Like an ordinary girl, she lives in a small rental house in the capital of the Yuan Dynasty.

But in the middle of the night, her strangeness is revealed!

I saw Red Flame lying on the bed, and wisps of red thread came out of her body.

These red threads wrapped her in a red cocoon, perfectly protected.

But suddenly, the red cocoon cracked, and a small red head protruded from the crack.

Only to see the solemnity of her face, looking towards the ceiling.

“Shh Xianggong, since you have come, show up. Why play hide-and-seek with my mother-in-law? ”

Although the voice was relaxed, the red face was as heavy as water, and it had already entered a state of battle!


Hongxuan is actually the top genius of the Yuanguo who once almost became an S-class – Lu Hongyue!

After driving to the sixth A-level weird, Lu Hongyue got out of control and made a big fuss in the Yuan Kingdom!

At that time, the strength of the Yuan Kingdom was incomparably strong, and it was the world’s largest power.

More than a dozen top spirits joined forces to beat her up, and finally ended up with a lose-lose situation.

Since then, Lu Hongyue’s strength has been greatly reduced.

After wandering for a while, she was swallowed up by the B-grade Red and White Double Fire Ghost Domain, becoming one of the two core weird red brides.

At that time, Lu Hongyue’s strength was extremely weak!

And there was only a trace of sanity left.

One more step into the abyss, she will completely lose her mind and become a complete stranger!

Fortunately, at a critical juncture, Chen Mo appeared.

Although Chen Mo was still very weak at that time, Lu Hongyue smelled a strange breath from his body!

Lu Hongyue vaguely felt that the strength in Chen Mo’s body could help him.

Help her regain her lucidity!

So when he first met Chen Mo, Lu Hongyue would be so crazy!

Everything she took away from Chen Mo’s body and carried it on her body all the time.

It was precisely because of Chen Mo’s straw that Lu Hongyue gradually regained his sanity.

The back strength is also restored little by little.

When he met Chen Mo for the second time, Lu Hongyue’s strength returned to the B level.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Hongyue got rid of the shackles of the Red and White Double Fire Ghost Domain and restored his free body.

And now, it was the third meeting between Chen Mo and Lu Hongyue!

This time, the strength of both of them has been greatly improved.

To be precise, Lu Hongyue did not improve his strength, but restored some strength.

And it hasn’t returned to peak yet.

What shocked her was that the original Scarecrow, who was only D-class, was strangely promoted to A-level in just a few years!

This speed is really too terrifying, too incredible!

Lu Hongyue vaguely felt that this scarecrow’s strange body had a big secret!

His coming is not simple!

It was no wonder that a straw could help Lu Hongyue regain his sanity.


Lu Hongyue had these past events in his mind, but his spirit did not dare to relax in the slightest!

This scarecrow is a big horror!

Even if it was only A-level, the feeling given to Lu Hongyue was much more terrifying than many A+-level Spirit Masters!

Lu Hongyue’s induction was not wrong.

Soon after her voice fell, an upside-down scarecrow appeared on the ceiling.

This scarecrow is thin and has a vicious face.

The horror!

Although a few months ago, Lu Hongyue knew through Su Jing that Chen Mo had entered the Yuan Kingdom.

But at this time, when Chen Mo came to the door, he still couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

Lu Hongyue mobilized his strength, and said with a solemn face and a smile on his face:

“Xianggong, you came to me in the middle of the night, you don’t want to do anything bad, do you?”

I didn’t think that as soon as Lu Hongyue’s voice fell, the scarecrow in front of him disappeared!

Immediately afterward, a gust of wind blew from behind her.

As soon as Lu Hongyue turned her head, the scarecrow’s terrifying face was close to her face.

The direct distance between the two is less than three centimeters!

Lu Hongyue was frightened by this sudden situation and inhaled a cool breath, and shifted to the table at the door.

A wisp of red thread appeared on her body, and she was ready to strike!

But at this moment, the scarecrow opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and spat out a hoarse word.

“The Dark God Gate… Cooperation…”

Hearing this, Lu Hongyue was stunned and asked in some disbelief:

“Are you looking for me to cooperate to take down the Dark God Gate?”

After Lu Hongyue finished speaking, the straw man slowly nodded.

Seeing this, Lu Hongyue looked shocked.

She didn’t expect that this scarecrow’s strange IQ would be so high!

Also know how to analyze the situation and then come to her to cooperate!


Lu Hongyue was silent for a moment, his eyes constantly flashing.

As Chen Mo had guessed, she also wanted to get the Dark God Gate.

Lu Hongyue had a premonition that the secret of the Advanced S-level was in the Dark God Gate!

Getting this weirdness that connects to the unknown dark world, she has a chance to advance to the S level!

Like Chen Mo, Lu Hongyue’s half-human and half-weird identity was very embarrassing!

It is conceivable that soon a great war will break out in the Yuan Kingdom.

Those top Imperial Spirits of the countries lurking in the Yuan Kingdom will definitely fight in order to snatch the Dark God Gate!

At this time, if Lu Hongyue appeared, her alien would definitely be suppressed by joining forces!

The thought of this scarecrow coming to her for cooperation was also the reason.


After just a few seconds, Lu Hongyue thought a lot.

Finally she licked her lips and said with a smirk:

“Xianggong worked so hard to find me just to cooperate. How could the lady refuse? ”

Hearing this, the scarecrow hanging from the ceiling breathed a heavy breath and made a hoarse and eerie sound again.

“Say… Person…… words…”

As soon as these words came out, Lu Hongyue’s face immediately sank.

She took a deep breath and said seriously:

“Okay, if you want to cooperate, then cooperate.

Together, let’s take down the Dark Gate! ”

At this point, the straw man nodded with satisfaction.

Then it turned into countless straws and drilled out of the cracks in the house.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

It’s like I’ve never been here!


After Chen Mo’s straw man left, Lu Hongyue remained vigilant.

It wasn’t until ten minutes later, after making sure the Scarecrow was 100 percent gone, that she breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from her head.

“What the hell is this scarecrow!” It’s growing fast and scary!

If it grows like this, it won’t become the first S-class of the White Feather Star, right?

No way! The Dark Gate must not fall into its hands!

When the time comes, I must take the opportunity to grab it! ”

Lu Hongyue thought worriedly.


On the other hand, Chen Mo did not think of cooperating well with Lu Hongyue.

Lu Hongyue was just a temporary tool for him.

Chen Mo could not share the Dark God Gate with others.

This special strangeness must be in his own hands!

Chen Mo guessed that Lu Hongyue was probably about the same as his plan.

But it doesn’t matter, then let’s see who has the smarter means and who can laugh at the end!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo’s face showed a strange and crazy smile.

In the sky, a large area of dead night crows are hissing!

As if to herald that in the near future, the capital of this Yuan Kingdom will be covered in blood!


Thanks to the “author with my mink” for multiple 100 tips!

It is said that you read books every day to chase more, or to slaughter every few days, curious…

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