarnation ghost realm, a fierce wind mixed with black qi suddenly rolled up!

In the wind, a scarecrow slowly rises, like a demon god!

At this time, Chen Mo advanced to the A level, and his strength soared!

He already had the ability to leave this ghost realm.

But before leaving, Chen Mo’s gaze suddenly fixed on the Styx River in the middle of the Ghost Domain.

There was a force in the Styx that made him salivate.

Instinct told Chen Mo that he should take away this power!

Under Chen Mo’s gaze, the entire Styx River Reincarnation Ghost Domain trembled, and seemed to feel his covetousness!

Subsequently, the Styx River in the middle of the ghost realm automatically separated, exposing the space inside.

In the Styx is a vast dark space.

In the dark space, there are three strange black flowers!

They are windless and automatic, gently swaying.

This black flower has a total of nine petals.

These nine petals overlap layer by layer, forming a unique reincarnation.

“The other side of the flower!”

Chen Mo had never seen such a strange flower, but its name flashed inexplicably in his mind.

Chen Mo knew that this was the strange power that his evil god instinctively coveted.

The magic was that he didn’t wait for Chen Mo to snatch it.

One of these three flowers on the other side automatically broke away from the boundless dark space and flew towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took this flower from the other side and was slightly stunned.

This Styx reincarnation ghost realm actually gave him one!

In fact, this is the most correct choice for it.

Although there was no wisdom, instinct drove this ghost realm to make the most favorable choice.

That was to offer Chen Mo the power he wanted!

After getting a flower on the other side, Chen Mo was not greedy.

He threw the other flower into his own ghost realm.

A black flower appeared in a desolate rice field, and it was strange to look at.

But now Chen Mo didn’t have time to care about these things.

The evil god’s instinct was frantically urging him to plunder the power of fear!

As a result, Chen Mo tore open the Styx River reincarnation ghost domain and returned to the real world.

After the previous toss, the scarecrow in Beihai City, the power accumulated by the sacrifice had been almost consumed.

In order to continue to harvest fear, Chen Mo used the power of the ghost domain to constantly teleport.

Rush towards the Thunder Country at an astonishing speed!

It is estimated that in a few minutes at most, he will be able to cross thousands of kilometers and reach the Thunder Country!


At the same time, in a secret base built by the Holy Eagle Nation in the Thunder Kingdom, there was a group of powerful Spirit Guardians!

The leader of the group looked at the scarecrows that appeared on the street, and the chaotic crowd, and couldn’t help but let out a sneer of satisfaction.

“Huh! I didn’t expect that this scarecrow was so terrible!

This time, the Thunder Kingdom must be hit hard!

Do you want to take this opportunity to attack the Thunder Country with all your might? ”

The leader of the base was thinking about this question, and he was in a good mood!

But the next moment, a scream came from inside the base!


“Scarecrow! It’s the Scarecrow! ”

“The Scarecrow is coming!” Fast…… Run! ”


The leader of the base never thought of it.

He was still rejoicing in the schadenfreude just now, and as soon as he turned his head, the Scarecrow actually killed their base!

Under the trend of the evil god’s nature, Chen Mo was bent on harvesting the value of fear.

The fear value of the Spirit Guardian is much more delicious and rich than that of ordinary people!

Therefore, Chen Mo’s first target was the Imperial Spirit Bearer in the territory of the Thunder Kingdom!

Under the skill of fear perception, all beings who are afraid of him have nowhere to hide!


When he found out that something was wrong, the leader of the base immediately rushed outside.

But when he came to the base, the whole base was covered with straw!

A smell of decay and desolation seeped out!

As for the members in the base.

He had all turned into a scarecrow, with a strange smile on it, approaching him step by step!

“This… How is this possible?! ”

Such an astonishing speed of annihilation frightened this leader’s ghost!

Fearful, he wanted to mobilize his strange power and kill it.

But at this moment, the leader was horrified to find that his body could not move!

I don’t know when a scarecrow actually grew on his back, taking over the control of his body!

The scarecrow grew taller and taller, extending from the leader’s back, looking at him with an eerie smile.

Subsequently, a vicious mouth full of sharp teeth slowly opened and devoured the high-level spirit of the Holy Eagle Kingdom!


A terrible scream emanated from his mouth.

But it soon came to an abrupt end.

A secret base of the Holy Eagle Kingdom was destroyed by one of Chen Mo’s Straw Man in a few seconds!

