After being raised to level 20, the fear erosion skill has undergone a qualitative change!

Originally, it could only affect the mind of the A-level Spirit Bearer.

And now, once launched, the nine A+ level top spirit cultivators were immediately plunged into endless fear, unable to extricate themselves!

“This is what … The power of fear? ”

Chen Mo murmured in his heart, once again feeling the power to control everything!

After advancing to the A+ level, Chen Mo’s strength climbed another level.

Although it did not reach the S level, it was enough to overwhelm the White Feather Star and suppress any other Spirit Rider below the S level or weird!


Chen Mo was immersed in his own powerful power, and did not kill the nine A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers at the first time.

A few seconds later, the nine of them broke free from the endless fear.

However, this time, these White Feather Star Top Spirit Bearers had already lost the courage to fight against Chen Mo!

“Escape! Run! This is a monster, he is a monster! ”

“It’s not weird! This is the evil god, this is the power that the evil god can have! ”

“He is the embodiment of fear, and it is impossible for him to be the god of war!”

After being snatched away by Chen Mo’s fear erosion, the mentality of these top spirit masters completely jumped!

This terrible scarecrow was just a thought, and all the killing moves prepared by the nine of them were frustrated, and they fell into endless fear.

How else can such a battle be fought?

Hurry up and run for your life!


After breaking free from fear, except for Lu Yu, all eight of them chose to flee.

They used their own means and disappeared almost instantaneously.

Only Lu Yu stayed there, his expression already frozen.

“Useless… Can’t escape, it’s all over! ”

He muttered to himself, completely giving up the opportunity to escape, giving up the chance to live.

Because he knows that there is no chance anymore!

After not killing the Scarecrow just now, there was no chance to resist anymore!

Lu Yu had seen Chen Mo’s future.

He knew that the future Scarecrow would become a terrifying demon god who would manipulate countless worlds at will!


Where can I escape?

Is it hard to escape from the White Feather Star?

As far as the strength of their group of people is concerned, they can’t do it at all!

Just now was the only chance to kill the Scarecrow, and they didn’t grasp it.

After that, don’t think about fighting the Scarecrow again.

These A+ Spirit Guardians, placed on the White Feather Star, are naturally the top beings!

But compared with the terrifying scarecrow in the future who fiddles with countless worlds and treats each world as a glass marble, not even an ant is counted!

Lu Yu knew that everything was over!

He now, with one last question.

Get the answer, and you can die with peace of mind.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu turned his eyes, looked directly at Hongxu, and asked her:

“You… Is it my daughter after all? ”

Looking at this former father, the red face was complicated.

She didn’t know what her current life form really was.

Half-human and half-weird, she has both the memories left by Lu Hongyue and the instinct to be weird.

However, Red Fire is definitely not equal to Lu Hongyue, this is for sure.

Finally, Red Hot’s lips trembled a little, and he whispered:

“If I answered yes, would you feel better before you died?”

“I… Got it. It’s good to be alive…”

This ambiguous sentence is not understood by ordinary people

But Lu Yu instantly understood.

The red flame in front of him was no longer the Lu Hongyue he once was.

But not entirely.

If it is not at all, there is no trace of the feelings that have ever existed.

The red flame would not care about his feelings.

In any case, his daughter had survived another way.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu smiled calmly.

Then the Hundred Ghost Diagram behind him exploded, and countless powerful ghosts passed through his body, erasing Lu Yu from this world!

Lu Yu actually chose to cut himself off!


At this moment, Chen Mo also slowly calmed down from the pleasure of the surge in strength.

He glanced at Lu Yu, who had broken himself, and his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Immediately afterward, eight nightmare ghost claws extended from Chen Mo’s body, directly into the void.

Soon, a series of screams came from the void!

The eight A+ level spirits desperately tried to escape.

There are a few who are good at escaping, and in just a minute or two, they are about to escape from the Yuan Kingdom!

However, in the face of fear perception, there is no effect!

As long as these eight A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers were still afraid of Chen Mo, they would never be able to escape, and they would always be enveloped by fear!

Several of the eight people struggled a little fiercely, and they couldn’t do it by relying solely on the nightmare ghost claw.

Chen Mo simply waved the Death God’s Scythe and gave them a few blows in the air, while fear erosion was launched again!

After a few skills were thrown down, these eight A+ level spirit masters all fell!


After this battle, the top Imperial Spirit Bearer of the White Feather Star was almost killed by Chen Mo!

Chen Mo has become the strongest of the White Feather Star and can control everything of existence!

But now, he still has one enemy left—Red Flame!

The cooperation between the two, or the two tricks, is originally a plastic friendship, and each is pregnant with a ghost fetus.

When Chen Mo was dealing with those top Imperial Spirit Beings, a red silk thread suddenly appeared on his body.

Then the red thread turned into a shadow and burrowed into his body.

The Dark God Gate, which was wrapped in red silk threads, also turned into a shadow!

Then, unconsciously, Red Fu dragged the Dark Divine Gate out of Chen Mo’s body!

This made Hongxu’s face show a look of joy.

Although Red Fire was much more powerful than the ordinary A+ Grade Imperial Spirit Cultivator, Chen Mo after the advancement gave her an incomparably terrifying feeling!

The subconscious mind tells Red Fire that she is not the opponent of the Scarecrow!

Therefore, Hongxu did not dare to fight with Chen Mo head-on.

However, with her strength, it was still no problem to escape after winning the Dark God Gate.

When the time comes to study it for a while, maybe you can penetrate the mysteries of the Advanced S-level from the Dark God Gate!

After being promoted to S-level, it is not too late to find trouble with the Scarecrow again.


The red wishful thinking was playing very loudly.

However, just when she was about to succeed, her red silk thread suddenly froze in place, and she couldn’t pull it any longer!

A terrible force fixed the red silk thread!

This made her heart tremble, and a look of horror appeared on her face!

Immediately afterward, Red Fu heard a hoarse, eerie, and terrifying sound.

“Dancing with the Demon God… Do you have the strength? ”

This sound made Hong’s heart vibrate even more intensely.

As soon as she looked up, she met a pair of black hole-like horror eyes!

These eyes seemed to be able to devour everything, instantly sucking the red heart into it!

The next moment, the world around Red Flame changed.

She became a weak little girl, and everything around her was the most feared thing in her heart!

Mother was killed by the disease…

Father used her for experiments…

Childhood locked up in a lab…


The huge fear made Hong’s brain go blank, and he let out a terrible scream uncontrollably!


This chapter makes up for yesterday’s, today’s violent change, six o’clock together

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