While discussing these six A+ level Imperial Spirits, these six A+ level Imperial Spirit Cultivators displayed their own means and killed Chen Mo.

The first Imperial Spirit to kill Chen Mo exploded and countless shots were drilled out of his abdomen.

Transform into a huge and vicious tentacle!


He shouted angrily, and countless huge tentacles strangled Chen Mo.

Chen Mo sensed that these tentacles carried this strange power, which seemed to be able to tear apart the soul!

Chen Mo’s subconscious told him that he could not be hit by these tentacles!

“Nightmare Ghost Claw!”

Chen Mo let out a low sigh in his heart, and dozens of ghost claws erupted from his body, strangling with these tentacles.

The aftermath of the battle between the two sides destroyed countless high-rise buildings!

And that’s just the first opponent!

Immediately afterward, the second A+ level Imperial Spirit Cultivator killed Chen Mo.

The man stomped his feet in the air.

A large amount of black water suddenly poured out of the void.

These black waters continued to expand, turning into a lake that swallowed Chen Mo in the past!

In the lake, terrifying waves were constantly set off, bombarding Chen Mo.


Chen Mo groaned in his heart, and a large cloud of black flames erupted from his body!

These black flames condensed together and turned into a black fire purgatory!

This skill is the hellfire that Chen Mo just learned and upgraded to level 13!

Water and fire collided, and a terrifying explosion occurred!


In an earth-shattering figuration, a mushroom cloud slowly rose.

The capital city of the Yuan Kingdom collapsed by the explosion by half a meter!

In the center, a pit of more than ten meters appeared!

And the collision of water and fire is not over.

Chen Mo’s sea of hellfire and the black Wang Yang that was full of wraiths were still deadlocked!


Count the two people who resisted the Death Night Raven and the Seven Sins Nether Lamp.

Chen Mo was already fighting with four A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers at the same time!

But that’s not all!

There were also four A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers, waiting for Chen Mo!

This time, Chen Mo took the lead and drove the Dream Realm to the past towards the two A+ level Imperial Spirit Beings.

These two A+ level spirit masters looked stiff, and all of them fell into a heavy state.

Obviously, the two of them had been dragged into the dream that Chen Mo had created.

Although the Dream Realm is powerful, it can only drag two A+ level Spirit Bearers at most.

And can’t kill them, can only drag.

It is estimated that after a period of time, these two A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers will be able to kill them.

Before that, Chen Mo had to do something!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo’s terrifying eyes in the black hole hole stared at the last two A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers.

Fear erosion, launch!

Countless terrifying fantasies that hit the heart appeared in front of the eyes of these two A+ level spirit masters.

An irrepressible wave of fear rose from the bottom of their hearts and hit them even!

However, after all, it was an A+ level top spirit reaper, and one fear erosion was not enough to knock them down.

Chen Mo took the opportunity to wave the Death God’s Scythe and directly attacked their souls.


After using most of the skills and means.

Chen Mo finally fought with eight A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers on his own.

And not at all down!

This scene caused all the top Imperial Spirit Bearers present to fall into a huge shock!

“How is that possible!!! This scarecrow actually withstood the joint strangulation of eight A+ level spirit masters!

This is almost 80% of the top combat power of the White Feather Star! ”

An A-level Spirit Rider dragged by the Red Flame roared in disbelief.

Other people’s minds were similar to his.

Looking at the entire White Feather Star, there were only a dozen or twenty A+ level Spirit Masters.

That’s at least half the amount here!

This scarecrow was strange, and he actually fought one against eight, and did not fall behind in the slightest.

It’s horrible!

And it’s still Class A weird.

If this is to make it grow to A+ level, then it has to be?

Thinking of this, these top spiritual beings present couldn’t help but feel fear.

What these top Spirit Cultivators didn’t know was that their fears would turn into the nourishment for Chen Mo’s growth!

The fear power of these top spirit masters is incomparably wonderful, and the fear points they can obtain are also very large!

are hundreds of thousands of millions of growth!

Find this speed to rise, after this battle, Chen Mo will almost be able to advance to the A+ level!

Sure enough, in the later stages, the power of fear of the strong is the most delicious!

The fear of ordinary people had brought to Chen Mo and the improvement he had brought was already very weak and weak.

Only by drawing the power of fear from these strong people can they quickly become stronger!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo planned to work harder to kill or severely damage one or two A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers.

Let their fears come a little stronger!

However, at this time, there were still two A+ level spirits on the field who did not shoot.

It was Lu Yu and Li Bing of the Yuan Kingdom!


Seeing Chen Mo fight with one enemy against eight, the ferocity overflowed!

Li Bing said in a trembling voice:

“Lu Yu, you’re right, this scarecrow is really terrifying!”

