The top spirits of the Thunder Kingdom and the Sacred Eagle Kingdom united.

Among them, there are 8 A-level Imperial Spirit Bearers in the Thunder State.

The Holy Eagle Kingdom has 5 A-level Imperial Spirit Bearers.

Naturally, the strength of the two countries is not only that.

But in a short period of time, it has been impossible to summon more.

What’s more, this is not the home of the Holy Eagle Country!


Seeing that the situation was not good, the military was unstable.

Qin Haizhou, who was the head of the Thunder Kingdom Imperial Spirit Person, stood up and said with a solemn face:

“13 A-level Spirit Bearers, enough to be weird about that Scarecrow!”

Show the confidence of our top spirits!

Class A weird only? Have we killed and surrendered less? ”

“Nice! Combined with the strength of our two countries, are you still afraid of a weird?

When the top powers on the other side of the ocean came to attack us, they were all driven away by us.

How could it be possible to lose to a weird person today? ”

Xia Tiejun also made a timely voice to inspire the morale of the crowd.

Inspired by them, the spirits regained their faith.

The fear and uneasiness calmed down a bit.

Seeing the situation, Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun glanced at each other, and both saw the worry in each other’s eyes.

Although the words were beautiful, as the strongest of the A-level Spirit Bearers, the two of them knew better than the other Spirit Bearers how terrifying this scarecrow was!

Only by breaking the boat and fighting to the death can they now have a glimmer of hope of victory!


After the mobilization, the top spirits of the two countries began to exert their strength.

The first step is to determine the location of the scarecrow’s strange body.

If you can’t find its essence, the crowd won’t even have a chance to fight!

Under Xia Tiejun’s command, there was an A-class Spirit Bearer with super sensing ability.

His weirdness is a very inconspicuous dog’s tail grass.

But this is like the dog tail grass, but it has a lot of powerful abilities.

These include breaking the illusion, locking in the breath of the Spirits, and making yourself inconspicuous.

Especially the last ability, very magical!

This ability does not make the user invisible.

Instead, it makes the spirit bearer become like a stone on the side of the road in the eyes of others, unremarkable.

Even if you see him face to face, you will subconsciously ignore him.

This Imperial Spirit Cultivator mobilized his strange power, constantly searching among countless straw people’s bodies, and finally locked the location of Chen Mo’s body!

“I’ve found the scarecrow’s eerie body!”

In the southeast direction, 357 km position! ”

“Well done! Get ready and set out to encircle and suppress the Scarecrow! ”

Hearing this, Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun were both excited.

An Imperial Spirit Cultivator with the ability to cross the space took them with him and rushed towards Chen Mo’s body.


On the other side, Chen Mo was suspended in the air like a god.

Feel the fear that slowly and continuously transmits over, and the billions of strands of fear value.

At this moment, he was the Chaos Dark God of Fear!

The moment he was locked, Chen Mo sensed it.

He followed the feeling and chased after it.

However, the A-level Spirit Guardian was very alert and immediately cut off the induction.

Chen Mo did not give up and continued the source of this induction.

He wanted to see who the hell would dare to spy on the existence of the gods!

Finally, the opportunity came.

In order to determine whether Chen Mo was moving, the Imperial Spirit Keeper began to try to sense Chen Mo’s position for the second time.

Soon, he had results.

“The scarecrow has not moved yet, it is still in place.

Now we are 164 km away from it!


Speaking of general, this Imperial Spirit Bearer suddenly stopped, his eyes showed extreme fear, and the whole person was trembling with distance.

Fear erosion, launch!

“The Scarecrow… Scarecrow! A lot of scarecrows! ”


The benefits of his mouth roared meaninglessly, and the whole person became crazy.

Although it is an A-grade, it is a spiritual master cultivated by a large country.

But this person is good at detection and concealment.

In the face of Chen Mo’s strange and terrible means, it was better not to be targeted.

Once you are targeted, you will not have the strength to resist at all!


There was an inhuman-like scream in his throat, and his hands began to tear his face!

For a moment, the blood was pouring out, and the scene was terrifying!

“Quick! Stop him! ”

These spirits were startled at first, and then they intervened to stop him from harming himself.

