In this strongest battle of the White Feather Star, there were 9 A+ level Imperial Spirits and 27 A-level Imperial Spirits involved.

A-level Spirit Bearers can only be the life of cannon fodder, and they can’t participate at all!

All kinds of powerful and strange weirdness, have shown their might!

Not to mention Lu Yu, even Chen Mo was eye-opening, seeing a lot of weirdness that he couldn’t think of before.


As the battle continued, most of the capital of the Yuan Kingdom was destroyed, and the battlefield continued to spread!

It can be expected that after this war, the capital city of the Yuan Kingdom will be basically in a state of obsolescence.

Whether it’s time to worry about these small interests or not.

All eyes were fixed on the Dark God Gate.

In just half an hour, the Dark God Gate changed hands several times and changed hands many times.

Finally, a very powerful spirit warrior snatched the Dark God Gate in the chaos.

It made him overjoyed!

This A+ level spirit keeper is good at body spell shield skills.

The ability to fight head-on does not.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, he actually got the Dark God Gate from the chaos!

“Hahaha! The Dark Gate is mine! Goodbye everyone! ”

After a wild laugh, he swallowed the Dark God Gate into his stomach.

Then split into tens of thousands of doppelgangers and fled in all directions!

Some of these doppelgangers burrowed into the ground, some turned into ghosts and flew into the sky, and some crashed into the crowd.

In short, there were suddenly tens of thousands more parts, and the scene fell into chaos!

The other top spirits were also shocked when they saw it!

They took out their own means and bombarded countless doppelgangers around them.

But those are prosthetics.

When threatened with a fatal threat, it turns into a pool of smelly water.

There is no shadow of the Dark God Gate at all!

“Oops! It’s a thousand shadows! This guy’s escape kung fu is superb, we can’t trap him!

Unexpectedly, the final winner of this time was actually this flea-like guy! ”

An A+ level spirit keeper said with a look of chagrin.

In the distance, the Imperial Spirit Destroyer who had merged with the Void and had obtained the Dark Divine Gate was snickering and frantically fleeing for his life.

“Hahaha! The Dark Gate is mine!

This eerie door leads to the abyss interface of the location, which contains endless dark matter energy!

Maybe there’s a mystery of the Advanced S-Class mixed in!

Once I become an S-Class Spiritist, I will be able to control the entire White Feather Star!

Hahaha! Hahahahaha! ”

The man was constantly laughing in his heart, and he was extremely proud.

Then the next moment, a change happened!



An eerie hissing sound sounded.

Countless Death Night Crows flew together, turned into a death storm, and swept up!

In the death storm, a thin and vicious figure loomed.

It’s the Scarecrow, a Scarecrow weird!

I saw him holding an old lantern glowing with a tragic green glow in one hand and a giant sickle more than three meters long in the other.

The breath emanating from his body and body was like a demon god, incomparably terrifying!

This A-level eerie appearance made all the top spirits present stunned.

From this scarecrow, they felt a threat of death!

It’s a terrible weirdness they’ve never seen before!

“When did the White Feather Star have such a terrible weirdness?” Never heard of it! ”

“Scarecrow?” I vaguely remember that there was a scarecrow in the thunder country of North Oceania who was strange.

But it is far less powerful than the one in front of you.

Is it not possible that the scarecrow’s strength has increased several times in a few months? Impossible, right? ”

“I’m more concerned about what this scarecrow means by the strange sudden appearance. Couldn’t it be that it also wanted to snatch the Dark God Gate? ”

“That guy ran away with the Ten Thousand Shadow Ghost, and we couldn’t find him, what can a strange person without wisdom do?”


In the eyes of these graded spirits who are either vigilant, or afraid, or disdainful, or jealous.

Chen Mo finally struck!

I saw him raise the scythe of the god of death and gently paddle it through the air.

This scene stunned those top spirit remits.

What does that mean?

Hit the air?

However, the next moment, they knew what Chen Mo was doing.


In the void, a terrible scream was heard.

Immediately afterward, the Imperial Spirit Bearer who had taken away the Dark God Gate and almost managed to run away appeared!

After Chen Mo appeared, the people who saw him were somewhat frightened.

This Spirit Keeper is no exception.

Chen Mo used the sense of fear to trace his fear back to his body.

Then he waved the Death God’s Scythe and used this magic weapon to harvest souls!

This Imperial Spirit Bearer was A+ level, and Chen Mo could not directly harvest his soul.

But this scythe went down, it was enough to make him suffer from the midfield, screaming and showing his figure!

“This… How is this possible? ”

“What kind of weird means is this?”

Chen Mo’s shot shocked all these top Imperial Spirit Beings!

Immediately afterward, these top spirits saw a large area of Death Night Ravens sweeping towards the man.

At the same time, the light of the Seven Sins Nether Lamp also shone on his body, attacking his soul!

“Give me… Give me…”

Chen Mo’s mouth let out a death whisper, and the terrifying sound made this A+ level Imperial Spirit Cultivator tremble all over his body!


He let out another scream, and his soul shook violently, and his mind fell into a moment of confusion.

Chen Mo took advantage of this opportunity to use the ability of the Ghost Domain to teleport, instantly came to him and slashed down with a scythe!


Black glow flashes.

Blood spatters!

This A+ level Imperial Spirit Cultivator was actually slashed in half by Chen Mo with a blow of the Death God’s Sickle!

The Dark God Gate was also exposed.

Chen Mo snatched the Dark God Gate and threw it into his own ghost domain.

At any moment, with a finger of his hand, countless Death Night Crows received the order, turned into terror and frantically flew towards the Imperial Spirit Bearer who had been cut in half!

A+ level Spirits, extremely difficult to kill!

But it’s okay, the devouring power of the Death Night Raven restrains everything from being resurrected!

What was swallowed into the belly of the Death Night Crow, there is no possibility of recovery!




Thousands of dead night crows pounced on the body that had been cut in half, pecking wildly.

Sure enough, this A+ level spirit reaper did not die, and once again let out a terrified and terrible scream!

“No! No! Don’t! Aa!!!aaaaaaa ”

In the midst of the great horror, he was pecked at by thousands of dead night crows, leaving no residue at all!

When these Death Night Ravens flew back to Chen Mo again, all traces of this Imperial Spirit Bearer in the world were erased.

Not at all!


Seeing this scene, those top spirit cultivators not far away quietly swallowed their spit, only to feel cold!

This scarecrow is so eerie that it is so terrifying!


Thanks to the 500-point reminder ticket of “Sky God Ai* Road”!

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