After accidentally seeing the Scarecrow in Sanshan City, Ding Hanmei was very worried and his face was extremely solemn!

As for Dongzi, it was even more miserable.

His face was miserable and his eyes were dull.

The whole person is numb.

Dongzi could only constantly comfort himself in his heart, what Ding Hanmei had just seen was just an illusion, not a real scarecrow.

In this way, we can barely guarantee sanity.

Zhou Junjie had only heard of the terrible scarecrow, but he hadn’t really seen it.

At this time, when he saw two Spirit Bearers who were stronger than himself, he was frightened just because he saw the figure of a suspected scarecrow.

I couldn’t help but feel a little curious and afraid about the scarecrow.


None of the three men spoke on the rest of the journey.

Half an hour later, they successfully returned to the Zhou family with C+-level weird “death comics”.

“I’m back!”

Zhou Junjie shouted and knocked on the door.

After experiencing the incident of the knocker, the family is estimated to be somewhat sensitive to the knocking sound.

Only by shouting out their own voices can they be at ease.

After shouting, there was a sound from inside the house.

All two footsteps came and the door opened.

The person who opened the door was Su Jing, and Zhou Xiaoyan stood pitifully next to her.

A look of fear and fear.

After seeing Zhou Junjie, Zhou Xiaoyan threw himself into his arms.

With a weeping voice, he said:

“Brother! You’re finally back! I…… I thought you wouldn’t come back!” ”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t I’m back?” You can rest assured, your brother and I will solve this strange incident perfectly! ”

Zhou Junjie patted Zhou Xiaoyan’s back and softly comforted her.

Ding Hanmei and Dongzi did not have the heart to comfort others.

When they saw that it was Su Jing who opened the door, the faces of the two people directly froze, and a panic in their eyes that could not be suppressed!

After going through so many things in Anjo.

They already knew that Su Jing and the terrible scarecrow could not be separated!

Su Jing was most likely under the strange control of the Scarecrow.

Where there is her, there is the Scarecrow!

At this time, they actually saw Su Jing in the Three Mountains City of the Yuan Kingdom!

This also means that what Ding Hanmei saw before was not an illusion.

Scarecrow…… Really came here!

“Poof” a sound.

Dongzi’s legs were completely soft, and he was frightened and fell to the ground.

This movement attracted Zhou Junjie’s attention.

He turned his head, only to see Dongzi looking at Su Jing with a look of horror.

Even Ding Hanmei’s eyes when he looked at Su Jing were filled with unconcealed horror and fear.

This scene made Zhou Junjie feel shocked in his heart, and at the same time very confused.

He vaguely felt that Su Jing, a seemingly perfect girl, was a little strange.

But no matter how you look at it, Su Jing is just an ordinary person and has not harnessed the weirdness.

What ability did she have to make two powerful Spirit Bearers behave like this?


Seeing Zhou Junjie’s strange look, Su Jing’s eyes rolled and she immediately thought of how to deal with the current situation.

She grabbed Dongzi and shouted:

“Oh well! You two owe me so much money to run away.

Now God has eyes and has brought you to me. Pay it back! ”

Ding Hanmei and Dongzi also did not want to expose the Scarecrow thing.

Listening to Su Jing’s words, she also went down the steps.

“I… I must still be there this time. You believe me again. ”

Dongzi said in a rambling voice.

“Yes, now that we’ve joined the Three Hills City Secret Service, we’ll be able to pay you back the money we owe you.”

Ding Hanmei then said.

The three of them had a clumsy performance and temporarily confused the past.

This can only deceive a simple girl like Zhou Xiaoyan.

Zhou Junjie absolutely did not believe it.

But now is the time when the whole family is at stake, and there is no time to think about other times.

Zhou Junjie said to the three:

“Since you are old acquaintances, it saves me the trouble of introducing you more.”

Start now and follow the plan! ”

After saying that, Zhou Junjie released the sealed C+ grade weird “Death Comic”!

The Death Comics is a spooky comic book with a black cover full of blank pages.

It had been sealed for a long time, and it was already hungry and thirsty!

As soon as it was released, it was suspended in the air.

The page flipped through the pages, and an ominous breath was revealed from inside.

Soon, the original blank page appeared on the screen.

Zhou Junjie looked shocked and shouted:

“Death Comics are in effect!”

As soon as his voice dropped, the death comic fell to the ground, looking like an ordinary comic.

Su Jing bent down to pick up the death cartoon and flipped through it.

Others also rushed to her side, wanting to see what had been painted.


The content on the manga is roughly like this.

Three days later, in the evening, Zhou Junjie’s family, as well as Su Jing, Ding Hanmei, and Dongzi.

A total of seven people, eating dinner together.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere is eerie.

Everyone’s look was incredibly weird, and they had a feeling that they didn’t resemble humans.

The most terrifying thing is that the food on the table is actually bloodied and mutilated human limbs!


Seeing this, Zhou Xiaoyan couldn’t help it and ran to the toilet to vomit.

Death comics are incredibly realistic, bringing people directly into its content and having a strong sense of immersion.

No wonder Zhou Xiaoyan couldn’t resist.


Keep reading the comics.

Seven people on the table gulped down like greedy food.

But they are not satisfied, and their greedy eyes are constantly staring at other people’s plates.

Finally, they fought for food.

One by one, they died tragically at the hands of their companions!

After death, constantly their food was taken away.

Even they themselves have become a dish of Chinese food!

In the manga, the final winner is Toko.

He frantically devoured all the looted food and the bodies of six other people.

Finally held back alive!

At this point, no one survives!


After reading the entire comic, only two people looked as usual.

One is Su Jing, and the other is Ding Hanmei.

Even Zhou Junjie and Dongzi, who were Imperial Spirits, felt a wave of nausea and terror.

After seeing Su Jing’s performance, Zhou Junjie became more and more sure that this girl was not simple!

But now that they were all grasshoppers on a rope, there was no need to explore Su Jing’s secret anymore.

Thinking of this, Zhou Junjie asked Su Jing:

“The death cartoon is already in effect, what should we do now?”

Su Jing held the death comic and said thoughtfully:

“According to the rules of the knockers, we will die tomorrow night.

But if we follow the rules of death comics, we won’t die until three days later.

So I reckon that when the knocker comes tomorrow night to ask for his life, Death Comics will definitely react.

As for what the result will be, I don’t know. ”

Su Jing’s face and tone were incredibly calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

It is precisely because of her extraordinary calmness that Zhou Junjie subconsciously asked for her opinion.

Hearing this, Zhou Junjie nodded helplessly:

“If that’s the case, then wait.”


First more to give, thank you for the monthly pass.

Over the chapter, I’ll try to write it as quickly as possible.

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