After the fall of Nanchuan Kingdom, most of the Imperial Spirits hid in the dilapidated and ghost-like Anjo.

But hiding all the time is not a solution.

At the suggestion of a leader, the surviving spirits of the Nanchuan Kingdom joined different countries.

I hope that one day, we can enhance our strength and revive the Nanchuan country!

Dongzi and Ding Hanmei came to Sanshan City in the Yuan Kingdom and joined the secret service here.


Time flies back to the present.

Zhou Junjie, Dongzi, and Ding Hanmei first went to the secret service to seal the strange place and took out the C+-level weirdness of the “Death Comics”.

Then quickly rush to the Zhou family!

On the way, the three exchanged names and got a general understanding of each other.

Zhou Junjie said to Ding Hanmei and Dongzi while driving:

“Whether or not you can get out of danger this time, we must thank both of you for your help.”

“Wherever and wherever, colleagues should help each other.”

Dongzi said politely.

Ding Hanmei didn’t like this kind of face-to-face thing.

She turned her head to look at the scenery outside the car window, quietly waiting to reach her destination.

But suddenly, Ding Hanmei’s pupils contracted violently, and his body trembled like electricity!


She shouted, with a sense of majesty in her voice.

Zhou Junjie was shocked by Ding Hanmei’s momentum and subconsciously stopped the car.

As soon as the car stopped, Ding Hanmei rushed out and looked in a direction behind him, looking very frightened.

“Sister Mei, what happened?”

Dongzi walked over to her and asked with some concern.

“Scarecrow! I just saw the Scarecrow! It’s Him, and you can’t go wrong! ”

Ding Hanmei gritted his teeth and said.

Just now she saw a skinny and vicious scarecrow on the side of the road, the same terrible being that had risen from Anjo!

Only after getting out of the car, the scarecrow disappeared.

“What? Scarecrow?! ”

Hearing these three words, Dongzi’s face instantly turned pale, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Looking at that look, it seemed as if he was about to collapse to the ground at any moment.

The Scarecrow is Toko’s eternal nightmare!

It was a shadow he couldn’t erase!

Dongzi did not expect that he had come to the Yuan Kingdom on the other side of the ocean and would meet the Scarecrow!

“Mei, Sister Mei, you can’t be wrong, right?” No Scarecrow?

Again, we are now in the Yuan Kingdom. Wouldn’t it be such a coincidence? ”

Dongzi cried and sweated.

At this time, Zhou Junjie also stepped out of the car and saw that one of them had a solemn face, and the other was frightened and almost passed out.

I can’t help but be curious.

“Is the scarecrow you are talking about related to the strange event in which Lei Guo appeared?”

Zhou Junjie asked Ding Hanmei and Dongzi.

Ding Hanmei nodded:

“It’s Him! That Scarecrow is weird… The most terrifying existence I have ever seen!

Trust me, you don’t think you want to touch Him! ”

After speaking, Ding Hanmei clenched his fists deadly.

Only in this way could she suppress the constant gushing fear in her heart a little!

Ding Hanmei and Dongzi both knew what had happened in Lei Guo.

The scarecrows now are estimated to be terrifying to a degree that they can’t imagine!

No matter how many means Dongzi had to save his life now, it was impossible to escape from the hands of the Scarecrow.

The gap between the two sides has become too large to be bridged by means!


To tell the truth, Zhou Junjie was very curious about the strangeness of this almost destroying the Thunder Kingdom.

It’s just that saving the family now is even more important!

After glancing at the so-called scarecrow without seeing it, he said to Ding Hanmei and Dongzi:

“Some time ago, that scarecrow was still in the Thunder Country, and it should be unlikely that he would come to our Yuan Country.” You should be reading it wrong, right? ”

After getting off the bus, no trace of the scarecrow was found, and Ding Hanmei was also a little confused.

Is it because I am too afraid of the Scarecrow to read it wrong?

Helpless, she could only follow Zhou Junjie’s words and say:

“Maybe I misread it, sorry.”

After a small accident, the three continued to return to the car and rushed to Zhou Junjie’s house.

Ding Hanmei did not notice.

After they left, in the shadows of the previous place, a scarecrow appeared strangely!

The scarecrow tilted his head, grinning from the corners of his mouth to the base of his ears, revealing a big sinister smile!

But soon, the scarecrow merges with the shadows.

Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary spirit regents, they can’t find anything strange at all!


After leaving the Thunder Kingdom, Chen Mo quickly suppressed the evil god’s nature and did not give it the opportunity to make trouble.

As for why he chose to come to the Yuan Kingdom.

It was because Yuanguo had a breath that inexplicably attracted Chen Mo and gave him a feeling of home.

Chen Mo vaguely felt that Yuanguo might be hiding some big secret, so he came here with Su Jing.

Chen Mo, who had been in Sanshan City for half a month, could not have done nothing.

He had already laid out thousands of Straw Man doppelgangers in Sanshan Castle!

Now the Scarecrow is famous!

Even internationally, it has a certain popularity.

Therefore, Chen Mo could no longer place the Scarecrow in a dignified manner.

He learns a skill called “Dark Fusion” for hiding the Scarecrow.

Just now, I also sensed two familiar breaths, and only then did I take a look.

It is quite interesting for him to meet the deceased.

It’s just that I haven’t seen each other for such a long time, and Dongzi and Ding Hanmei’s progress is not great.

But Chen Mo had already undergone earth-shaking changes!


After personally creating a strange incident that almost destroyed the Thunder Country, the entire Thunder Country fell into a huge panic!

Chen Mo thus collected more than 50 million fear points!

In the past half a month, Chen Mo has successively received 20 million fear points.

That adds up to more than seven thousand fear points!

In addition, his level has also been raised from A-level to A-level.

