Seeing Chen Mo’s body collapse and his soul torn.

Not far away, the red eyes of those A-level Spirit Guardians who blocked them flashed slightly, slightly surprised.

But she touched the straw ring on the ring finger of her left hand, and her heart immediately settled.

There is still a strange power in this straw ring that belongs to the scarecrow.

This shows that it is not dead at all!

Sure enough, the next moment, a strange flower appeared out of thin air, floating in the air and emitting a little starlight.

In the little starlight, time went backwards, and Chen Mo’s scarecrow body re-condensed, including the soul!

Chen Mo had countless straw men to spare, how could he be killed so easily?

However, these A+ level spirits are not vegetarians.

In order to prevent Chen Mo’s resurrection, he could use means to crush his soul.

After the soul was damaged, Chen Mo could still use the Straw Man to resurrect himself.

But the soul could not be restored, and the strength was damaged after all!

However, Chen Mo’s backup means were more than just the straw man.

He also used the other flower he had gotten from the Styx reincarnation ghost realm!

Under the action of the other side of the flower, Chen Mo recovered again, and it was still in peak state!

In order to reverse Chen Mo to a perfect state, only one petal of the flower on the other side was left, and it was impossible to turn back the time again in a short period of time.

Still, that’s enough!


See Chen Mo reshape his body and soul, suspended in the air like a demon god.

The ten A+ level Spirit Bearers, including Lu Yu, were all stunned!

Just now, the ten of them formed a siege and strangled Chen Mo together.

It’s not so easy to do it again.

The most fatal thing was that this time, Chen Mo’s firepower was in full swing, opening the most powerful ability in the Demon God’s body, the Demon God Form!

Chen Mo’s body quickly swelled and turned into a terrifying scarecrow four or five meters high!

Whether it was the Death God’s Scythe or the Seven Sins Nether Lamp, it also became larger.

At the same time, there was also a black halo that spread out to all sides, enveloping most of the Yuan Kingdom Capital City in it!

Chen Mo in this state finally had the power of the Fear Demon God!


After the Demon God Form was turned on, Chen Mo’s strength could be increased twice, and the power of all skills could also be doubled!

At the same time, there was also a fear aura with a radius of up to ten kilometers, enveloping all these top spirit masters!

After being enveloped by the aura of fear, the hearts of these top spirit masters shook.

The strength has been suppressed a lot, probably only about 80% at its peak.

Under this circumstance, Chen Mo in the form of a demon god looked extremely terrifying!

Chen Mo, who was full of strength, was the first to set his sights on Li Bing, who was closest to him!

The giant corpse-like Li Bing was slightly taller than Chen Mo in the form of a demon god.

But at this moment, facing Chen Mo, Li Bing had a feeling of incomparable smallness!

“It’s going to die!” Really going to die! Must leave! Must hurry up and get out of this scarecrow! ”

After being put on top by Chen Mo, Li Bing’s subconscious was roaring madly.

The muscles, bones, and even the soul of the body are trembling!

This is…… A taste of fear!


However, facing Chen Mo, who had opened the Demon God form, Li Bing didn’t even have the chance to escape!

“Wonderful… Fear…”

Chen Mo’s air let out a whisper, which made Li Bing even more afraid.

All kinds of terrifying fantasies appeared in front of his eyes, all hitting the softest place in his heart!

After all, Li Bing was an A+-level Imperial Spirit Bearer.

It only takes a second or two to break free from these illusions.

However, a second or two was enough time for Chen Mo to kill him ten times!

After Li Bing fell into fear, Chen Mo mobilized thousands of Death Night Crows and pounced on him!



At this time, the size of the Death Night Raven had tripled, and blood seemed to be dripping from the blood-red eyes!

Incredibly terrifying!

They hissed in the horror madness that formed a black and red and swept towards Li Bing.

And this is, Li Bing is still immersed in fear.

“No! Wake up!!! ”

After seeing this scene, Lu Yu’s eyes widened.

He wanted to go up and help, but it was too late!

“Boom boom!!! boom boom

Thousands of dead night crows gathered together and swept towards Li Bing like a terrifying tornado.

Every Death Night Raven was pecking at Li Bing’s flesh and blood, devouring his soul!


The huge pain dragged Li Bing out of the illusion and let out a terrible scream.

Almost 0.01 seconds, Li Bing’s screams suddenly stopped.

The Death Night Raven dispersed and swirled around Chen Mo.

However, where Li Bing was originally located, only a huge skeleton remained.

As soon as the wind blew, the skeleton was pulverized and drifted in the air with the wind.


This scene caused all the top Imperial Spirit Bearers present to fall into a huge panic!

Li Bing, an A+-level spirit warrior who was good at fighting and had strong vitality, was actually killed by the Scarecrow’s move, and he had no power to resist!

What kind of monster is this scarecrow!?

Why does the White Feather Star have such a terrifying existence?

These top Imperial Spirit Cultivators were Chen Mo’s most urgently needed nutrients!

A large amount of incomparably delicious fear power spawned from the bodies of these top spirit cultivators and was swallowed up by Chen Mo!

The fear of an A+ level spirit keeper is worth the fear of millions or even hundreds of millions of ordinary people!

And the fear power they bred was of higher quality, which was more conducive to the growth of Chen Mo’s strength!

Li Bing’s death had aroused the fear in the hearts of these top spirit relics, so that they did not dare to come forward and easily attack Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo took advantage of this opportunity to continuously absorb the power of their fear, and his strength increased rapidly!


A minute later, Lu Yu felt something bad first.

He shouted:

“The situation is not right! This scarecrow is getting stronger!

His breath is getting stronger, and it is about to break through!

Fast! Shoot together!

If you don’t shoot at this time, you will never have a chance! ”

Saying that, Lu Yu urged the hundred ghosts behind him, and countless powerful ghosts attacked and killed Chen Mo!

Hearing this, the other eight A+ level Imperial Spirit Cultivators also suddenly woke up.

They suppressed the fear in their hearts and joined forces to kill Chen Mo.

But by this time it was too late!

Chen Mo’s breath was abrupt, several times more ferocious than before!

He’s promoted to A+ level!

“Why… To resist… Fear…”

Facing the siege of the nine A+ level Imperial Spirit Beings, Chen Mo’s eyes emitted two terrifying black rays that pierced the long sky!

At the moment of advancing to the A+ level, Chen Mo spent 10 million + 20 million + 30 million, that is, 60 million fear values.

Raised the original level of fear erosion of level 17 to LV20!

“Feelings… Wonderful fear now! ”

Chen Mo’s hoarse voice suddenly became louder, and then an incomparably strange force swung around him as the center.

LV20 Fear Erosion, Launch!

In just an instant, the nine A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers were frozen in place, their faces full of fear!


Tomorrow began to restore to six o’clock together with the update, the old people in the province said I want to be a eunuch, I can’t explain it…

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