Three months later.

Blue Star, Pegasus National Jincheng, a remote town.

“Good daughter, be careful on the road!”

Li Yueting, a former ace killer, smiled and squinted around the apron, dressed as a housewife.

“Got it, I went to school.”

At the door, a cute little girl in a red dress waved at her and walked out of the house with an indifferent face.


That day, after Hongxu, who was rescued by Zhao Yan, opened his eyes, he lost all his memories.

She only remembered her name as Red Flame, and nothing else.

This is because Red Fire has hurt the root in the void space!

Her strength was greatly damaged, and even a part of the source of life was missing!

Lost memories are only one of the smallest problems.

The current Red Flame, unable to use the strange power for the time being, looks similar to ordinary people.

Although I think the origin of the red flame is unknown, it is a bit strange.

But because she is an ordinary person, and Li Yueting insists.

So Zhao Yan finally agreed to adopt her.

A group of three people came to the Pegasus country, a small country, and lived together like an ordinary family.

Because the name Hongxu was so strange, Li Yueting wanted to give her a new name, called Zhao Hong.

Hongxu thought about it and added a word, called “Zhao Hongyue”.

The difference of one word immediately made the original rustic name become much better.

And there is also a “month” word, which makes Li Yueting very satisfied.

In the end, the name “Zhao Hongyue” was decided.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhao Yan, Li Yueting and Hongxu are happy and happy families.

Who would have thought that this “ordinary” family would stir up the entire blue star in the future!


Time returned to the present, and Hongxu, who looked like a seven- or eight-year-old child, carried a school bag and walked toward the school in the town.

I don’t know why, Hongxu always feels that there is something wrong with her current life.

Seem…… Carrying a school bag to school is not something you should do.

What was she supposed to do?

In the memory, a lifeless space suddenly appeared, as if it could swallow everything!

Thinking of this, Hongxu suddenly felt a headache and could only stop remembering.

After waiting for some comfort, Hongxu looked down at the scarecrow pendant hanging around his neck, and inexplicably had a feeling of palpitations and fear.

But I didn’t dare to take it off, I didn’t even dare to touch it!

According to “Mom,” this miniature scarecrow pendant was the only thing on her body besides her clothes when she was picked up.

But Red Fu always felt that this Scarecrow pendant was alive!

And it will be an incomparably terrible, incomparably terrible existence!

Hongxu had told Li Yueting about this idea, but she was amused by Li Yueting.

She and Zhao Yan had been the organization’s gold medal killers, what had they never seen?

But the living Scarecrow… I’ve never seen it, or even heard of it.

Even if you hear it, it is some story that scares children.

At that time, Li Yueting still thought that Hongxu was a nightmare and did not take it seriously.

After coaxing her for a while, he let her go to sleep.

This made Hongxu feel speechless in his heart, and he did not mention this matter again.


Thinking about these messy things in his heart, he unconsciously walked to the classroom.

“Classmate Hongyue, you are still so punctual.”

Not much in a minute, not much in a minute. ”

The female class teacher looked at her with a smile and looked very kind.


But Hongxu only responded faintly and made it to his seat.

Seeing the situation, her homeroom teacher also shook her head helplessly.

In her eyes, this child has good academic performance in all subjects, but he is a little precocious and a little cold.

The red flame was from the card point, and after she arrived, the one-day class officially began.


Blue Star is a high-martial world.

In addition to normal subjects, it is also necessary to learn martial arts.

But not everyone can achieve something in martial arts.

On the blue star, everyone cultivates martial arts, and there is some cultivation.

However, ninety percent of the people are G-level martial artists and are useless.

Of the remaining 10%, most of them are F-level warriors, who also belong to the unfashionable warriors.

Only when I reached the E level, I barely entered the door.

Such people account for only a very small number of them.

Children of Blue Star learn martial arts from an early age.

By the age of eighteen, their lives will go on different paths.

A small number of those who have talent in martial arts will enter martial arts colleges and universities for further study.

Most of those who do not have martial arts talent will become ordinary people and live a good life.

Red Fu was only in elementary school, and these things were far away from her.


Originally, Red thought that this would be another boring day.

But in the afternoon, the class teacher suddenly hurried in.

“Students, an internationally wanted man is suspected of having escaped into the city!

Now emergency class, everyone hurry home, receive the notification and then return to school! ”

“Oh!!! No need to go to class, so good! ”

The homeroom teacher looked anxious and afraid, but these children did not think so much.

As soon as he heard that he didn’t have to go to class, Le’s snot bubbles came out.

Then they scrambled to escape from the classroom, not knowing how terrible the fugitives who had infiltrated Jincheng were.

Red slowly packed up her things and walked out of the classroom last.

As she left, she asked the class teacher:

“Teacher, what level of martial artist is that international fugitive?”

“You also asked what this is for… It should be B grade. ”

The class teacher originally did not want to answer the question of the red flame.

But after being stared at by the red brake, I inexplicably felt a pang of pressure and subconsciously said the answer.

“B grade? I see, thank you teacher. ”

After a faint thank you, Hongxu slowly left the classroom.

On the way home, Hongxu’s mood fluctuated inexplicably.

This suspected fugitive who had infiltrated Jincheng and had B-class strength flashed some memory fragments in her mind.

These clips seem to be some B-grade tragic deaths.

Don’t…… Has she ever killed many B-level warriors?

However, she was obviously still a child!


Red Fu was a little confused about what these memory fragments were.

She was vaguely aware that her former self did not seem to be simple.

After discovering that Hongxu was unusually mature, Li Yueting and Zhao Yan did not hide it from her, and directly picked up Hongxuan she actually picked it up.

According to normal logic, Hongxu should be an abandoned baby.

But if those memory fragments belong to the red flame, then her identity may not be so simple.


Hongxu was preoccupied with his true identity, and he didn’t notice that a pair of evil eyes had already set his eyes on her!

“Young little girl?” It’s the most delicious tonic! ”

In the darkness, a hunched shadow stuck out its red tongue and licked around the mouth.

The bloodthirsty breath is coming!


Thanks for the 588 points tip “The price of the shirt is nine pounds” and “13657xxx013”!

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