The overall strength of the hurricane hunting team is actually not weak, and it can even be said to be quite strong.

Some second-rate countries, with the strength of the whole country, can only piece together such a team.

However, in front of Chen Mo, there was only one A-level Imperial Spirit Cultivator and a group of B-Class Imperial Spirit Practitioners.

Still too weak!

Moreover, Chen Mo’s plan was not allowed to be disrupted by some inexplicable people.

After he struck, he easily killed the hurricane hunting team.

It hardly took much effort to squeeze out all their fear points and take away their lives.

One of the souls who had violated the Seven Deadly Sins was also taken away by the Seven Sins Nether Lamp in Chen Mo’s hand.


After the hurricane hunting team was eliminated, there was no other resistance in East River City.

Chen Mo’s Hundred Ghosts Nocturnal Walk will leave no pieces of armor that will kill the Special Affairs Bureau of Donghe City!

The crisis of annihilation of the city envelops the whole city!

It is estimated that if you can’t wait for the support of the headquarters, Donghe City will be finished!

At this time, the secret service of Miyama Castle next door came to support!

The leader was none other than the director of the Sanshan City Secret Service Bureau, Ding Hanmei.

In addition, there are Su Jing, Dongzi, Zhou Junjie, these backbone members!

This time, the four of them showed amazing strength!

Among them, Ding Hanmei and Su Jing are B+ level Imperial Spirit Warriors, Dongzi is B-level, and the weakest Zhou Junjie also has B-level strength.

Such strength is also a master in the big cities of the Yuan Kingdom!

The four of them work together to constantly fight against the hundred ghosts!

This battle is dark and fierce!

It lasted for several days and nights before the curtain gradually came to an end!

This battle touched the hearts of the citizens of Donghe City.

When they saw that the final victors were Ding Hanmei, Su Jing and others, countless Donghe City citizens cheered!

At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed.

Donghe City has finally ushered in the light!

At this moment, Ding Hanmei and Su Jing, who were the main force of this battle, suddenly became combat heroes admired by thousands of people!

The whole city is cheering for them!

No one noticed that on the tallest building in Donghe City, a scarecrow suddenly appeared.

The scarecrow had an eerie smile on his face.

He looked at Ding Hanmei and Su Jing, who were surrounded by the crowd, and showed a look of satisfaction.

At this point, the plan is halfway done.

I believe that Ding Hanmei and Su Jing, who have made such great achievements, will definitely be able to break into the top level of the Yuan Kingdom!


It turns out that Chen Mo’s prediction is not wrong.

When the country is in turmoil and the people are afraid, it is the time when heroes are most needed!

Even if there are no heroes, the top level of the Yuan Kingdom plans to create a few heroes out.

The appearance of Ding Hanmei and Su Jing just conforms to the situation.

Not to mention that the two of them are still beautiful young women, more affinity.

In the vigorous propaganda of the Yuan Kingdom, Ding Hanmei and Su Jing became the well-known heroes of the Yuan Kingdom!

The two of them, because of their outstanding strength, naturally blended into the circle of top Imperial Spirit Bearers of the Yuan Kingdom.

After blending into the high-level of the Yuan Kingdom, Ding Hanmei and Su Jing were not in a hurry and slowly inquired into the news.

Finally, in one operation, he learned of the existence of the Dark God Gate!

Part of Chen Mo’s consciousness was attached to their bodies.

At the same time that Ding Hanmei and Su Jing knew the news, Chen Mo also knew about the existence of the Dark God Gate.

“Dark God Gate? Connecting to the eerie dark world? Among them, there is a constant influx of dark matter energy into the Yuan Kingdom? ”

Chen Mo instantly understood what had happened to the changes in the Yuan Kingdom during this time.

The source of everything is the Dark God Gate!

This special weirdness, Chen Mo must get his hands on!


At this time, it has been three months since the public terrorist recovery of the Yuan Kingdom.

In the past three months, the Yuan Kingdom has undergone earth-shaking changes!

First, at least millions of people died in the midst of the spooky events.

But at the same time, a large number of Imperial Spirit Bearers have also been cultivated!

The first batch of students of the First Imperial Spirit Academy of the Yuan Kingdom were already about to graduate.

In the chaotic world, there is not so much time for them to develop slowly.

The follow-up course will be carried out in practice!

After the first batch of students graduated, the Yuan Congress built several more Imperial Spirit Academies to recruit more talented people and train them to become Imperial Spirit Masters!

Although the casualties were heavy, the Yuan Kingdom is being reborn from the ashes and re-emerging in disaster!

However, in the end, it is not known whether the strange person has the upper hand or the spirit keeper has the upper hand.

But no matter what, as long as there is a slight sign of possible success, other big countries will not allow such a thing to happen!

Therefore, after several top powers discovered the relevant news of the Dark God Gate, they also had the same idea as Chen Mo.

That is to take the Dark God’s Gate for yourself!

For a time, a large number of top Imperial Spirit Cultivators infiltrated the Yuan Kingdom and waited for the opportunity.

The entire Yuan Kingdom had turned into a powder keg, and more than 90% of the top Imperial Spirit Beings of the White Feather Star had gathered here!

It only takes one Mars to detonate the entire Yuanguo!


After discovering this, Chen Mo also began to think about how to ensure that he could grab the Dark God Gate.

With his current strength, dealing with one or two A+-level Spirit Bearers was not a big problem.

But now the Yuan Kingdom has gathered more than 90% of the top Imperial Spirit Beings, not to mention ten A+ levels!

For these Imperial Spirit Beings, Chen Mo was another outlier.

When the time comes to fight in order to snatch the Dark God Gate, it will definitely be him who will be targeted first!

This made Chen Mo a little distressed.

Just when he couldn’t think of any good way, he suddenly found a familiar breath in the capital of the Yuan Kingdom!

It’s the Red Bride!

At this time, the half-human and half-strange existence of the Red Bride actually raised her strength to the A+ level!

It seems that Chen Mo’s guess about her is correct.

This red bride had once been a powerful spirit.

At this time, instead of improving strength, it gradually recovered.

Chen Mo had fought with the Red Bride and had also joined forces with her.

At this time, she appeared here, needless to say, it should also be for the Dark God Gate!

So, why not take advantage of this red bride?

After all, for the Spirit Guardian, she was also an outlier, the one who would be ostracized.

Make good use of this tool person, maybe you can get the Dark God Gate smoothly!


Thinking of this, Chen Mo’s face showed a strange smile.

He manipulated a straw man to approach the hiding place of the Red Bride.


This plot is written very uncomfortable, and everyone doesn’t like it to see the subscription. I intend to end it as soon as possible and move on to the next world.

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