Such efficiency and strength is appalling!


Similar things have happened in various parts of the Thunder Country.

Whether it was the Imperial Spirit of the Sacred Eagle Kingdom or the Imperial Spirit of the Thunder Kingdom, all of them were targeted by Chen Mo!

At this time, Chen Mo was occupied by the evil god’s instinct, and he was bent on harvesting fear points!

The mass deaths of the two great powers’ Imperial Spirit Bearers made Chen Mo swallow up a lot of fear again, and his strength became even more terrifying!

As the director of the Lei State Special Affairs Bureau, Qin Haizhou was already going crazy!

News of the destruction of the Secret Service of small cities came one after another.

The huge casualties made his heart bleed!

At this time, Qin Haizhou suddenly smelled a strange breath!

He is a powerful A-level Spirit Warrior who has developed in a balanced manner in many ways.

So he has good detection skills.

Seriously sensing it, Qin Haizhou’s face changed drastically!

“All on alert! The Scarecrow is coming! ”

This is the headquarters of the Lei State Special Affairs Bureau, and the master is like a cloud!

As soon as Qin Haizhou gave the order, more than a dozen B-level Imperial Spirits and three A-Grade Imperial Spirits rushed over.

The big troops are still behind.

Qin Haizhou’s induction was not wrong.

Sure enough, after a while, a scarecrow appeared in front of them.

That weird smile, that sinister look.

All give people a strong sense of horror!

However, Qin Haizhou was not too nervous.

He knew that this was not the strange nature of the Scarecrow, but just a doppelganger.

It was because there were countless such doppelgangers that it was able to attack the Thunder Kingdom Spirit Bearers in many places at the same time.

If the Secret Service headquarters of the Thunder State were destroyed by the body of a scarecrow, then the Thunder State would also be the time to perish…

After these ridiculous thoughts flashed through his mind, Qin Haizhou strode towards the straw man.

At the same time, the opponent commanded:

“Just back off and press the side of the line.” I’m going to try how much strength this weird doppelganger has. ”


After a brief command, Qin Haizhou continued to walk towards the Straw Man Split.

In the process of walking, Qin Haizhou had an extra bronze ghost mask on his face, an extra bronze ancient sword in his right hand, and a bronze ancient bell in his left hand.

This is the weirdness of the three A-levels controlled by Qin Haizhou.

The combination of three weirdness from the same origin can exert great power!

Looking at the entire Lei Kingdom, Qin Haizhou’s strength can rank in the top five!


Approaching the Straw Man’s back, he gently shook the bronze ancient clock in his left hand.

A melodious and loud voice came out.

This bronze ancient bell not only gave Qin Haizhou the ability to resist illusions, curses and other strange means.

The sound can also scare the weird.

It has a miraculous effect on the strangeness of the spirit system!

Sure enough, after the sound of the bronze ancient bell sounded, the body of the straw man twisted and seemed to collapse.

See bronze ancient bell effective, Qin Haizhou a joy.

He sped up the shaking, and one bell after another swung toward the straw man.

This scarecrow’s body shook violently, as if it was about to collapse at any moment!

Seeing this, Qin Haizhou accelerated towards the Straw Man.

After approaching, he swung the bronze ancient sword in his right hand and slashed at the head of the straw man’s doppelganger!

This bronze ancient sword has the effect of hitting the head to kill.

Except for the A+ level of weirdness, the other weirdness is within the slashing range of the bronze ancient sword.

Hit the head, you will die!

However, when Qin Haizhou approached, a scarecrow who had previously been unable to support himself under the bell suddenly raised his head and revealed a vicious smile to him!

“Not good!”

Qin Haizhou shouted in his heart, but it was already too late!


The straw man burst open, and countless straws stuck to Qin Haizhou’s body.

These straws were like maggots of the tarsal bone, frantically drilling into Qin Haizhou’s body, assimilating him into a scarecrow little by little!

In a simple power competition, a simple straw man body is definitely not as good as Qin Haizhou.

Therefore, this straw man broke through the cauldron and injected all his strength into Qin Haizhou’s body, vowing to assimilate him!

Before he could breathe, Qin Haizhou’s legs turned into straw!

And the scope of the mutation is still expanding, spreading to the upper body!

“Qin Bureau!!!”

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Thunder Kingdom Spirit Bearers were shocked and frightened, and rushed over to help.

