Han Junfei is a B+ level martial artist.

He comes from a famous family, strong in strength and profound in heritage!

Under the recommendation of his mentor, Han Junfei successfully joined Interpol.

And in just a few years, he was promoted to a third-level police detective and mastered a lot of power!

This action to capture Yin Gu was under his full command!

Of course, Han Junfei’s ability is also no problem.

Under his layered layout, Yin Gu was severely damaged and forced to flee to the small country of Pegasus Country.

Moreover, the whereabouts were also mastered by Han Junfei.

The next job is to catch the turtle in the urn!

Who knows, Han Junfei was just about to capture Yin Gu and improve his battle record, this guy died!

And look at the photos taken at the scene, or a tragic death!

That look made Han Junfei feel frightened!


“The scene is already blocked, right?” Go, take me to see! ”


No matter how well the photo is taken, it is also a photo.

After calming down a bit, Han Junfei asked his men to take him directly to the scene of Yin Gu’s death.

At this point, the place has been blocked.

Han Junfei finally saw Yin Gu’s body through layers of blockade.

I saw him pierced from the middle by a hard thatch, his arms outstretched, his head hunched.

At first glance, it looks like a scarecrow in a field.

Yin Gu’s face was twisted together, and his eyes were full of extreme fear!

Looking at the appearance, it should be that I experienced something terrible before I died!

So much so that he, a cultivator who had killed countless people, was terrified to the point of about to collapse!

Looking at Yin Gu’s distorted face and extremely frightened expression, Han Junfei had some hairs in his heart.

He didn’t know what had happened to make someone like Yin Gu show such an expression before he died.

Han Junfei took a deep breath and began to command his men, using various instruments to examine the surrounding situation and Yin Gu’s body.


First of all, Han Junfei intends to find out the process of Yin Gu’s death.

Before his death, Yin Gu had screamed and experienced a short battle.

Although there were no witnesses, some people heard these movements.

“Boss, Yin Gu fought with all his strength before he died!”

Houses within two kilometres of the neighbourhood were damaged to varying degrees.

Closer to some, the glass all burst, and the strong ones also left cracks!

It can be seen that Yin Gu’s fighting blow is still very powerful! ”

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Han Junfei walked to the wall of the alley next to Yin Gu’s body.

He touched the crack in the wall like a spider’s web and said solemnly:

“This guy’s punch is really powerful.

Even if it is, it cannot be easily resolved.

However, according to the death of the body.

After this trick, he died immediately!

This shows that the person who killed Yin Gu easily followed his life-threatening blow!

This man is a very terrible master!

I…… Not as good as him! ”

Hearing this, the faces of the Interpol officers around them couldn’t help but change.

They know that their boss Han Junfei is from a famous family and has always been proud.

What could make him take the initiative to admit that he was not comparable, that was definitely a warrior standing at the peak of the pyramid!

“Such a master is at least a B+ level warrior, or even stronger!”

Who is it? A small Pegasus country, where is such a powerful master? ”

Han Junfei muttered in his heart.

He vaguely felt that this matter was not simple!


Half an hour later, under the investigation of these top investigators.

What happened before Yin Gu’s death was roughly restored, and finally reviewed by Han Junfei.

“After Yin Gu fled to this town, he kept hiding.

It wasn’t until about three o’clock in the afternoon that he saw a target and was going out hunting.

But at this moment, a figure appeared not far from him, probably in this position. ”

With that, Han Junfei walked to the place where Chen Mo first appeared and nodded the floor with his toes.

“This person is the master who killed Yin Gu.”

He suddenly appeared, startling Yin Gu!

Frightened, Yin Gu instinctively sensed that something was wrong and immediately retreated a hundred meters! ”

With that, Han Junfei walked to the place where he had stopped after retreating.

However, Yin Gu’s rapid body technique still couldn’t get rid of that murderer.

As soon as he looked up, he was horrified to find the murderer in front of him!

At this time, Yin Gu should have already smelled the breath of death!

Under the crisis, he exploded with all his strength and unleashed a powerful killing move!

The aftermath of this killing move even shattered the nearby glass and walls.

However, he was easily caught by the mysterious master and then killed Yin Gu in a second.

Finally fiddle with him as he is now.

The whole battle process takes no more than 3 seconds!

Even if Yin Gu was already injured, the mysterious master who killed him was still terrifying! ”


After reviewing it, Han Junfei’s face became more solemn.

There was even some palpitations!

Since martial artists above the A level were very rare, Han Junfei was still a little unsure before.

But after a bit of review, Han Junfei dared to say that the mysterious master who killed Yin Gu had at least A-level strength!

“The review process is as above, and I also speculate that this mysterious master is a powerful warrior of the A-level. Does anyone have any objections? ”

Han Junfei asked his subordinates.

Hearing this, his police officers shook their heads and said there was no problem.

Seeing the situation, Han Junfei continued to say with a solemn face:

“Good! The battle that Yin Gu had experienced had been clarified, and now let’s talk about his corpse.

There were two causes of his death.

One is that a large amount of straw pierces important organs.

In his body, even some residual straw can be found.

Second, by external stimuli, various hormones suddenly surged, seriously breaking the original balance of the body.

In short… I was scared to death! ”

Hearing the second cause of death, the police officers present looked at each other and hardly dared to detail their ears!

An evil Dao warrior who has killed countless people is actually scared to death alive?!

Who would believe this?

To tell the truth, if he had not personally conducted an autopsy at the scene, Han Junfei would not have believed this somewhat absurd conclusion.

However, after several examinations, Yin Gu’s death did have a reason in this regard!

Even without the straw that pierced his organs, he would have been scared to death and had no chance of surviving!



One of the police officers swallowed his spit in some horror and said:

“Boss, boss, what did this Yin Gu see before he died?”

Why…… Scared to death? ”

Hearing this, the other police officers also brushed their brushes and looked at Han Junfei with frightened eyes.

This, too, is their concern!

The case of Yin Gu’s tragic death always gives people a creepy feeling!

Seem…… There’s something terrible hiding behind it!

The mysterious master who used straw to kill Yin Gu was most likely a character they couldn’t afford to mess with!


In the face of the doubts of his subordinates, Han Junfei opened his mouth, but for a moment he did not know what to say.

Because he didn’t know what Yin Gu had experienced before he died.

At the same time, Han Junfei felt a chill that went deep into the bone marrow!

After becoming a B-level martial artist, he had not felt such a feeling of trembling and panic for a long time!

After thinking about it for a while, Han Junfei said in a deep voice:

“This case… Maybe it’s beyond our capabilities.

I’m going to inform my teacher about it and ask him to check it out. ”


The third more send-off, watch the game get a little late, but will not break the word!

Also congratulations rng!

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