The Yuanguo undercurrent is raging!

How could Lu Yu and Li Bing, two high-ranking members of the Yuan Kingdom, not know?

But they don’t have a great way to do it either.

It can only develop as much as possible, increase the number and overall strength of the Imperial Spirit Beings, and enrich the strength of the Yuan Kingdom!

Before starting this plan, Lu Yu wanted to face the covetousness of other big powers.

But I didn’t expect that after the news of the Dark God Gate leaked out, there were so many A-level or even A+-level masters!

Lu Yu had a premonition that a great war was about to break out in the Yuan Kingdom!

This big battle will lay the foundation for the future pattern of the White Feather Star!


In the Dark God Gate, a large amount of dark matter energy is constantly gushing out, giving birth to more strange things and causing more strange events.

With the passage of time, the dark matter energy of the Yuan Capital was incomparably rich!

Even if you don’t investigate the Dark God Gate and its approximate location, you can guess that there is something unusual about the capital of the Yuan Kingdom!

After another half a month, there were still frequent battles between the Imperial Spirit Beings in the capital of the Yuan Kingdom.

These spirits were sent by other countries.

The strength is not too strong, and after being discovered by the Yuanguo Secret Service, it was quickly cleaned up.

The real masters, all hidden, waiting for a perfect time to strike again!

Chen Mo also belongs to this group of people.

After infiltrating the capital of the Yuan Kingdom, Chen Mo secretly arranged no less than a thousand straw man doppelgangers here!

Originally, Chen Mo still wanted to arrange more.

However, this is the capital of the Yuan Kingdom after all, and it is not so easy to invade.

He still wasted a lot of effort before quietly arranging a thousand straw man doppelgangers.

In addition, Chen Mo had roughly locked the location of the Dark God Gate.

It’s in the middle of a suburb of the capital of the Yuan Kingdom!

However, this place has been targeted by many A-level and A+-level spirit masters.

The person who shot first certainly did not have good fruit to eat.

Everyone is waiting.

Waiting for a stunned young man to come out and break the deadlock and become the fuse of this big war.


Time passes by day by day.

The forces in the capital of the Yuan Kingdom are gathered, and the atmosphere is getting more and more stressful!

There is a feeling that the black cloud is crushing the city!

The real top players are waiting for their time.

However, there is no shortage of self-righteousness in this world.

An A-class psychic from a second-tier country accidentally discovers the Dark God Gate located on the outskirts.

This sent him into ecstasy, thinking he was the first to find out.

That night, the Spiritard sneaked into the secret base that sealed off the Dark God Gate.

Want to steal it!

However, before this Imperial Spirit Cultivator approached the Dark God Gate, Li Bing, who had turned into a giant corpse, suddenly jumped out and pinched him to death!

Although this A-level Imperial Spirit Bearer who did not know whether he was alive or dead was killed by Li Bing.

But his death seemed to be a signal of the beginning.

The spirits lurking in the shadows are all moving!

Taking advantage of the time when Li Bing was contained, an A-level spirit warrior turned into a ghost and instantly came to the front of the Dark God Gate.

“You’re mine!”

This A-level Spirit Keeper greedily looked at the Dark God Gate and reached out to take this special strange thing for himself.

But the next moment, several A-level Guardians jumped out of the shadows, and even followed by A+ Grade Spirits!

A scuffle, here’s it!


After the Spirit Rider reaches the A level, there is a qualitative change in strength.

Soon, various visions appeared in the center of the battlefield!

A stream of black qi erupted from within, shattering the base that blocked the Dark God Gate.

Immediately afterward, countless ghosts drifted out!

The sound of ghosts crying wolves resounded throughout the suburbs!

And that’s not all, as more Spirit Bearers struck, more and more terrifying visions appeared!

The earth cracked, and countless rotting zombies emerged from within.

Purple-black droplets fall from the sky that can corrode everything!

In addition, there are paper men, terrifying wax figures, ghost babies, skeletons, and so on, driven by these top spirit masters, crazy fighting!

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the ghost was sensen!

The aftermath of the battlefield soon spread to other parts of the capital of the Yuan Kingdom.

Fortunately, Lu Yu had already made preparations for this, and evacuated the ordinary people in the capital half a month in advance.


“Boom boom!!! boom boom



All kinds of A-level weirdness unleashed all their power and expanded the battlefield even further!

In a short time, the entire Yuanguo Capital City turned into a ghost domain, and all kinds of powerful monsters were frantically fighting inside!

Not the slightest ray of light could penetrate into such a capital.

All the top spirits are fighting in the dark.

Bloody, weird, evil, and so on blend together, eerie!

Initially, all people have only one purpose.

That is to rob the Dark God Gate!

But many of the top spirits of these different countries have a grudge of their own.

When fighting, the hatred is transferred to the former enemy, and it is eager to kill the enemy on the spot to relieve the hatred!


In the distance, Lu Yu led a group of high-level Yuanguo people, looking at this most terrible battle in history with an extremely dignified face!

Lu Yu said with great emotion:

“This battle, no matter who loses or wins, will surely go down in the annals of the White Feather Star!”

Here gathered, the most powerful group of White Feather Star Imperial Spirit Beings!

And the outcome of this battle will determine the future direction of the White Feather Star! ”

Hearing this, Li Bing frowned and asked:

“Aren’t we still shot? The Dark God Gate could be snatched away at any time! ”

Lu Yu shook his head and said:

“Even if the Dark God Gate is snatched away at this time, we absolutely can’t do it!”

There are only two A+-level Spirit Bearers left in the Yuanguo.

Its strength is still a little worse than that of the top powers.

Participating in the battle at this time, even if you grab the Dark God Gate, you can’t hold it.

If you don’t get it, you will end up with a total extinction!

Instead, let’s wait and see.

Even if the Dark God Gate is snatched away by others, other countries will be hit hard!

Our Yuan Kingdom has retained its strength, and there are dark energy remnants left by the Dark God Gate.

Even if it is not as good as the country that finally got the Dark God Gate, it is enough to rank in the top three in the world!

If you have the opportunity, you can also take the opportunity to grab the Dark God Gate.

If we can become the ultimate winner, then the Yuan Kingdom will become the world’s largest power!

In short, as long as we wait and see, we will be able to benefit! ”


Hearing Lu Yu’s analysis, all the Yuanguo top-level spirit people, including Li Bing, suddenly realized!

“General Lu’s ingenious calculations are far from us!”

His men took the opportunity to slap a horse’s ass.

Hearing this, Lu Yu just shook his head faintly, looking slightly lonely.

If he could, of course he wanted to keep the Dark God Gate in the Yuan Kingdom.

In the end, it is still strength.

However, Lu Yu knew the trade-off and resolutely chose to give up.


He looked at the fierce battlefield, his eyes constantly flashing.

I don’t know who will be the final winner in this strongest battle of the White Feather Star!

Out of Lu Yu’s sight, a vicious and terrifying scarecrow was looking at him coldly.

And the huge crow hovering over the scarecrow was staring at the battlefield, and his blood-red eyes did not blink at all.

During the melee, no one noticed that above the clouds of the capital city of the Yuan Kingdom, there were large swathes of Death Night Crows suspended!

Chen Mo, ready to go!

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