But don’t let Qin Haizhou stop.

“Don’t come here! Don’t come here!

These straws are very strange and have a strong assimilation ability!

I can’t resist, what’s the use of you coming?

Give me all back! ”

Under Qin Haizhou’s strong drinking, these Imperial Spirit Beings reluctantly retreated backwards, not daring to get any closer.

Qin Haizhou fought against the straw in his body with all his might, trying to force this force out.

Even if you can’t force it out, you can stop assimilation!

However, after the stroke, even a powerful A-level spirit warrior like Qin Haizhou could not resist the assimilation of the Scarecrow!

Half a minute later, Qin Haizhou had become a scarecrow who looked very similar to him!

This strange scene made the surrounding spirits extremely afraid!

However, Qin Haizhou, as the top batch of Imperial Spirit Bearers in the Thunder Kingdom, naturally did not die so easily.

After a few more seconds, a bronze ghost mask actually condensed on the Scarecrow’s face.

After being fully formed, the bronze ghost mask fell off the Scarecrow’s face and fell to the ground.

Then the inside of the bronze ghost mask grew sprouts.

These granules are skyrocketing.

In a very short period of time, another Qin Hai Prefecture grew!

Such a strange way of resurrection would make the other Thunder Realm Spirit Bearers look stupid!

However, Qin Haizhou is not dead, that is the most important thing!

“It’s worthy of the Qin Bureau, it’s all right!”

“It’s amazing! With Qin Ju here, this scarecrow is nothing to be weird! ”

“Qin Bureau is mighty, this thunder country is saved!”


The people below kept patting the horse’s ass, but Qin Haizhou’s face was extremely solemn!

Since being promoted to the A level, Qin Haizhou had never died, and naturally he could not use the resurrection ability in the bronze ghost mask.

So none of his men had seen him and did not know that he could be resurrected.

But this time, just in the face of a straw man, Qin Haizhou was forced to use the resurrection ability of cooling once a month.

If this hits the strange body of this scarecrow, can there be a way to live?

And even if it is a straw man, it is very difficult to deal with!

Just that move, as long as it was hit, the ordinary A-level Spirit Guardian basically had only one way to die!

The most terrifying thing is that there are thousands of such straw people in the territory of the Thunder Country!

Thinking of this, Qin Haizhou’s scalp tingled, and his heart was terrified to the extreme!

He gave a sharp command to many of his men:

“This Scarecrow’s strange target is our Spirit Bearers, and he wants to kill all the Spirit Bearers in Thunder Country!”

The Scarecrow’s strength was so strong that even if he was a doppelganger, the Ordinary Spirit Guardian could not resist it at all!

Activate Level 1 Alert Now! At the same time, a summoning order was issued to summon all the spirits to the capital.

Only by gathering all the forces of the Thunder Kingdom can we have a chance to compete with this scarecrow! ”

Hearing the words “first-level alarm”, all of Qin Haizhou’s men froze!

Since the founding of the Lei state, no first-level warning has been issued.

The first-level alarm means that the Thunder Country is facing a disaster at the level of annihilation!

“What are you doing?” Let’s go! ”

Seeing that his men looked frightened and stupid, Qin Haizhou drank again.

Only then did they react from shock and horror and begin to act according to Qin Haizhou’s instructions.


Soon, a terrible siren sounded throughout the Thunder Country!

Level 1 Alert, On!

Hearing this sharp and piercing sound, more than a billion Lei people fell into fear!

They know that this is a one-hit alarm that only sounds when they encounter a national disaster!

For a moment, everyone hid as much as possible.

Shivering and praying that the heavens would keep him alive.

In fact, Chen Mo did not take a shot at ordinary people, but preferred the Imperial Spirit Person.

So ordinary people are safe for the time being.

But remember, security is only temporary!

Chen Mo had already been possessed by the evil god’s nature and transformed into a machine that only knew how to harvest fear!

After harvesting the Imperial Spirit Bearers in the Thunder Kingdom, he would harvest ordinary people.

After the thunder country is completely destroyed, I will go to other countries.

The first to the spirits, then the ordinary people.

And so on and so forth!

In this way, there are only two possibilities.

Or Chen Mo completely destroyed this world!

Or, someone can kill or organize Chen Mo to end his madness!


Not to mention what might happen later.

Anyway, now Chen Mo has already killed madness in Lei Guo!

