Late at night, the director of the special affairs bureau of Miyama Castle dragged his tired body to his home.

The director of Sanshan City, named Cao Yong, was in his forties, but he looked like an old man in his fifties.

No way, the Yuan Kingdom has been in chaos recently, and Cao Yong’s affairs at hand are too much!

Fortunately, there are Ding Hanmei and Su Jing, who are several rising stars.

Otherwise he wouldn’t know how to hold on!


Cao Yong drove all the way home.

After parking the car in the garage, he moved his body and walked towards his large villa.

I don’t know how to do it today, my neck is particularly sore…

Cao Yong’s mind flashed this thought, and then he moved his neck several times, but the sore feeling did not get better.

At this time, several drunks walked by the side of the road.

When they walked to Cao Yong’s side, these drunkards suddenly had a clever agility and all woke up.

And they also looked at Cao Yong with horror on their faces. In the end, he even escaped with a rolling belt.

Looking at that expression, it seemed to see something incomparably terrible.

The most bizarre thing is that these drunks are running away while saying crazy things like “scarecrow” and “riding”.

This scene made Cao Yong frown slightly.

But he didn’t think much of it.

In the current Yuan Kingdom, there are some crazy people everywhere who can’t withstand the pressure.

It’s normal to see a few crazy drunks in the middle of the night.


“I’m back!”

Cao Yong returned to the villa and shouted as usual.

But today, the villa was unusually quiet, and there was no sound at all.

The servants, the family, all gone!

Cao Yong “clucked” in his heart, and finally realized that it was not good!

“Something strange happened at home? I don’t know what level of weird event it is, and I hope they’re okay. ”

With this thought in his mind, Cao Yong had already entered a state of battle.

After all, he was a C+-level Spirit Bearer.

Not a master, but not weak either.

General strange events, he can handle.

With this in mind, Cao Yong cautiously walked upstairs, ready to investigate this strange incident.

Cao Yong searched the villa little by little, and soon found something wrong.

He could faintly hear the sound of “Sissoso” and the slight sound of footsteps.

In this villa, there are people!

Or rather, something is moving!

Cao Yong frowned and sped up his search for it.

Finally, he blocked the creatures that were making noises in a small room.

“Ahem! What a strange thing to dare to invade the home of one of my special affairs bureau chiefs! Call you a curse tonight! ”

Cao Yong did not sense any powerful breath, and his tone became confident.

After saying that, he kicked the door open with a “bang” foot, but what he saw made him dumbfounded.

It’s not how weird or horrible things are in the room.

On the contrary, there are not many normal things in the room.

It was all the maid and his family who lived in this villa.

Only at this moment, this group of people who were most familiar with Cao Yong were all trembling and shrunk together, looking at him with a frightened look.

As if he were not a man, but an incomparably terrible eerie!

This situation made Cao Yong confused.

As he walked into the room, he asked in doubt:

“Wife and Mother Zhang, what are you doing here?” Why are you hiding from me?

Tell me what strange things happen!

Have you forgotten who I am? I’m the director of the Secret Service Bureau of Miyama Castle! ”

Cao Yong said with some pride.

Once, the Secret Service was a secret agency that the public did not know.

But now, Lu Yu has made public information about the resurgence of terror.

The Secret Service Bureau, composed of the Imperial Spirits, suddenly became a holy place in the hearts of the people!

And Cao Yong, as the director of the bureau, has also become a big figure worshiped by thousands of people and admired by thousands of people!

This made him somewhat proud.


However, Cao Yong’s words did not appease his family and servants.

They were even more frightened!

“Don’t… Stay back! Don’t come here! ”

Cao Yong’s wife shrank into a ball and looked at him in utter horror.

“Are you guys crazy?” It’s me! Cao Yong! ”

Cao Yong said helplessly.

He didn’t know what his family was afraid of.

Don’t…… Was it some kind of weirdness that confused them?

Thinking of this, Cao Yong frowned and walked towards his wife, intending to check on her condition.

“No! Don’t come here! ”

Who had thought that after Cao Yong approached, his wife actually walked to the bed, and her whole face was twisted with fear.

Looking at this, it seems that if Cao Yong approaches again, she will jump off the building without hesitation!

“It was so good! I don’t go.

But can you tell me what you’re afraid of? ”

Cao Yong stopped and tried to communicate with his wife.

Only with enough intelligence can we analyze what is going on in the current situation.

Hearing this, his wife raised her trembling hand, pointed to Cao Yong’s neck, and said with a sigh:

“You… On your neck, on your neck…”

“Neck? What’s wrong with the neck? ”

Cao Yong touched his neck and found nothing.

It’s just that the sore feeling is getting more and more obvious.

Seems…… Something rides on his head in general!

It just so happened that a touch of moonlight scattered in and shone on Cao Yong’s face.

At this moment, the people in the room were even more frightened!

Cao Yong’s wife and hired maids all screamed bitterly, and their eyes were full of panic when they looked at him!

This made Cao Yong also curious.

There was a mirror on his side.

Cao Yong walked over, wanting to see what was wrong with him, and could tell them that they were scared like this!


A gust of night wind blew through, and the curtains swung to obscure the moonlight.

In the dim environment, Cao Yong looked in the mirror and did not find anything unusual.

“Strange, very normal! What are they afraid of? ”

Cao Yong frowned slightly.

But just as he was about to turn around, the night wind stopped.

Moonlight…… Once again, it shone into the room and shone on Cao Yong’s body!

In the bright moonlight, Cao Yong was horrified to see.

A scarecrow with a wicked scarecrow riding on his neck, bent his head, and looked at him with a sly smile!


This incomparably terrifying scene made Cao Yong, who was accustomed to seeing strange events, involuntarily let out a terrible scream.

He finally knew why his neck was so sore today…

I also know why those homeless people see that they are this performance…

I know why his family and servants avoid him and are afraid of him…

It turned out that a hideous and terrible scarecrow had been riding on his neck!

Cao Yong’s scream seemed to trigger the scarecrow’s switch.

In the gentle moonlight, the blood is not so dazzling…


The next day, Cao Yong, director of the Sanshan City Special Affairs Bureau, was found dead in his home.

The death was terrible, the face was twisted together, and the look in his eyes was full of fear!

If it had been put in the past, the death of a special affairs bureau chief would have shocked the top level of the Yuan Kingdom and been highly valued!

But now, with the Yuan Dynasty in turmoil, Cao Yong was not the first special affairs bureau chief to die.

After a brief investigation of the death, Cao Yong’s death was hastily investigated.

The most important thing now is to elect a new Special Services Director!

“Coincidentally” at this time, Ding Hanmei, the elite backbone of the Sanshan City Secret Service Bureau, successfully handled a C+-level strange incident.

And promoted to B-level Spirit Bearer!

As a result, Ding Hanmei naturally sat in the position of director of the Sanshan City Special Affairs Bureau.

Not even a strong contender!

After she ascended to the throne, Dongzi, Su Jing, and Zhou Junjie soon became the most powerful and powerful people in the Sanshan City Secret Service Bureau besides her.

At this point, Chen Mo smoothly controlled the entire Three Mountains City!

It’s time to start planning the next step!


Don’t ask why don’t you kill Cao Yong directly, mosquito legs are also meat, can’t be wasted, more fear value is always right.

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