

On the sea, fierce storms, lightning and thunder!

A fishing boat, bouncing in the rough seas, seems to be swallowed up by the waves at any time.

But on the fishing boat, there stood a young man and a woman.

They stood on the deck hugging each other, looking unafraid, their eyes quite sharp.

“Husband, we are finally free from the organization!”

Li Yueting said with a little joy.

Hearing this, Zhao Yan’s embrace became even harder.

He nodded and said firmly:

“Yes, it’s all over!

The two killers are dead.

What is alive now is just an ordinary couple.

Our new life is about to begin! ”

Zhao Yan and Li Yueting are elite killers cultivated by a mysterious organization since childhood!

As an adult, your strength rises all the way to B and B-level!

It has made a lot of reputation and is known in the killer world as a combination of heaven and earth.

However, when they joined forces to do the task, Zhao Yan and Li Yueting secretly had a secret affection and had the idea of leaving the organization.

The mysterious organization to which they belong is incomparably powerful!

Even if they were all B-level martial artists, they did not dare to forcibly escape.

Only by using a trick of the golden cicada to get out of the shell was he able to escape.



It is a time when the two are embracing each other in the heavy rain and enjoying a better future.

Not far away, there was a sudden sound of a heavy object falling into the water, and it seemed to be a person.

Li Yueting stared at it and said with some uncertainty:

“It seems… Is it a child? ”

Zhao Yan frowned and said vigilantly:

“How could a child suddenly emerge from this vast sea and fall into the sea?” Something is wrong! ”

Li Yueting also knew that something was wrong, but watching the child sink and float in the terrifying waves, her heart was inexplicably uncomfortable.

If it was before, Li Yueting would definitely have a hard heart like iron and would not have any superfluous thoughts.

But now, she had shed her identity as a killer.

If you watch a child drown and don’t help, is this still a normal ordinary person?

Thinking of this, Li Yueting bit her lip and said to Zhao Yan:

“Husband, just a child.”

Let’s save it and see, if it’s not right, it’s not too late to kill again. ”

Seeing Li Yueting’s troubled face, Zhao Yan, who had been with her for many years, also guessed her thoughts.

After a little thought, Zhao Yan sighed and said:

“Well, I’ll save this kid first.”

After speaking, Zhao Yan jumped and stepped on the waves, drifting towards the child who was floating in the sea.


This planet, called Blue Star, is highly similar to Earth.

The difference is that there is “qi” on the blue star.

If you take the breath into the body, you can become a warrior!

The hierarchy is similar to that of the Spirits.

But there is a big difference between the two systems!

First of all —

The strength of the warrior comes from his own cultivation, and he has been improved step by step.

There will be no situation of controlling a class A-weird, direct power surge.

Secondly —

The warrior system is relatively unified.

The strength of a warrior of the same level will not be too different.

The Spirit Keeper is hard to say.

The Imperial Spirit of the same level not only has a huge gap in strength, but also has a strange ability!

It is very common for a low-level Spirited Guardian to kill a High-level Spiritual Being.

Even as long as some conditions are triggered, there is a possibility of death!

To sum up, the warrior system is relatively stable, and the Imperial Spirit System is too jumpy and very strange.

If you really want to fight, the Imperial Spirit System will have the upper hand.

The main thing is that the means are too weird and too elusive.

If the intelligence of both sides is transparent, it may be that the combat effectiveness of the warrior system is stronger.

But real battles, intelligence is impossible to be transparent.


Speaking of now, Zhao Yan stepped on the waves and quickly rescued the child who fell into the water.

After entering the cabin, Zhao Yan and Li Yueting found that this was a cute little girl dressed in red, about six or seven years old.

At this time, he was in a deep coma.

Li Yueting checked the body of the little girl in red, shook her head, and said:

“There is no qi in the body, she is not a warrior, just an ordinary person.”

However, this sentence could not dispel the doubts in Zhao Yan’s heart.

“I just glanced around, and there were no boats or planes around.

This little girl seems to have appeared out of thin air, so weird! ”

Zhao Yan frowned.

Li Yueting carefully dried the water droplets on the little girl’s forehead and said pityingly:

“Look how cute she is!” Can you bear to throw her back into the sea?

Again…… I have no fertility anymore.

This child may be a gift from heaven. ”

Hearing this, Zhao Yan was silent.

Organizations see their killers as tools.

Male killers are fine, female killers directly destroy fertility and prevent accidents.

Seeing that Li Yueting’s face was bleak, Zhao Yan sighed, stepped forward to hug her, and said softly:

“In that case, let’s adopt her.”

Hearing this, Li Yueting’s eyes lit up and she asked in surprise:

“Seriously? Can we adopt her? ”

Seeing his wife so happy, Zhao Yan’s cold face in the past also showed a smile.

He nodded, “Yes, let’s adopt this little girl, she will be our daughter from now on.” ”

“My husband is so nice!”

After determining this news, Li Yueting was very happy and hugged Zhao Yan and kissed him fiercely.


At this time, Zhao Yan and Li Yueting didn’t know what a huge horror the girl they adopted would bring to Blue Star!

Of course, even without them, the little girl in red would not have drowned in the sea.

Because, her name is Red Flame!

Around her neck, hung a small scarecrow pendant!

After Zhao Yan and Li Yueting decided to adopt Hongxu, the miniature scarecrow revealed a sly smile.

In an instant, Zhao Yan suddenly felt a huge chill rush into his heart, making him can’t help but shiver!

This inexplicable fear almost made Zhao Yan lose the ability to control himself!

The mind is stuck in a blank slate!

This feeling is terrible!!!


“Husband, what’s wrong with you?”

Li Yueting seemed to perceive Zhao Yan’s strange appearance and asked a strange question,

This inexplicable terrible sense of fear came and went faster.

In an instant, Zhao Yan returned to normal.

Fast enough to make him wonder if what he had just felt was an illusion?

Seeing the doubts on Li Yueting’s face, it seemed that there was no special feeling.

Zhao Yan could only suppress the churning thoughts in his heart, and said with a strong smile:

“Didn’t… It’s nothing. Maybe I just got a little cold. ”

“Oh. You go change into dry clothes. Although you are a warrior, you should also pay attention to the health of your body. ”

Li Yueting didn’t think much about it, and while talking, she helped Hongxu dry her body.

Suddenly, the red eyelids fluttered a few times, as if they were about to wake up!


The last change came a little later, counting the updated 10,000 words today, it is OK. Try to do more later. In addition, there will be no eunuchs, bad tails, ghostwriting…

And said that it has been ghostwritten, is this not nonsense? Ghostwriting this update speed, has long been expelled! Cough cough… How do you feel like you’re scolding yourself for being less renewal?

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