Countless Thunder Kingdom Spirits and Sacred Eagle Kingdom Spirits were killed by the Scarecrow and transformed into Scarecrows after their deaths.

There are more and more scarecrows in the territory of the Thunder Country!

Wherever you stand outside and look, you can see the figures of several terrifying scarecrows!

The whole Thunder Kingdom has been swallowed up by fear!

This is a terrible disaster like never before!

Even though Qin Haizhou had already issued an order for all the Imperial Spirit Bearers to gather at the headquarters.

But it takes time to get here.

And who knows what’s going to happen on the road?

Therefore, the speed at which the Imperial Spirit Bearers gathered was not fast.

This made Qin Haizhou extremely anxious.

“Hurry up, hurry up!”

In the office, Qin Haizhou paced back and forth, cold sweat on his forehead.

Nervousness, terror, anger, unwillingness and so on filled his heart.

Let this always calm Secret Service director, rare impetuousness.

“Jingle Bells!”

“Jingle Bells!”

Just when Qin Haizhou was impatient, the phone in his office suddenly rang.

The phone call at this time is certainly not a trivial matter,

Qin Haizhou picked up the phone and asked urgently:

“Hello? Who is it? What’s the matter? ”

In the face of Qin Haizhou’s two consecutive questions, the other end of the phone paused for a second.

Then came a loud and helpless voice.

“I’m Xia Tiejun, and I want to find you to cooperate.”

“What? Xia Tiejun?! ”

After hearing the name of the person who came, Qin Haizhou froze.

Xia Tiejun, Admiral of the Holy Eagle Kingdom, Class A Spirit Bearer.

He is the commander-in-chief of the Sacred Eagle Kingdom to the underground station of the Thunder Kingdom.

An old rival of Thunder Country!

At the same time, he is also the most wanted man in the country of Lei!

The previous strategies against Lei Guo were basically from his hands.

Xia Tiejun is completely a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh of these high-level Lei Guo in Qin Haizhou!

I want to get rid of it quickly!

And now, one of the biggest enemies actually called for cooperation, which made Qin Haizhou feel an incomparably ridiculous feeling.

Seeing Qin Haizhou’s silence, Xia Tiejun could basically guess his thoughts.

Xia Tiejun said helplessly:

“This scarecrow is so terrifying!

My people have suffered heavy losses, and I believe that the losses on your side have been even heavier, right?

And I feel that this scarecrow is still getting stronger little by little.

You should know what that means, right? ”

Hearing Xia Tiejun’s words, Qin Haizhou’s heart was cold.

Two words came to his mind—the destruction of the country!!!

Yes, it is to destroy the country!

If this scarecrow can continue to strengthen, even the thunder country of the first-class power will not be able to stop it.

Only the possibility of destroying the country is possible!


Qin Haizhou’s heart was cold, and at the same time, he heard Xia Tiejun continue:

“You don’t have to worry about me cheating, this time I really want to cooperate.”

This scarecrow is almost beyond the upper limit of the strength of our two countries!

This is an existence beyond control, and we must join forces!

In case your Thunder Kingdom is destroyed by it, the next turn will be our Holy Eagle Country.

So, I’ll do my best to deal with it! ”

The Thunder Country and the Sacred Eagle Country are very close together, located on the same continent.

Although they have fought for countless years, they are all consistent in the face of powerful foreign enemies.

This is how it continues to this day!

Qin Haizhou knew that Xia Tiejun was telling the truth.

He was silent for a moment and said in a hoarse, heavy voice:

“I agree to cooperate, I am waiting for you at the headquarters of the Secret Service of the State of Lei, you know where you are.”

“Good! I’ll do it! ”

After speaking, Xia Tiejun hung up the phone.


In such a critical situation, the two big men made an agreement on cooperation between the two countries with a few simple words.

Historically, the Thunder Kingdom and the Sacred Eagle Country have cooperated three times.

All are facing the invasion of the world’s top powers!

Today, the Thunder Country and the Holy Eagle Country have opened their fourth cooperation.

The enemy is just a scarecrow!

But the pressure on them was greater than the previous three times!

They know it in their hearts.

This war is related to the life and death of the two countries!

If it fails…

The consequences are unimaginable!


5,500 words chapter sent, today 2 more close to 10,000 words, to the end of this, tomorrow wonderful continues.

Thanks for the 2000 tip of “ghostwriting dead extinct”!

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