But Chen Mo’s fear erosion was not so easy to crack.

Or rather, if one’s own power cannot resist the erosion of fear.

Then this skill is insoluble!

“The Scarecrow… The Scarecrow is coming! He’s coming!

Death…… Fear…… Let’s go! It’s all coming!

He is watching you! Hahaha!!! ”

The struck Spirit Bearer let out a strange roar from his mouth, and a sudden surge surged under his flesh.

“He… There’s something in his body! ”

A spirit warrior cried out in horror.


As soon as his voice fell, a straw burst out!

After the first root, there are countless roots!

Every inch of his skin was drilled with eerie straw, tightly wrapped around his body.

Blood spatters!

Scare off all the spirits around you!

“Hahaha! The Scarecrow is coming!

Eternal fear, like the night, will devour everything

Hahaha!!! ”

In a twisted roar, the spirit keeper gradually moved towards death.

Little by little, the body turned into a scarecrow!

“Damn, damn!”

Seeing that another Imperial Spirit Bearer had died tragically at the hands of the Scarecrow, Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun were furious!

Especially Xia Tiejun, this is one of his powerful subordinates!

Broken so easily, he roared in anger!


Fortunately, at this time, these top spirit guards finally came to the location where the scarecrow body was located.

The crowd swept away and immediately locked on to the scarecrow floating in the air!

Only to see that its body was surrounded by countless vicious Death Night Ravens, with the Seven Sins Nether Lamp in one hand and the Death God’s Scythe in the other.

It’s the embodiment of fear!

“Up! Extinguish this weirdness! ”

Xia Tiejun roared, turned into a bone dragon skeleton knight, and killed Chen Mo.

Qin Haizhou also took out his bronze three-piece suit, followed suit.

The other Imperial Spirit Bearers also showed their strength and participated in the battlefield!

However, before they could kill Chen Mo, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed!

It was a desolate rice field, surrounded by eerie scarecrows, and vast expanses of dead crows hissing in the sky.

There is also the lantern that emits a tragic green glow, giving people a feeling of extreme ominousness!

In addition, a black flower in the center of the ghost realm was also particularly conspicuous.

It gives a sense of being out of place.

And this group of the top spirits of the two countries stood in the middle of this empty and strange space.

Dazed and confused.

“Ghost Domain! This is the Ghost Domain! ”

Qin Haizhou took the lead in reacting, his face full of disbelief.

“This… How is this possible! This scarecrow is strangely in control of all these ghost realms! ”

Xia Tiejun was keenly aware of the subordination between the two, which made him even more shocked!

It’s always just the ghost domain control weird.

When will the weirdness be able to turn over and control the ghost domain?

It’s like a person sitting on a bench, and now the bench is sitting on a person in turn.

Completely peaked their three views!


However, before Qin Haizhou could figure out what was going on, the danger of this ghost domain began to appear!


The sound of the Death Night Crow gradually approached.

Large swathes of “black clouds” attacked Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun!

The so-called black cloud is actually countless dead night crows gathered together.

Abbreviation, Storm of Crows!


Qin Haizhou roared and posed defensively, fighting against these Death Night Crows.

Suddenly inhaled into its ghost realm by the Scarecrow, Qin Haizhou was somewhat confused about the situation.

Therefore, I plan to focus on defense first.

What he didn’t know was that this defense would no longer have the opportunity to take the initiative to attack!

Because wave after wave of attacks is coming!

Behind the countless dead night crows is a twisted scarecrow!

Behind the Scarecrow, hundreds of weird ones of all kinds!

With the hint of Chen Mo’s strength, the Imperial Spirit Bearer who was killed by him was also getting stronger and stronger.

The strangeness of these Imperial Spirit Beings was basically taken away by Chen Mo, and then thrown into the Ghost Domain, slowly tamed.

At this time, the Hundred Tricks of the Night Line, and the previous existence in Anjo are completely two levels of existence!

In the face of these hundreds of strange sieges, even this group of top Imperial Spirit Cultivators felt tremendous pressure!

Flocks of crows, scarecrows, tricksters.

There is also the Seven Sins Nether Lamp in the sky that attacks the soul all the time.

