Although strange events broke out, Old Man Wang had the ability to avoid evil.

The little days are still comfortable.

At this time, he was staying in a small villa, playing with several model sisters in the pool.

“Hey hey hey! Come here and let the old man kiss each other well! ”

“Don’t you ~ Master ~ you have done so many bad things before, don’t you want to rest?”

“What’s that?” If I were thirty years younger, I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed without telling you a few little hooves! ”


Old Man Wang smiled wildly.

But suddenly, his face changed dramatically!

“Eh? Master, what’s wrong with you? ”

A model sister saw his strange appearance and leaned forward to ask delicately.

As a result, Old Man Wang pushed her away, crawled out of the pool without wearing clothes, and wanted to run.

Just now, he felt a huge crisis!

Moreover, this crisis is fierce, and it is too late to hide soon!

However, as soon as Old Man Wang ran to the door, he was stopped by several men dressed in black.

“General Lu has orders, you can’t leave here. Take a step away and shoot on the spot! ”

These men dressed in black were all sent by Lu Yu to spy on Old Man Wang.

Moreover, they had all received special training, and when they monitored Old Man Wang, they did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, let alone the intention to kill.

In this way, he could not detect anything unusual.

After being stopped, Old Man Wang had a bitter face.

He knew that it was the Heavenly Killing Lu Yu who was eyeing him again!

In desperation, Old Man Wang could only return to the villa and did not dare to leave.

Although this old man has problems such as being timid, lustful, greedy for money, and so on, he is not without merit.

At least before the danger came, he dismissed all the model sisters in the villa.

Of course, Lu Yu had no interest in anyone else.

His target was only this old man Wang.


Ten minutes later, Lu Yu reached the small villa.

The Imperial Spirits who were in charge of spying on Old Man Wang saluted him one after another.

Today, Lu Yu has become the most powerful and powerful person in the Yuan Kingdom!

After seeing Lu Yu walking in, Old Man Wang had a bitter face and said helplessly:

“General Lu, I am just an ordinary good citizen.

Why did you come to me in person? What’s the point of saying no? ”

Hearing this, Lu Yu snorted coldly.

“Ahem! You old guy speaks better than he sings.

You are not necessarily obedient when I come in person.

Okay, today I didn’t control and you nonsense, help me calculate the owner of this straw. ”

With that, Lu Yu handed over a straw.

It is from the straw man to get it.

Old Man Wang took the straw and looked up and down, and his face changed slightly.

With a bitter face, he said:

“General Lu, it’s not that I don’t help you.

But the owner of this straw is only afraid of an A-level or even more powerful weirdness, right?

Measuring a being that is too powerful will eat me up.

And I’m so old, I can’t help but toss it.

Look at this…”

Old Man Wang said pitifully, looking like a lonely old man.

But Lu Yu didn’t give him a chance to bargain at all.

“Don’t come with me to this set!” I have already checked your information!

Even if you measure an A+ level weird or spirit, you will be weak for three days at most. What does this mean?

Three minutes, I’ll only give you three minutes!

After three minutes of not seeing what I wanted, I will take you and this villa together, erasing it from the map! ”

Seeing that Lu Yu’s tone was so fierce, Old Man Wang “clucked” in his heart.

He immediately knew that this time was very important, and he seemed to be confused.

So Old Man Wang changed his face and smiled flatteringly:

“It’s not impossible to measure, it’s this benefit…”

“As long as the result satisfies me, I can meet your three requirements.”

Lu Yu said coldly.

If the plan goes well, Yuanguo will become the world’s largest country!

Leading the way in the era!

Raising an old man is not easy?

If the plan fails… Not to mention the Yuan Kingdom, the entire White Feather Star is estimated to be destroyed.

Naturally, the promise promised to Old Man Wang did not need to be fulfilled.

In short, Lu Yu was now eager to find out the origin of the scarecrow, in case it ruined his plan!

After hearing Lu Yu’s words, Old Man Wang smiled happily.

“With your words, I will be relieved old man!”

As he spoke, Old Man Wang palmed his hand and out of thin air an ancient bronze mirror.

He stuffed the straw over, and the bronze mirror actually grew a mouth full of fangs, swallowing the straw little by little.

In a few moments, the picture appeared on the originally blurry copper mirror.


This bronze mirror is weird and can measure important information about any target on the White Feather Star!

