“Are you going to use that weirdness?”

Xia Tiejun asked Qin Haizhou with a solemn face.

He knew that Lei Guo had a very powerful prop-type weird that could destroy the target’s life source!

Even A+-level weirdness and spirits can’t stop it!

However, using this prop is strange and requires the sacrifice of the lives of ten A-level Spirit Bearers!

Before that, this prop-type weird thunder country had only been used once!

That was the time when the horror had just recovered more than a decade ago and encountered a very large and strange event.

Over the years, with the improvement of Lei Guo’s strength, this prop-type weirdness has been sealed.

But at the moment, it seems that only this prop-type weirdness will eliminate this terrible scarecrow weirdness!


Hearing Xia Tiejun’s words, Qin Haizhou turned his head to look at this old opponent and said with a determined look:

“Let this scarecrow leave it alone, let alone our two countries.”

The vast majority of the countries on this continent cannot escape!

You should know the consequences!

So, I need you! ”

Hearing this, Xia Tiejun sighed helplessly.

There were eleven or two A-level Spirit Bearers here, and if they wanted to activate that powerful prop-type weirdness, everyone had to sacrifice!

The meaning of Qin Haizhou’s words is to let them sacrifice together, so as to destroy the scarecrows!

Xia Tiejun smiled bitterly and said:

“I didn’t expect that! There will be a day when you old guy asked me to commit suicide and die, and I willingly went.

Things are unpredictable! ”

“Don’t talk nonsense, didn’t you have me with you on the road?”

After fighting for more than ten years, there is also a conclusion. ”

In the face of death, Qin Haizhou was exceptionally calm.

Because on the day he became a Spirit Bearer, he had such psychological preparations.

The Spirits Guardian looks like a beautiful scenery, but in fact has been dancing on the tip of the sword.

What good results can you have when walking with weirdness?

Seven or eight years ago, the world’s top power, Yuan Guo, produced a genius spirit named Red Moon.

This man is intimidating with high talent!

Just becoming a Spirit Bearer, he easily mastered an A-level weirdness, and he was able to control it with ease!

Then he harnessed the weirdness of 5 A+ levels in one breath, vowing to become the first S-level spirit of the White Feather Star!

At that time, in the deterrent direction of the red moon, all other countries trembled and bowed to the Yuan Kingdom.

Don’t dare to make the slightest difference!

Red Moon suppressed the entire White Feather Star almost single-handedly!

How majestic is this? How domineering!

Throughout the history of the White Feather Star, she is counted as the most cattle woman in history!

But then what?

Ride the sixth A+ level weird and try to break through to the time of the S level.

The Red Moon, which had been stable before, suddenly collapsed!

All the weirdness in her body fought back at the same time, instantly making her lose control and be assimilated by the weirdness!

The runaway red moon has become the most terrifying spooky after the horror recovery!

An unprecedented strange event broke out in the Yuan Kingdom!

At that time, the strength of the Yuan Kingdom was strong enough to rank in the top three in the world!

Otherwise, no matter how strong the talent of the Red Moon, there would not be so many weird things to control for her.

However, after this strange incident, the Yuan Kingdom suffered heavy losses and quickly declined.

As for the red moon, which was strangely assimilated, it also disappeared into this world.


Qin Haizhou shook his head and threw aside these things that had suddenly emerged.

But just when he was about to take out that prop-shaped strange creature and die with the Scarecrow.

The Scarecrow suddenly stopped moving!

The ghost domain that trapped them also seemed to freeze time, stopping all attacks.

“What’s going on?”

Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun were very confused, not knowing which one the Scarecrow Ghost Domain was playing.

However, this sudden change made them temporarily abandon the idea of ending up together.

I’m going to see what happens.

Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun did not know that they were in the Beihai City of the Thunder Kingdom.

A straw man finds Liu Ningxue and Su Jing, who have not long been out of their dreams in the dream.

To be precise, it is to find Liu Ningxue.

Although Su Jing had joined the Twilight Sect and was a high-ranking person, she was not a Spirit Bearer.

Chen Mo was now acting according to the evil god’s instincts, and was constantly harvesting fear values from the body of the Imperial Spirit Person.

And Liu Ningxue was a spiritual regent of not low rank.

She is also Chen Mo’s prey!

“Sister Liu, it’s Lord Demon God!”

After seeing this straw man split, Su Jing was overjoyed.

But he was pulled by Liu Ningxue!

“Don’t go over! Lord Demon God… Something seems wrong. ”

Liu Ningxue’s strangeness allows her to see through the thoughts of other beings and perceive the thoughts of others.

Because Chen Mo’s strength was too strong, Liu Ningxue could not fully see through it.

But I can still sense a little.

In Liu Ningxue’s induction, Chen Mo at this time was completely different from before.

The mind is in a state of chaos and disorder, and it is full of killing intent!

The great god of fear, this is to … Kill yourself?