One attack after another, Qin Haizhou and his party were overwhelmed.

Stuck in an extremely difficult situation!

Chen Mo’s offensive was unstoppable, and they were defeated one by one!

Qin Haizhou finally couldn’t stand it anymore and took out his own killer skill!

“Come to me, protect me, buy me some time.”

Qin Haizhou roared.

Hearing this, Xia Tiejun and the others immediately surrounded him, temporarily fending off the heavy attacks in Chen Mo’s ghost domain.

Seeing the situation, Chen Mo was also a little curious.

He did not rush to make a move, but dug his head, with a strange and vicious smile on his face, and looked at them faintly.

Only to see Qin Haizhou solemnly take out a strange human skin paper, and then sweep around.

The next moment, the scene in Chen Mo’s ghost domain appeared on the human skin paper.

It seems that this ghost domain has been printed on this human skin paper.

Qin Haizhou pinched the small black dot on the human skin that represented their group of people, and then a fire ignited this human skin paper!

The human skin paper burned in the flames, and there were constant screams of misery.

As if this man’s skin was alive!

Under the burning of the flames, the human skin paper was gradually burned off, and the patterns on it disappeared little by little.

The strange thing is that this human skin paper seems to be connected with reality!

Which pictures are burned, and the things corresponding to reality are also disappeared!

The Death Night Crow, the Scarecrow, and the Hundred Tricks in Chen Mo’s Ghost Domain.

All erased little by little!

This way of erasing is weird!

It’s as if there’s an eraser wiping away their presence!


In the end, Lei Guo is a first-class big country, and the foundation is not comparable to that of a small country!

Even if this strange event happened suddenly, the preparation was insufficient.

However, Qin Haizhou’s hands still had several powerful prop-type weird at the bottom of the pressure box!

This human skin paper is one of them.

It can rub real things, and then destroy what it rubs out by destroying human skin paper.

Even if it is A-level weirdness, it can’t resist the destruction law of human skin paper!

Qin Haizhou didn’t expect to destroy the Scarecrow with this man’s skin paper alone, but at least it could be hit hard!

Everything was as he expected.

With the burning of the human skin paper, all kinds of things in Chen Mo’s ghost domain gradually disappeared.

It seems that the empty space when it is about to become the initial state.

But in the whole process, the strange smile on Chen Mo’s face did not weaken in the slightest.

When he saw that Chen Mo’s Desolate Ghost Domain was about to be emptied, a black flower in the center of the Ghost Domain gently swayed.

On the black flower, there are nine petals.

In a gentle sway, a petal falls.

It turned into powder and melted into this ghost realm, as if it had been injected with some strange power.

Looking at this black petal, Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun, the two strongest people, had an extremely bad premonition.

The next moment, their hunch came true!

Only to see that this ghost domain seems to have been pressed the reverse button, and time has entered the reverse flow mode!

What was previously destroyed by using human skin paper has actually been restored!

Death crows, countless scarecrows, tricks.

It reappeared in front of Qin Haizhou and them!

Human skin paper, on the other hand, has been consumed.

This flower from the reincarnation of the Styx River has the effect of turning back time in a small area!

Nine petals, one at a time.

Seven days can grow a piece.

Unless all the petals of the other flower are exhausted at once, it can be reused all the time.


“No! No! This is not true!!! ”

Seeing this scene, a spirit warrior roared in despair.

They fought with all their might, and it took a powerful weirdness.

They thought that no matter how bad they were, they could hit the Scarecrow hard, and at first they saw hope!

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, the scarecrow strangely restored everything!

What a terrible means this is?

At this moment, including Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun, everyone present fell into despair!

This scarecrow is weird, too powerful, too scary!

All kinds of means came out one after another, the same is a grade A, they are completely crushed!

Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun glanced at each other and saw the determination in each other’s hearts.

This is the extinction crisis of the Thunder Country and the Holy Eagle Country!

Only by giving everything, including their lives, can they have a chance to stop it from happening!


Four thousand words in a big chapter to send.

Thanks to the 588 points tip of “the author contains my mink”, thank you for the 1000 tip of “18513xxx580”!

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