

A strange crow roared, and one by one the Death Night Crows emerged from around the Scarecrow and killed Lu Yu and Li Bing.

Li Bing, who turned into a giant corpse, was fierce!

He rushed ahead and struck a large number of Death Night Ravens with a wave of his hand.

And all these bursting bloody and water pieces of flesh were absorbed into his body.

Be aware of LV15’s Death Night Crows, each of which has the strength of a B-level Spirit Bearer.

Although it will be weaker to be cast by the straw man.

But don’t underestimate it!

Only in front of the A+ grade Li Bing, it seemed a little weak.


The giant corpse-like Li Bing roared and strode forward!

The Death Night Ravens that attacked him along the way all exploded, and the flesh and blood were absorbed by him.

In the blink of an eye, the giant corpse-like Li Bing rushed to the front of the straw man’s body.


The giant corpse-like Li Bing roared angrily, and the giant claw squeezed the straw man’s body and crushed it!

But even a straw man is not so easy to solve.

After being crushed, countless straws burst out.

Like tentacles, it climbed up along the arm of the giant corpse and quickly burrowed into Li Bing’s flesh and blood!

The so-called tarsal maggots, roughly so!


Li Bing forcefully pulled out these straws that tried to penetrate into his body, and even brought out a large amount of flesh and blood!

But there were still a lot of straws that smoothly penetrated into the inside of his body.

It’s simply too late to clean up.

This made him roar with anger and pain!

These straws are digging into his internal organs, trying to assimilate him!

Li Bing was still the first time he had encountered such a difficult and strange thing!

If he hadn’t been able to control every muscle of his own, he would have been hit a long time ago!


Seeing that Li Bing’s situation was not good, Lu Yu took the shot.

Among the countless ghosts behind him, a strangely shaped ghost flew out and burrowed into Li Bing’s body.

Then his giant corpse body became a battlefield for the two!

Li Bing’s body constantly emitted a “crackling” sound, and huge blood flowers burst out from the surface of his body.

However, the giant corpse-like Li Bing was almost immortal.

Such a fatal injury seemed to him to be insignificant at all.


After a minute, Li Bing’s body gradually calmed down.

A ghost flew out of his body and brought out some straw that had lost its vitality.

At this point, Chen Mo’s straw man was completely destroyed.

After all, it was two A+ level Imperial Spirit Beings, and if they were to be dealt with by Chen Mo and a scarecrow, it would be too much to say.

But Lu Yu and Li Bing, who had won the victory, did not have the slightest joy.

On the contrary, he was very worried, and his look was dignified!

Lu Yu examined the straw left over from the straw man’s body and said with a serious face:

“It’s just some weird doppelganger!”

“What? Is it just a doppelganger? ”

Li Bing, who had reverted to the appearance of an old man, was shocked.

What level of weirdness is this?

Just one doppelganger caused him such a huge amount of trouble!

So what if the body still has it?

Although even without Lu Yu’s help, he could still handle the Straw Man.

But that would definitely cost him more time and energy, and maybe a little price.

If this is calculated, how terrible should this strange entity be?

Thinking of this, Li Bing’s heart was awe-inspiring!


“Yes, it’s just a doppelganger!

I speculate that this weird ontology definitely has A-level strength, even A+!

Unconsciously, such a terrible strangeness had already appeared in the Yuan Kingdom!

It seems that our plan must start quickly! ”

Lu Yu said solemnly.

Li Bing also nodded in approval.

Fortunately, after eliminating the straw man, the two did not detect other problems.

So, they quietly rushed to the secret base that blocked the Dark God Gate, and then completely lifted the seal of the Dark God Gate!


After unlocking, the Dark God Gate opened violently, and a large amount of dark matter energy poured in!

Looking into the Dark God Gate, you can vaguely see that inside the door is another world.

A terrible world full of darkness, without a hint of light, without the slightest life!

In this world, I am afraid that even A+ level Spirit Bearers will not be able to survive!

After Lu Yu and Li Bing on the side saw this scene, their looks were constantly changing, and their feelings were extremely complicated.

After opening the Dark God Gate, the entire White Feather Star took an unknown and dangerous path!

It may usher in a powerful era of the outbreak of the Imperial Spirit Bearer.

It may also be the destruction that buries the entire White Feather Star!

No matter what, Lu Yu has personally opened a new era!

The Yuan Kingdom is destined to become the center of the world.

Whether it is strong or destroyed, it will spread to other countries with the Yuan Kingdom as the center.


“Let’s go, we have other things to do.”

After staring at the Dark God Gate for three minutes, Lu Yu called Li Bing away with him.

With the unlimited influx of dark matter energy, the strange events of the Yuan Kingdom and even the White Feather Star will completely usher in a big explosion!

It is also time to release information about the terrorist recovery to the people of the whole country.

At the same time, it is also necessary to start the establishment of the Academy of Imperial Spirits and cultivate Imperial Spirits on a large scale.

Otherwise, what would you do to deal with such a huge amount of strange events?

There are many things that Lu Yu and Li Bing have to do!

However, the straw man who had just appeared was double-figured.

It had been haunting Lu Yu’s heart, making him have an extremely ominous premonition!

After ordering the preparations, Lu Yu said to Li Bing:

“No, I have to investigate one of those scarecrows!”

I had a hunch that this scarecrow would be the big variable in our plan! ”

“It’s not easy to investigate a Grade A or even more powerful weirdness in a short period of time!”

Don’t…… Do you want to turn to that guy for help? ”

Li Bing asked doubtfully.

Lu Yu nodded and said:

“Yes, that’s the old man Wang.”

This time it is a matter of the security of the entire Yuan Kingdom, if he dares to play tricks with me again, I will directly kill him! ”

Old Man Wang, whose original name is unknown, claims to be a celestial divine calculation.

Respect him and call him Wang Tianji.

Hate or dislike him, just like Lu Yu, call him Old Man Wang.

This old man Wang used to be a small and famous jianghu god stick, an old liar.

He has a good hand in fooling people!

Many rich people have willingly been deceived by Old Man Wang and called him Master Wang!

Coincidentally, after the horror recovery began, this old swindler actually had the luck to control a powerful weird with the ability to calculate!

Suddenly from a liar to a true master!

This weird is a bronze ancient mirror.

Ability is the ability to randomly measure the past or future of a target.

This is an A-level weirdness, and after controlling it, Old Man Wang has become an A-level spirit reaper.

However, this weird has no offensive ability.

The first ability is the above, randomly measuring the past or future of the target.

The second ability is to give Old Man Wang the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

This guy is reluctant to join the Secret Service, has been wandering in the folk, and continues to live his life as a god stick.

However, due to his strong ability, it was impossible for the top level of the Yuan Kingdom to ignore him.

A long time ago, Lu Yu sent out a lot of masters to keep an eye on him.

He had asked this old king to help him several times before, and the price had not been reduced.

However, this old god stick likes to play some gods and gods nagging tricks, often around the bend.

Let Lu Yu be overwhelmed!

This time the stakes were high, and he really didn’t have the heart to play those tricks with Lao Wangtou.

If you don’t cooperate, then die!


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