Definitely a powerful weird!

The only downside is that it is uncontrollable.

The bronze mirror may show the past of the target, and it may also show the future of the target.

And the time is uncertain.

The next day, the next 100 years.

The past 1 day, the past 100 years.

It’s all possible.

But either way, it’s real and important key intelligence.


After the bronze mirror strangely appeared on the screen, Lu Yu and Old Man Wang went up together.

Only to see that on the screen, a scarecrow’s ghost claw appeared.

Scarecrow Ghost Claws, playing with a dozen translucent spheres.

The sphere is a brilliant spot of light that at first glance looks a bit like a glass marbles played by a child.

Seeing this scene, Old Man Wang and Lu Yu glanced at each other, both of them were a little confused.

The bronze mirror will show important information about the target and will not show insignificant pictures.

But the Scarecrow plays with marbles… What important information is this?

Who knows the next moment, the picture in the copper mirror weird suddenly changes!

The line of sight is constantly being pulled in, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

Before a dozen translucent spheres are getting bigger and bigger!

Until one of the translucent spheres occupies the entire mirror surface.

At this point, the real horror has just begun!

The picture displayed in the bronze mirror is still constantly pulling.

The line of sight penetrates into the translucent sphere, and the speed of magnification is getting faster and faster!

Subsequently, Old Man Wang and Lu Yu actually saw a continent!!!

“This… How is this possible! ”

Lu Yu roared in disbelief, and his brain was dizzy under the shock of his heart!

It turned out that the translucent sphere on the Scarecrow’s ghost claw was not a glass marbles at all.

But…… One world at a time!

The eerie picture in the bronze mirror continues.

Sure enough, after zooming in to a certain extent, traces of civilization appeared on the mainland.

There are cities, there are intelligent beings, there are all kinds of creatures.

That translucent sphere is indeed a complete world!

More than a dozen worlds turned out to be the scarecrow’s hand!!!

Old Man Wang and Lu Yu, who discovered this, shattered their three views and broke their minds!

“It’s over! My life is over! ”

Old Man Wang sat paralyzed on the ground, his pale face full of despair!

What he had calculated this time was actually so powerful that he could not imagine the existence that he could not imagine when he used his imagination!

The most important thing is to measure the future of this powerful being!

How strong will the anti-phagocytic force be so strong?

Old Man Wang did not dare to imagine!


When the picture is magnified to a human occupying the screen, the bronze mirror eerily completely blacks out.

Calculate, it’s over.

At the moment of the end, Old Man Wang’s whole body froze.

Then the body turned into powder little by little and drifted in the air.

In just half a second, Old Man Wang, a big living person, disappeared into the world!

After Old Man Wang disappeared, the copper mirror in his hand also began to turn into powder.

But halfway through the chalk, the bronze mirror eerily lit up.

This abnormal scene attracted Lu Yu’s attention.

He subconsciously glanced at the mirror.

I saw that the picture in the mirror suddenly shrank and returned to the original picture.

That is, the ghost claw of a scarecrow, playing with a dozen translucent balls.

Immediately after, a pair of terrifying eyes appeared in the bronze mirror!

These black hole hole eyes, spanning the long river of time, across the endless space, stared straight at the eyes of the landing feather!

Suddenly, an indescribably powerful force struck!

Lu Yu’s whole person had a feeling that he was going to be completely destroyed from body to soul!

If this continues, he will be obliterated in an instant!

Lu Yu is indeed a powerful character.

Before losing control of his body, he did not hesitate to raise a hand and poke his eyes blind!


With a terrible scream, Lu Yu cut off the gaze of the pair of terrifying eyes in the bronze mirror.

The whole process, less than 0.01 seconds!

If it weren’t for Lu Yu’s determination enough to poke his blind eyes in time.

In another 0.01 seconds, he would follow in Old Man Wang’s footsteps.

Become a ball of powder and disappear completely in this world!

Lu Yu couldn’t imagine what existence he had let Old Man Wang calculate!

He was able to penetrate the long river of time and cross countless spaces at a glance, almost obliterating him in a few tenths of a second!

Lu Yu had never seen an S-class spooky and spirit-bearer.

But he dared to say that even an S-level Strange and Imperial Spirit Cultivator could not be so powerful!

This is the supreme evil god!

This is an absolutely unsnoopable existence!


Two more to give!

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