A B-level Spirit Hunter of the Hurricane Hunting Team uses his tarot cards to try to find out who is behind the Hundred Ghosts Nightcrawl.

But suddenly, this Imperial Spirit Being’s body shook violently, and his face suddenly turned pale!

Then his whole body trembled violently, and his lips pursed, as if he wanted to say something.

But I couldn’t say a word!

“What’s wrong with you on No. 7 and No. 7?” Say what you want to say! ”

The captain of the hurricane hunting team, that is, No. 1, saw this scene and “clucked” in his heart, and the secret path was not good.

He held on to Number 7 and wanted to get some information from Number 7.

However, when the 7 Good Tarot Card strangely tracked down Chen Mo, he sensed something.

All one fear eroded the past!

No. 7 was just a simple B-grade weirdness, and in front of Chen Mo, it was as weak as an ant.

How is it possible to resist the power of fear and erosion?

In just an instant, Number 7 was plunged into endless fear!

There were terrifying illusions in front of his eyes, and his mind was full of terrifying pictures!

At the moment before the collapse of his mind, Number 7 suddenly raised his head and roared out a word.

“Scarecrow! The Scarecrow is coming! Fast…… Run!!! ”

After saying this, Number 7 fell into complete madness.

He began to tear his face, stripping his flesh and blood little by little.

This horrific scene stunned the rest of the hurricane hunting team!

In the end, the most knowledgeable and powerful No. 1 knew that he had been hit by strange means and was 100% unsaved.

So No. 1 immediately decided and immediately killed No. 7.

“There is a big crisis in East River City! The existence behind this hundred ghosts at night is very scary!

Leave! We have to get out of here right away! ”

As the captain of the No. 1, he is a powerful A-level spirit.

He had never thought that a small city that had just entered the Yuan Kingdom would encounter such a huge danger!

It’s hard to do… Is the current Yuan Kingdom already terrifying to this extent?


Anyway, the most important thing now is to leave East River City.

The Hurricane Hunting Team originally wanted to sneak down to see what was going on with this ghost nocturnal walk.

As soon as the 7th died, everyone panicked!

Run, must run!

Although Chen Mo blocked Donghe City when he was casting the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, the Hurricane Hunting Team had a powerful prop-type weird on hand.

Be able to let them kill and leave this dangerous city.

As a result, the remaining seven members of the hurricane hunting team rushed all the way to the border of East River City.

Don’t dare to delay for a moment!

Just as he was about to leave Donghe City, the sharp-eyed No. 1 saw a skinny and vicious scarecrow on the side of the road in the distance!

He stopped suddenly, and inexplicably felt a huge chill!

Seems…… What mortal danger awaits him in front of him!

“Captain, why did you suddenly stop, is there anything wrong?”

Seeing No. 1 suddenly stop and look horrified.

The rest of the team asked with some trepidation.

Hearing this, No. 1 swallowed the spit, and the scarecrow on the side of the road in the distance said:

“Remember what No. 7 said before he died?”

Scarecrow…… It’s coming!

You guys, there’s a scarecrow in front of you! ”

Looking in the direction of finger number 1, the other team members also saw the scarecrow in the distance.

I couldn’t help but change my face slightly, and the sense of fear in my heart “rubbed” rose up!

“This… This scarecrow is motionless, shouldn’t it be weird? Maybe it’s the ordinary scarecrow on the side of the road. ”

“Does it make sense, this is already the suburb of East River City.” There are a few scarecrows in the countryside, which is normal, right? ”

The two players did not know whether they were comforting their teammates or themselves.

The consensus that the scarecrow in the distance is not weird.

But No. 1 didn’t dare to just walk over anyway.

He took out a frisbee and threw it at the Scarecrow.

This frisbee is a weird ride for Number 1.

After being thrown out, it disappeared into the air, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of the Scarecrow.


Frisbee cut through the scarecrow’s body.

It was cut off and then flew back into the hands of Number 1.

The severed scarecrow fell powerlessly to the ground, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Seeing this, the rest of the hurricane hunting team breathed a sigh of relief.

One of the teammates said to Number 1:

“Captain, you see, it’s just an ordinary scarecrow, I didn’t say it before.”

No. 1 finally raised a smile on his face and said:

“I’m too careful, it’s okay.”

With that said, No. 1 plans to take his team members and leave this strange city.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, his face suddenly changed drastically!

The scarecrow, who had been cut off and split in two, actually stood up slowly!

And the missing half also grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye!

No. 1 struck the frisbee and not only did it not destroy the scarecrow.

Instead, let it turn from one to two!

“This… What’s going on? ”

The team member who had just spoken trembled in horror, and he couldn’t speak.

Every member of the hurricane hunting team is elite.

Usually, in the face of terrible and strange events, they can also try to remain calm.

But somehow, in the face of this scarecrow, their psychological defense line became extremely weak.

Some wind and grass can stir up fear in their hearts!


“Back! Rewind! ”

After a moment’s pause, No. 1 quickly led the remaining six team members and turned around and ran towards the city.

But when they turned their heads, they found that Donghe City was gone!

I don’t know when, the hurricane hunting team actually came to a barren rice field!

There is nothing but a twisted scarecrow standing in the field!

At the same time, a tragic green light shone on everyone in the hurricane hunting team.

Under the illumination of this tragic green light, the people of the hurricane hunting team could not withstand the pressure even more!


A member of the team suddenly shouted in fear.

As if mad, he plunged headlong into the rice paddies alone.

All around, there are terrible scarecrows everywhere!

“The Scarecrow… It’s all scarecrows! ”

“The Scarecrow is coming! Here He comes! Hahaha! ”

“Fear… Death…… Wonderful! It was wonderful! ”

The other team members also fell into madness one by one.

The whole person’s face from the spirit is distorted together!


The only one who can still keep himself is No. 1, who is the captain.

He is the strongest and has not yet fallen into madness.

However, this scene in front of him had a huge impact on his heart!

What is it?

What a mystery they have provoked!

So far, there has been no positive appearance, and everyone except No. 1 has already fallen into madness!

At this moment, in No. 1’s heart, there was no other emotion except fear!

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