It was after nine o’clock the next night.

Zhou Junjie’s family, as well as Su Jing, Ding Hanmei, Dongzi and others were already waiting in the living room for the arrival of the knocking ghost.

At this moment, almost everyone is very nervous!

Not to mention the ordinary people such as Zhou Father and Zhou Xiaoyan, even Zhou Junjie was full of cold sweat.

Boom down!

If Su Jing’s plan doesn’t work out… They may all die!

As the initiator of the plan, Su Jing had a calm face.

Only occasionally would I put my hand into my arms and touch the scarecrow doll that was placed close to my body.


“Tuk Tuk!”

“Tuk Tuk!”

When the atmosphere was depressed, there was a strange knock at the outside door.

Knocker, here it comes!

The nerves of the crowd tightened, and they stared dead at the door!

This is the first time a knocker has knocked on the door.

After knocking twice, it will break in whether or not anyone opens the door!

At that time, among the seven people present, except for Ding Hanmei and Dongzi, who joined in to help.

Everyone else has to die!


“Tuk Tuk!”

“Tuk Tuk!”

Ten seconds later, there was another knock at the door.

However, Death Comics still hasn’t moved!

After selecting the target and constructing the comic, the death comic was taken away by Su Jing. (If you destroy the Death Comics by ordinary means, it will be refactored again)

At this time, he lay quietly on the table, like an ordinary comic book.

“No… Wouldn’t it be ineffective? ”

Father Zhou said worriedly.

“It should… No way? ”

Zhou Junjie had no confidence at all.

He had never tried anything like this or heard of it.

It’s a real experiment with your own life!

However, they have no choice!


Soon, another ten seconds passed.

“Tuk Tuk!”

“Tuk Tuk!”

An eerie knock on the door arrived as expected.

The death caricature on the table, still no reaction!

Immediately after, a “creak” was heard.

The door was opened!

At this moment, the hair of almost everyone in the room stood upright.

A huge chill struck, almost freezing their minds!

As the door opened, an old man with a hunched body full of maggots appeared in front of everyone!

It is the body of the knocker!

Seeing its terrible image, Zhou Father, Zhou Mother, and Zhou Xiaoyan, their breath froze!

Huge fears make them lose the ability to think!

Zhou Junjie and Su Jing stared dead at the knocker.

As soon as it steps into this house with both feet, the rule of death will be triggered!

As for blocking the knocker from entering…

With the strength of a few of them, they can’t do it, and they will only die faster.

“Why hasn’t the death cartoon reacted yet, and has our plan failed?”

Zhou Junjie asked in a trembling voice.

“I don’t know.”

Su Jing touched the scarecrow doll in her arms and said calmly.

Zhou Junjie: …

What else could he say?

Resign yourself to fate!



Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, one of the knockers’ feet stepped into the house.

The other one also slowly lifted up and stepped into the room.

At this moment, everyone’s breathing stopped.

There was only the knocker’s foot in the eye.

When the knocker was about to completely enter the Zhou family’s house, the death cartoon on the table finally reacted!


The death comic was windless and automatic, and the pages turned desperately.

Then one by one, the horror-shaped weirdness drilled out of the death comic and killed the knocker!

In the face of a sudden attack, the knocker could only stop.

It has one foot inside the house and one foot outside the house.

And that’s how it worked out with Death Comics!

Death comics summon a lot of weirdness.

But not enough knocking on the door to kill.

This seemingly scruffy old man, with a wave of his hand, could corrode these strange things into slag.

The picture is very frightening!

The Knocker is a B-level weird, two sub-levels higher than Death Comics.

Although the death comic constantly turns the pages, one after another eerie pops out, preventing the knocker from entering.

But after a few minutes, it was clear that the death comic was making weird things slower!

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the knockers come in and kill them!


“It’s over!”

At this time, Zhou’s father and mother, Zhou Xiaoyan, and Zhou Xiaoyan had all entered the back room.

Zhou Junjie couldn’t hold back at all.

He collapsed weakly in his chair, looking extremely desperate.

Ding Hanmei and Dongzi also frowned.

After all, it was the first task to join the Secret Service of Miyama Castle.

If it just fails… Doesn’t seem so good.

Ding Hanmei even thought about whether to show all his strength and fight with this knocker!

She is a C+-level Spirit Warrior with good strength.

Coupled with the death cartoon, it may be able to stop the knocker.

Thinking of this, Ding Hanmei turned his head and looked at Su Jing.

But I saw that her face was calm, and there was no way to meet death.

This couldn’t help but make Ding Hanmei’s heart move, vaguely thinking of something.

This Su Jing is the scarecrow weird person, is it not possible that she was killed by an ordinary B-grade weirdness?

Thinking of this, Ding Hanmei did not rush to act, but chose to wait and see what happened.


Sure enough.

When the death comic can’t stop the knocker from knocking on the door, watching it enter the house.

A scarecrow doll floated out of Su Jing’s arms.


When she saw this scarecrow doll, Toko was once again paralyzed by fright.

His face was miserable, and he was eager to pull out his leg and run!

But reason told him that these little tricks were useless in front of the Scarecrow.

Or wait for death to come directly…

Ding Hanmei is better than Dongzi.

Zhou Junjie, on the other hand, looked at this scarecrow doll that flew out of Su Jing’s arms inexplicably.

It’s not clear what this is all about.


After flying away from Su Jing, this scarecrow doll quickly grew larger.

Soon he became a scarecrow of nearly 2 meters, thin and vicious.

He was holding the Seven Sins Nether Lamp in one hand and the Death Scythe in the other, and his body was covered in black air.

Like a demon god!

After the Scarecrow appeared, the unthinkable scene appeared!

The death comic that was originally “hurritated” and desperately flipped over, was instantly still.

The strangeness created by it also all turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

The knocker who had no obstacle did not enter the Zhou family’s house.

Instead, after a pause, he hurriedly withdrew.

When I left, I closed the door with my bare hands.

That look, how polite it is to be polite.

Those who don’t know think it is a guest of the Zhou family!

Zhou Junjie: …

Ding Hanmei: …

Toko: …

These three Imperial Spirit Beings could not say a word directly from the shock.

Just looking at the back of the scarecrow in such a daze, I couldn’t look back for a long time!

The power of the Fear Demon God was actually terrifying to such an extent!!!

Just one appearance, just death comics and knockers scared the third.

Where is the strange appearance of killing people like crazy?

It’s like a good baby!


Weirdness has no wisdom, but there is instinct.

The moment Chen Mo appeared, the death comics and the knocker had a feeling that they would be destroyed at any time!

So they ran away immediately.

But since Chen Mo had appeared, he hadn’t let go of their thoughts!

A nightmare ghost claw pierced through the door and extended infinitely outward.


Two more deliveries. No eunuchs, don’t worry…

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