Liu Ningxue sensed Chen Mo’s thoughts.

But she didn’t resist, just some doubts.

In any case, as a believer, you must always believe in the gods you worship.

Even if it’s death!

And to the death!

Under Su Jing’s puzzled gaze, Liu Ningxue pulled her to her knees on the ground and whispered a prayer.

Liu Ningxue chose to hand over his fate to the Demon God!

Whether to live or die is up to Him.

This is the realization of being a believer…

On the other side, Chen Mo’s consciousness fell into chaos.

Every straw man has a part of Chen Mo’s consciousness.

When he saw Liu Ningxue and Su Jing, Chen Mo’s chaotic consciousness produced some fluctuations.

The subconscious mind told him that these two people should not be killed.

Especially after Liu Ningxue and Su Jing knelt down to pray, this subconscious became more and more intense!

However, the nature of the evil god drove Chen Mo to quickly kill this spirit revenant, and then continue to harvest more fear.

Two completely opposing thoughts have produced a fierce conflict!

A voice made Chen Mo quickly kill Liu Ningxue and continue to frantically plunder the power of fear and become a true god of fear!

Another voice told him that he shouldn’t have killed Liu Ningxue, for the reason… Unknown.

But you must not kill!

In the fierce confrontation, Chen Mo’s suppressed nature gradually revived and began to counter the evil god nature!


The spirit of the living body consists of three main parts—the self, the ego, and the superego.

The self is the most primitive desire of living beings.

The superego is an ideology that arises under bondage and norms.

The original me and the superego are opposites.

One represents indulgence and one represents constraint.

The ego, on the other hand, coordinates the existence of the self and the superego.

Let me give you an example.

For example, you see a little sister eating a lollipop.

My desire will drive you to snatch the lollipop from your little sister’s hand.

But the Superman will control your desires.

Tell you that this is an unethical and potentially punishable act.

As for the ego, it coordinates the thoughts of the self and the superego.

You might spend some money to buy your little sister’s extra lollipops.

This satisfies the desires of the ego without the rule of the first-time superego.


After regenerating the Scarecrow Weird, Chen Mo is no longer human, he is called another life form.

Having lost his bondage, the superego basically ceased to exist.

The self has become Chen Mo’s greatest mental state.

Whether he is a scarecrow, a dragon or a rat, or an ox or a horse.

He is all Chen Mo!

And the strange nature is the original self.

It is the collection of all desires in Chen Mo’s life form after being reborn!

When Chen Mo’s strength became stronger and stronger, the original self gradually became stronger.

Until the time of advancing to the A level, I directly suppressed the self in reverse!

At this time, what Chen Mo showed was the nature of an evil god!

Everything is done and is controlled by desire.

If this development continues, if he does not die, Chen Mo will become a ruthless and desireless evil god who only knows how to harvest fear!

But this is not what Chen Mo wants!

He does not want to be some ruthless and desireless evil god,

He is who he is.

He is Chen Mo!


“Not !!!”

Liu Ningxue and Su Jing, who were kneeling and praying, suddenly heard the straw man firmly spit out a word.

Then, in the induction of Liu Ningxue, all the killing intent on the body of the Great Fear Demon God disappeared.

His mental state returned to its previous state.

Chen Mo’s ego suppressed the original self, that is, the desire to be a strange one.

Although this crazy and powerful evil god nature was temporarily suppressed, it still existed.

And constantly agitated, trying to manipulate Chen Mo again.

“You can’t stay here anymore, you have to get out of here!”

Chen Mo, who had recovered himself, flashed an idea in his mind.

At present, Lei Guo is his cafeteria, eating as much as he wants.

Such temptations are too great, and it is easy for the evil god nature to rise again.

Therefore, Chen Mo’s mind moved, and he threw Qin Haizhou and his party out of the ghost domain.

Then, using the continuous teleportation of the ghost domain, the body soon came to the front of Liu Ningxue and Su Jing.

He glanced at the two girls, then turned into a scarecrow doll and landed on Su Jing’s body.

In the next instant, Su Jing and Chen Mo disappeared at the same time and went to an unknown place.

After Chen Mo left, the countless scarecrows in the entire territory of the Thunder Kingdom all disappeared at the same time, and there was not a single one left.

Qin Haizhou and Xia Tiejun stood in place and looked at each other.

For a while, a very unreal feeling was generated.

A super-large and strange event that almost destroyed the country, is it over?

Thunder Country and Sacred Eagle Country… Saved?!


Thanks to the 4000-point reminder ticket of “Swastika Flower Day Crazy Bone Dry Pine Heart”!

Explain why you should bring Su Jing, because Su Jing is one of the few acquaintances of Chen Mo in this world who can help him maintain his nature.

In addition, there will be no abuse of the master, and there will be no plot in which the protagonist is dominated by the self, so it is designed to lead to the next plot.

Don’t spray, understand, Momoda (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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