I have to say that Old Man Wang’s luck is too bad.

Without thinking about it, he actually spied into Chen Mo’s relatively distant future.

At that time, Chen Mo had become a supreme evil god who could wantonly play with countless universes and countless worlds!

With just one glance, Old Man Wang turned into fly ash.

Originally, Lu Yu was fine.

But he was detected by Chen Mo at that point in time!

Then a glance pierced through the long river of time, spanned countless spaces, and almost erased Lu Yu in an instant!

Fortunately, Lu Yu was decisive enough and spicy enough.

He poked his blind eyes in time to save a small life!

The scream alarmed all the Imperial Spirit Guards guarding the door.

They rushed in, only to find that Old Man Wang had disappeared.

And in their hearts, General Lu, who was as strong as the God of War, actually had blood in his eyes and fell to the ground in pain and convulsed!

This scene made these Imperial Spirit Bearers terrified to death!

“General Lu, what’s wrong with you?” Are you okay? Quick, go get the medical team! ”

An Imperial Spirit Cultivator lifted up Lu Yu and shouted excitedly.

But Lu Yu grabbed him and roared lowly:

“Li Bing… Find Li Bing for me! Fast! ”

“General Lee? Yes, yes! The subordinates know, so let’s do it! ”


Ten minutes later, Li Bing and the injured Lu Yu met in a medical room.

At this time, Lu Yu was leaning on the hospital bed, and granules had grown in his orbit.

He took advantage of a spooky that could regenerate his eyes, but it would take time.

Seeing Lu Yu’s confused appearance, Li Bing asked in shock:

“What’s wrong with you?” Didn’t you go to Old Man Wang to calculate the origin of the Scarecrow? How did it get to this? ”

In Li Bing’s view, Lu Yu was a strong and cautious person.

Except for the time when his daughter Lu Hongyue was out of control, he had never seen him so embarrassed.

Hearing this, Lu Yu’s voice trembled and said:

“That rice, the scarecrow… He is the biggest variable in our plan!

Through the strange bronze mirror of Old Man Wang, I saw the strange future of the scarecrow! ”

Seeing that Lu Yu, who had always been strong in his heart, was terrified to this extent, Li Bing was extremely curious, and there was a vague feeling of extreme ominousness.

He hesitated and asked, “That scarecrow is weird, is it going to become S-class weird in the future?” ”


Hearing this, Lu Yu sat up straight.

“More than that! Even scarier than the S-Class! ”

“More terrible than the S-class?”

Li Bing said with some disbelief.

He had some doubts about whether Lu Yu was frightened and brainless…

Is there anything more terrifying in the world than S-class weirdness?

After all, the Red Moon, which was almost one step closer to the S-level, pulled down the world’s first power, Yuanguo, and fell for nearly ten years!

From this, we can see how terrible the S-class weirdness is!


Although his eyes could not see anything for the time being, Lu Yu’s mind was still awake.

He immediately realized that Li Bing did not trust what he said.

This is a bad situation!

Lu Yu had to let Li Bing know how terrible that scarecrow was!

In this way, he could raise his twelve-point spirit and carefully implement the great rejuvenation plan of the Yuan Kingdom!

“You don’t understand what we’re seeing!

The first image is the ghost claw of a scarecrow with more than a dozen translucent balls fiddling with the claws…”

Lu Yu told Li Bing all the pictures displayed in Old Man Wang’s bronze mirror.

After Old Man Wang turned into powder, the copper mirror also began to powder.

But before it disappeared, it actually lit up again and the picture appeared!

In the picture, it is a pair of scarecrow eyes!

Can you believe it? That terrible evil god in the form of a scarecrow actually wanted to obliterate me by penetrating the long river of time and crossing countless spaces!

And it’s a little bit closer, a few tenths of a second, as long as my reaction is a little slower.

You are now… You won’t see me! ”

Lu Yu’s heart palpitated, and when he said this, his breathing became urgent, and blood broke out of his injured eye socket again.

