Chen Mo groped for the road to be taken in the future.

And Lu Yu and Li Bing were still preparing their big plans!

Although an incomparably terrifying scarecrow has been killed, there is no turning back for them!

The Dark God’s Gate has been opened, and if it is not carried out according to the original plan, the Yuan Kingdom will be destroyed as well.

Even the White Feather Star couldn’t escape!

The next thing Yuanguo has to do is to openly revive the terror, collect talents across the country, and build the Imperial Spirit in batches!

If it had been before, it wouldn’t have been so weird at all.

But now, the Dark God’s door opened, and the strange events of the Yuan Kingdom broke out!

When it brings great danger, it also brings opportunities.

This kind of manipulation is almost the same as raising gu.

If you don’t succeed, you will become a benefactor!


At noon the next day, Lu Yu’s eyes had grown back, and his spirit had recovered somewhat.

“Are you ready?”

Li Bing asked him.

This kind of thing requires a person with a good image to come to the front of the stage and announce it to the public.

The image of Li Bing is not suitable for attending such an occasion.

Therefore, this task still has to come to Lu Yu.

The preliminary work, the Secret Service has long been prepared.

After Lu Yu gave the order, the entire Yuan Kingdom was in operation!

All TV stations, all live broadcast platforms, all radio stations, the picture or sound of Lu Yu played synchronously.

“Good afternoon, all the people of the Yuan Kingdom.

I believe that everyone has found that the world has undergone drastic changes.

Today! Me, Lu Yu! Five-star general of the Yuan Kingdom! Reveal all the truth to everyone! ”


Three days ago, Yuan Guo officially announced that it would reveal all the truth today.

Therefore, more than a billion people in the Yuan Kingdom are paying attention to this press conference!

In recent days, Yuanguo has deliberately relaxed network restrictions, and many videos related to weirdness have been circulated on the Internet.

The people have some psychological preparation.

However, after letting Lu Yu explain the relevant things about the horror recovery little by little, all the Yuanguo people were still in a huge shock!

“The resurgence of terror, the arrival of the strange, the birth of the Spirit.”

These words came out of the mouth of Lu Yu, who represented the official, and the impact on the people was incomparably huge!

This means that the horrific and terrible videos on the Internet before are all true!

These ordinary people are about to live in a world of horror and revival and strange rampant!

For a time, countless social platforms have exploded!

“This… It’s true? Are there really ghosts in this world? ”

“Impossible! When pigs fly! How can there be such a terrible existence? If there really is, how can we ordinary people survive? ”

“I encountered a terrible strange thing the day before yesterday, and I was lucky to escape with my life. Put the video on the Internet and some people believe it, now they all believe it, right? ”

“It’s over! There are so many weirdness in the world, let me not live! ”

“Yes! Instead of dying in pain at the hands of a strange person, it is better to understand yourself! ”

“Don’t panic, didn’t the five-star general say that?” There are weird things, and there are spirits!

The Spirit Guardian is a strong person who can control the strange and control the strange power! ”


After the news of the terrorist recovery was announced by Lu Yu, most of the people fell into panic!

However, because of the previous preparations, the people will not collapse.

Immediately afterward, Lu Yu announced another blockbuster news.

“Recently, the resurgence of terror has intensified, and more and more people have been harmed!

So we decided to establish the First Imperial Spirit Academy of the Yuan Kingdom!

Collect the geniuses of the whole country and cultivate them into spiritual masters who can be independent!

The first batch of students enrolled 100,000 people, and each city has a registration point.

The registration period is three days, and all those who want to become a spiritual practitioner are also asked not to miss the time. ”


The next day, as soon as the heavy news came out, all the people exploded, and the crowd was more lively than before.

But this time, the mood of the people changed from fear to excitement!

Who wouldn’t want to control supernatural power?

And now, an opportunity to become an extraordinary person is in front of all Yuanguo people!

“Do you actually have a chance to become a Spirit Bearer?” I want to register, I want to register! ”

“Great! As long as you become a spirit master, you are not afraid of weirdness! I have to hurry up and sign up! ”

“For the sake of my family, no matter how great the difficulties, I also want to become a powerful spirit keeper!” Spirits Academy, here I come! ”


After Lu Yu released all two pieces of information, the whole country fell into a boil!

Some people are afraid, some are excited, some are confused, some are overwhelmed.

The gears of history are rolling and moving!

On this day, it will surely go down in the annals of the history of the White Feather Star.

Be the beginning of a new era of horror!

On that day, the number of people enrolled in the First Imperial Spirit Academy in each city exploded!

Fortunately, Lu Yu had already made preparations for this, and the various deletions and selection work were proceeding in an orderly manner.

A few days later, the Yuan Kingdom selected 100,000 talented people from countless people.

They will become the first batch of key cultivation objects in the Yuan Kingdom!

At the same time that Lu Yu’s grand plan was vigorously unfolding, other countries also exploded!

After all, Yuanguo is a first-class country, and every move will be noticed by people from other countries.

Yuanguo directly disclosed the news of the terrorist recovery, and countless other countries were confused!

Yuanguo is ready to meet the arrival of a new era.

But they are unprepared!

Some countries did not have time to block the news, and the video and content of Lu Yu’s speech spread at an alarming speed!

Coupled with the increasing frequency of strange events, the resurgence of terror can no longer be suppressed!

So the people of the country began to protest, demanding to know the truth!

All of a sudden, the whole White Feather Star was messed up!

The changes of the times are often accompanied by turmoil.

The previous turmoil came more fiercely!

And the news passed by many big powers through spies smelled an unusual taste.

This action of the Yuan Kingdom is strange everywhere!

They seem to be brewing some earth-shattering secret!

In order to find out what the Yuan Kingdom was planning, many big powers sent elite troops to infiltrate the Yuan Kingdom.

At the same time, it sternly condemned the behavior of the Yuanguo on the surface, and united to put pressure on the Yuanguo.

However, Yuan Guo completely ignored external pressure and concentrated on implementing his own plan.

This made many big countries angry, and they were even more convinced that the Yuan Kingdom was secretly doing ghosts!

As a result, the strength of the elite troops sent into the territory of the Yuan Kingdom was greatly enhanced, and it was bound to find out the secrets of the Yuan Kingdom!

For a time, the Yuan Kingdom fell into a huge chaos!

First of all, the door of the dark god opens, and more and more strange events are coming!

Second, the people are frightened by the relevant matters of the terrorist recovery, and the people are panicked and cannot live forever!

Then, many people want to become the Imperial Spirits, and even take the initiative to find strange events for this purpose!

Finally, the great powers also sent many forces to infiltrate the Yuanguo Realm in an attempt to find out the secrets of the Yuanguo.

So many things are concentrated in one point to break out, the Yuan Kingdom can’t think of chaos!


In this chaotic world, Chen Mo was also quietly making plans for himself.

At this time, he had already set his sights on the director of the special affairs bureau of Sanshan Castle.

Now Ding Hanmei, Su Jing, Zhou Junjie, and Dongzi are becoming more and more powerful, and they have completely gained a firm foothold in the secret affairs bureau.

It’s also time to get rid of the special affairs bureau chief of Sanshan City and let the four of them take office!


At the turning point of the plot, it is a bit difficult to write. Everyone give me some time to think about it, Mo Mo Da!

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