Half of it was due to the aftermath of that strange event.

The remaining wave was thanks to the Twilight Sect.

Although Chen Mo left Lei Guo, he left Beiyang Continent.

However, the Dusk Sect was still expanding and developing, spreading Chen Mo’s terror to various countries!

In particular, some weak and small countries were almost completely occupied by the Twilight Sect, and they were simply powerless to resist!

In many countries in North Oceania, the Scarecrow has become an image that terrifies countless people!

All kinds of songs, legends, stories, and manga are circulating in the folk!

This sect that believes in the fear of demons is developing at an astonishing speed under the leadership of Liu Ningxue!

One day, the Twilight Sect will cover the whole world.

Even… Other worlds!


Back to Chen Mo himself.

With more than 70 million fear points in his hand, he naturally had to upgrade it well!

First of all, it consumes 1 million + 2 million + 3 million + 5 million + 10 million, that is, 21 million fear points.

Raised the core skill Demon God Body to LV20!

After the Demon God’s body reached level 20, Chen Mo felt more and more like a god!

He had a vague premonition that when he broke through to the S level and the Demon God’s body reached LV30 or so, it would be his god-becoming day!

However, these were still a bit far away, and Chen Mo didn’t think much about it for the time being.


Next, there’s the nightmare ghost claw and the death whisper.

These two skills Chen Mo did not intend to improve to too high a level.

Each skill only cost 100,000+200,000+300,000+500,000+1 million, adding up to 4.2 million points, and they were raised to LV15 each.

Enough is enough.


But the Death Night Raven and the Death God’s Sickle, Chen Mo did not intend to settle down.

These two are advanced skills that are better than Nightmare Claw and Death Whisper.

So he spent 300,000+500,000+1 million+2 million+3 million on each skill.

The two add up to 13.6 million fear points!

With so many fear points smashed, both the Death Night Raven and the Death Scythe were raised to LV15.

Although the level is the same, the Death Night Raven and the Death Scythe are much more powerful than the Nightmare Ghost Claw and Death Whisper!

In the future, it will become Chen Mo’s main means.

As for the Straw Man Double, it had already been raised to a very high level before, so it would not be promoted for the time being.


Then, it’s the turn of fear to erode away.

This skill Chen Mo used very smoothly.

So he did not skimp, and spent 200,000 + 300,000 + 500,000 + 1 million + 2 million + 3 million + 5 million in one go.

That is, 1180, which was upgraded to LV17.

The fear erosion of this level is simply impossible for ordinary A-level Spirit Bearers to resist!

As long as Chen Mo had one thought, he would lose his combat effectiveness or even be killed by fear!

It’s scary to think about!


Just by improving his old skills, Chen Mo used up 50.6 million fear points!

The further your skill improves, the more fear points you need!

In the same way, the power is multiplied!

As soon as these fifty million fear values fell, Chen Mo’s strength increased several times!

Although it was only A-level, Chen Mo’s combat effectiveness and terror level definitely reached A+ level!

Even more than that!

One criterion for powerful Spirit Bearers is that the number of weird people they control must not be less.

Because of a weirdness, there are generally 2-4 kinds of abilities.

Every time you control one more weird, the Spirit Guardian will gain more abilities and greatly increase his combat effectiveness!

And can reduce their own shortcomings.

What about Chen Mo?

His skills, however, are too numerous to count!

There are also some skills that Chen Mo doesn’t like very much, and they are lost there after learning one or two levels, and they are rarely used.

Just pick some good ones to use.

With so many abilities, Chen Mo was also able to surpass his combat effectiveness at the same level!


No, after upgrading his skills, Chen Mo found a good new skill.

“Hellfire: Boosting to Lv1 requires 10,000 fear points

Description: Gather the flames of hell and burn everything. From the soul to the body, all destruction! ”

This was a range-type lethal skill, which was exactly what Chen Mo lacked.

Therefore, the remaining twenty million fear points, Chen Mo was all used to improve this skill.

He spent a total of 10,000 + 20,000 + 30,000 + 50,000 + 100,000 + 200,000 + 300,000 + 500,000 + 500,000 + 500,000 + 500,000 + 500,000 + 50,000 + 50,000 + 200,000 + 300,000 + 500,000 + 50 million + 10 million + 10 million.

That’s 22.21 million fear points, raising Hellfire to LV13.

Level 13 Hellfire can directly summon a huge sea of hellfire and incinerate an entire city!

However, correspondingly, the fear value accumulated by Chen Mo was also consumed again.

There’s almost nothing left!

Chen Mo opened the system panel for a long time and looked at his own information.

“Host: Chen Mo

Species: Scarecrow (Demigod)

Grade: A

Fear value: 3214

Possessed skills: Demon Body LV20, Straw Man LV18, Fear Erosion LV17, Death Night Raven LV15, Death Scythe LV15, Nightmare Claw LV15, Death Whisper lv15, Hellfire LV13, Dream Realm LV12, Seven Sins Nether Lamp LV10, Undead Species lv10, Fear Perception LV10, Mimetic LV1. ”

The above is Chen Mo’s current strength and state.

As you can see, the display in the race column has changed from “weird” to “demigod”!

Not bad!

Chen Mo’s life form has evolved!

Become a demigod-like being!

And if you want to become a true god of fear, you must advance to the S level!

Advanced S-Class…

Is the fear of all the creatures of the White Feather Star enough?

Chen Mo’s eyes flashed a terrifying light in the black hole hole, and he thought of it in his heart.


6:00 o’clock two consecutive more, 7,000 words to send, ask for a monthly pass!

Update the protagonist’s information so that everyone has a clearer understanding of the protagonist’s strength.

Try to give everyone another chapter in the evening.

And the brothers should be able to see it, right? The protagonist is not limited to one world, hehe.

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