And Li Bing, who listened to the whole process, was already frozen and stood there and lost his mind.

More than a dozen worlds are actually just the scarecrow evil god playing with everything between the palms of his hands!

Old Man Wang, who had spied on him, turned into powder!

And Lu Yu, who was standing at the peak of the White Feather Star’s strength, was almost easily obliterated by the scarecrow evil god’s glance across time and space!


This one thing after another strongly impacted Li Bing’s cognition!

It made him dizzy for a while, and he could hardly believe his ears!

What kind of terrible existence is this scarecrow in the future world?

Such power, only afraid of the gods in ordinary myths and legends, is far behind!

It’s horrible!


After a few minutes, Li Bing reacted.

He swallowed his spit with difficulty and asked Lu Yu in a trembling voice:

“This, this scarecrow, now and now, should be in the realm of the Yuan Kingdom.”

What are you going to do? ”

Lu Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying:

“There is no way, there is no way at all.

This scarecrow is weird, and it is estimated that it is already very strong now.

Moreover, according to Old Man Wang’s calculations, in the future, he will become a terrifying evil god that spans countless universes!

Such a being, only afraid of the destruction of the White Feather Star, he is still alive and well.

We…… You can’t provoke Him at all! ”

Speaking of this, Lu Yu sighed helplessly.

“Hey! Let him go!

We proceeded as originally planned, and tomorrow we will release all information about the terrorist recovery to the people of the whole country.

Then open the Royal Spirit Practitioner to collect the world’s most powerful people!

As for the result… Resign yourself to fate! ”

Hearing this, Li Bing also sighed and said helplessly:

“Yes! Plotting in man is in heaven. We can only do what we can!

In that case, you have a good rest and start the next step of planning tomorrow! ”

After saying that, Li Bing left the ward, leaving Lu Yu alone to recuperate.

Lu Yu should have slept well and replenished his energy.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, the hollow, silent, black hole-like scarecrow eyes would come to mind!

This made Lu Yu unable to sleep for a long time and sink in fear!


Chen Mo didn’t know that his future self had left a deep psychological shadow on an A+-level spirit reaper!

It was just that the inexplicable extra million fear values made him a little confused.

This million or more fear values come from the same goal.

This is a powerful creature, otherwise it would not have been possible to provide so much fear power in a short period of time!

“Strange, can provide so many fear points, only afraid of an A+ level of weird or ghost, right?”

What haven’t I done lately? At most, he used a straw man to split up and make a move with two A+ level spirit masters.

Aren’t they scared of me like that? ”

Chen Mo was confused.

He had originally wanted to use the fear perception skill to trace who provided this huge and delicious power of fear.

However, fear perception is only level 10 and cannot be traced backwards to targets of level A and above.

In desperation, Chen Mo could only give up and temporarily pressed this problem to his heart.

But soon, new situations emerged.

Chen Mo’s mind suddenly appeared to be an incredibly large scarecrow floating in the void!

The planet is in His presence as if it were just a grain of gravel!

Infinitely small!

This supreme evil god seemed to be able to annihilate countless worlds at the snap of a finger!

Let countless beings sink to death in the hell of fear!

Every line of His body was filled with a taste of extreme fear!

He is the mighty God of Fear!


This picture flashed in Chen Mo’s mind, staying for less than a second.

But it made Chen Momo get huge benefits!

He had a vague feeling of inexplicableity.

This terrible scarecrow is the future of him!

Chen Mo didn’t know why he would see his future self.

But this shocking glimpse gave him a lot of insight.

Vaguely pointed out a correct path for Chen Mo.

A path to becoming a supreme evil god!

“I don’t know why I saw this picture, but this picture has brought me more benefits than tens of millions of fear values!”

“I’ve found my way to go!”

Chen Mo was a little excited, and two thick black rays shot out from his eyes.

His breath seemed to become even more eerie and frightening!

Because, Chen Mo had taken a big step towards the goal of becoming a Fear Demon God!


The third more to send, today is not it! Good night, everyone.

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