Fortunately, on that day we only dealt with its doppelganger! ”

Wen Yan Lu Yu shook his head and said:

“At this point in time, he is still growing, and he does not even have the power of one ten-millionth of the future, which is not a real terror.”

The scarecrow that Old Man Wang and I saw at the point in time in the future was the real Demon God!

One thought can destroy the horrors of countless worlds!

But for now, maybe it’s an opportunity to cut it off from the future! ”

As he spoke, a sharp color flashed in Lu Yu’s eyes.

Hearing this, Li Bing was shocked and said with some disbelief:

“You, you want to go to war?! But this scarecrow is so terrifying. We…… Does it work? ”

Lu Yu gritted his teeth and said sharply:

“This is the last and best opportunity!

The current scarecrow is not so strong.

Eight A+ level Spirit Bearers had already dragged him to death!

Otherwise, there would have been casualties long ago.

When we join, we can break the deadlock!

And they also said before that if you kill the Scarecrow, you will get the Dark God Gate!

Whether it’s true or not, we’re going to give it a try. ”

It was said that Li Bing knew that Lu Yu was planning to fight to the death.

He took a deep breath, straightened his originally rickety body, and smiled faintly:

“I’m going to be an old man who is about to go into the ground anyway, you dare to fight hard, and I don’t dare to do anything?”

Let me pave the way for the future of the Yuan Kingdom!

If the Yuan Kingdom can rise in the future, remember to build a monument for me! ”

After making up his mind, Li Bing put his fear behind him and stirred up a strange power.

His originally thin body swelled rapidly, turning into a giant corpse several meters tall!


Li Bing roared and stepped on the void to come to Chen Mo’s face.

At this time, most of Chen Mo’s strength had been contained by the other eight A+ level Imperial Spirit Beings.

Suddenly joining the new forces immediately broke the balance!

The giant corpse Li Bing grabbed Chen Mo’s body and tried to tear him in half.

The corpse water on the giant corpse was constantly dripping on the scarecrow’s body, eroding inside.

In the face of Li Bing’s attack, Chen Mo opened his mouth and threw up, and several dead seeds fell on him.

There were only ten levels of death, and it was impossible to assimilate an A+ level spirit reaper.

But he was able to barely restrain Li Bing.

However, at this time, the tenth A+ level spirit person, Lu Yu, appeared!

Lu Yu’s most powerful spooky was the Hundred Ghosts tattooed on his back.

With a thought in his mind, countless ghost shadows flew out from his back and killed Chen Mo!

The tenth A+ level spirit was finally the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

Under Lu Yu’s attack, Chen Mo’s defensive line appeared to be vulnerable.

The first thing that went wrong was the confrontation with Li Bing.

Chen Mo’s strength was lax, and his body was torn apart little by little by the giant corpse Li Bing!

The body is traumatized, and the power of other skills begins to weaken.

The Dream Realm loosened, and the two A+ level Spirit Bearers broke free from it.

The Nightmare Ghost Claw is now broken, and his tentacle-like A+ level Spirit Bearer has broken through the defense line.

The power of fear erosion also began to decrease, and the two A+ level spirit masters who were attacked by the Death God’s Scythe freed their hands to fight back!


Lu Yu’s participation in the battle was like pushing a domino.

Let Chen Mo’s defense line collapse one after another!

In the end, the ten A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers all countered Chen Mo’s skills and gained the upper hand!

“Guys! This weirdness is really terrifying!

Unite the strength of our ten people to suppress it reluctantly!

You can’t keep your hands any longer, so let’s use our skills at the bottom of the box!

Be sure to destroy him! ”

Lu Yu roared loudly, and sure enough, he got a response from the others.

“Good !!!”

The other nine, including Li Bing, responded in unison.

Subsequently, these ten A+ level Imperial Spirit Cultivators all used their most powerful killing moves and rushed towards Chen Mo!

A great battle to seize the Dark God Gate, at this time, actually turned into a top spirit guard, and joined forces to strangle the Scarecrow’s strange Terran defense battle.

It can only be said that Chen Mo is really too powerful and terrifying!

This made the sense of crisis in the hearts of these top spirit masters explode!

If they didn’t kill Chen Mo, even if they got the Dark God Gate, they wouldn’t be able to develop with peace of mind.


Under the full force of the ten A+ level Imperial Spirit Beings, Chen Mo’s body shattered into pieces and turned into a cloud of abandoned weeds.

It’s not just the body.

Chen Mo’s soul was also severely damaged, and it was crushed into slag!

Seeing the situation, Lu Yu, Li Bing and ten other A+ level Imperial Spirit Practitioners breathed a sigh of relief.

This terrible scarecrow is weird and finally dead!


The second more, three thousand words.

Ask for a wave of evaluation votes, I want to put the evaluation votes up to 100,000, everyone help me good or bad, boo!

Maybe there will be another change, but I can’t be sure, everyone goes to bed first, and you can get up tomorrow morning and take a look.

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