How could Chen Mo not know that Hongxu had other thoughts?

But as he said: Dance with the Demon God, do you have this strength and qualifications?

Obviously, when Chen Mo advanced to A+, after the invincible White Feather Star.

Red Flame is not qualified to play tricks in front of him!

After packing up ten A+ level Spirit Bearers, it’s Red Flame’s turn!


An irresistible fear exploded in Red Temper’s heart, drowning out her sanity!

Chen Mo shook the Death God Scythe in his hand, wanting to crush her soul and let her and the ten A+ level Imperial Spirit Bearers before her die on the spot!

However, Chen Mo thought about it for a moment, now the top Imperial Spirit Bearers of the White Feather Star had all been killed by him.

In case you need to drop the advanced tool people in the future, it is not easy to find.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo stretched out two nightmare ghost claws and dragged the red flame in front of him.

“Gaze at me! Ant! ”

Chen Mo and Hong Fu looked at each other at close range, and then countless straws poured out of Chen Mo’s body and drilled into the seven tricks of Red Flame!

In the face of Chen Mo’s invasion, Red was in immense pain!

Many red silk threads appeared in her body, wanting to resist Chen Mo’s invasion.

However, the gap between the two strengths was too big, and Red Fu was simply powerless to resist!

Soon, Red Fu was invaded by countless straws into the depths of his body and became Chen Mo’s puppet!

After doing all this, Chen Mo left her aside.

The Twilight Sect and his party, namely Su Jing and Ding Hanmei, who had been staying on the edge of the battlefield to watch the battle, immediately entered.

Dragged the unconscious Red Flame down.

This is an important backup tool for the Demon God, but she can’t let her die!


After dealing with the red brakes, Chen Mo looked around.

After experiencing this unprecedented battle of the White Feather Star, the capital city of the Yuan Kingdom was in ruins, like a ghost domain!

However, these were not things that Chen Mo had to manage, and naturally there would be other people to clean up.

Chen Mo now had only one idea—to unify the White Feather Star, harvest the global fear value, and advance to the S-Class !!!

In that battle just now, he had already eliminated most of the world’s top spirit masters.

Even if there were still some A+-level Imperial Spirit Bearers left, they would not be able to compete with Chen Mo!

Unifying the White Feather Star was not a difficult task for Chen Mo at all.

Just put in practice!

It just so happened that Chen Mo’s number two tool man, Liu Ningxue, was on the side.

Chen Mo turned his head to look at her and passed on his meaning.

Then Chen Mo didn’t care about the excited Liu Ningxue, who was trembling, and flew directly into the distance under the endless black qi.

He believed that with Willow’s ability to condense snow, he could complete the tasks he had assigned.


In the next six months, Chen Mo traveled to every country of the White Feather Star, and countless horror legends related to the Scarecrow were circulating.

Everywhere He went, fear filled the way, and the Twilight Sect prevailed!

In only half a year, the Twilight Sect had become the first Great Sect of the White Feather Star! Hundreds of millions of believers!

Although the white feather star on the surface is still those countries.

But in fact, Chen Mo had become the master of the White Feather Star and unified all the countries!

However, this makes no sense to him.

Chen Mo originally wanted to harvest more fear points.

However, after truly unifying the White Feather Star, Chen Mo found that the fear value of ordinary people had almost no effect on him now.

Ordinary leeks… No more nutrients.

It was necessary for the fear power of a more powerful being to help Chen Mo.

After all, the White Feather Star is a world that has been revived by terror for less than twenty years, and most of them are ordinary people.

After traveling all over the world and unifying the White Feather Star.

Chen Mo found that the White Feather Star could not support his ascension to the S level.

If you want to achieve the S level, you must find another way!

As a result, Chen Mo’s eyes were fixed on the Dark God Gate!


After obtaining the Dark God Gate, Chen Mo never gave up studying it.

Strictly speaking, the Dark God Gate is a prop-type weirdness.

And the level is beyond the A+ level!

Because Chen Mo himself was only A+ level, and he had never seen a more powerful weird or imperial spirit person.

Therefore, he couldn’t determine what level of weirdness the Dark God Gate really was.

But the start is also S-level weird!

That is to say, the Dark God Gate is the only S-class weirdness on the White Feather Star!

As for the power of the Dark God Gate, there was actually only one.

That is to connect a vast and boundless void space filled with dark matter energy!

The reason why the White Feather Star will start a terrifying recovery is also because the dark matter energy in this void space has penetrated in.

When the Dark God Gate is opened, it will speed up the process of reviving all the horrors.

But whenever he looked at the void and darkness of the space on the other side of the Dark God Gate, Chen Mo had an inexplicable sense of uneasiness.

It seems like something terrible is going to happen at any moment!

Therefore, Chen Mo had closed the Dark God Gate not long before he got it half a year ago.

Yuanguo did not have the ability to close it, but Chen Mo had.

Chen Mo also thought about opening the Dark God Gate and speeding up the process of terror recovery.

If a spiritual cultivator is cultivated in large numbers in such a way as to raise clams, won’t he have the best “leeks” to cut?

But even if you don’t consider the dangers that the Dark God’s Gate may bring when it is always open, the process of waiting for these “leeks” to grow up is too long!

When will Chen Mo be able to advance to the S level?

From this point of view, it seemed that in a short period of time, Chen Mo had no way to advance to the S level.


But soon, Chen Mo discovered the magic of the Dark God Gate!

Once when studying the Dark God Gate, Chen Mo looked into the void space on the other side of the door.

Suddenly, I saw that in the void space, there was a moment of brilliance.

This is a trace of another world!

At this moment, Chen Mo instantly understood some things.

It turned out that the void space behind the Dark God Gate was not only connected to the White Feather Star, but also to other worlds!

That is to say, Chen Mo can enter another world through this void space!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo’s mind was completely enlivened, and the advanced S-level plan was gradually formed.

Chen Mo’s plan is simple – go to other worlds and harvest fear points!

It is better to have a higher level of power, so that the quality of the power of fear provided can satisfy him.

With a rough plan, Chen Mo immediately began to act.

However, the void space behind the Dark God Gate was extremely dangerous!

Even Chen Mo couldn’t cross inside unharmed, waiting for the opportunity to enter other worlds.

At this time, it is necessary to use the tool man.

And it has to be an A+ level of tool talent!



Last night, the mountains and rivers were shaken, and now the two stars resigned from Kyushu. Silence!

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