After thinking about it for a while, Han Junfei said in a deep voice:

“This case… Maybe it’s beyond our capabilities.

I was going to inform my teacher of it and ask him to look it up. ”

The young talents who can cultivate Han Junfei are naturally not ordinary people.

Instead, it is a famous martial artist who spreads throughout the Blue Star – Half a Ton Immortal!

A warrior of this level naturally did not want to be able to call over.

Han Junfei made a video call to his old man’s home.

This is like that, it is a very good noodle thing!

Not many people can contact half a ton of immortals!


Soon, the video call was connected.

On the screen, a huge face appeared, the size of two ordinary people!

This person was Han Junfei’s esteemed master, a half-ton immortal.

As the saying goes, there is only the wrong name, there is no wrong nickname.

The tonnage of this half-ton immortal was only more, not less.

That terrifying huge body must weigh at least five hundred kilograms!


The fat face of the half-ton immortal looked a little kind, and he smiled and squinted at Han Junfei:

“My son-in-law, what’s the matter with calling me?”

“Master, do you have an impression of Yin Gu?” Just the warrior who absorbed the blood of young children to practice evil arts. ”

Han Junfei asked.

“Remember. Aren’t you hunting this guy? What do you think? Successfully caught? ”

The half-ton immortal smiled and squinted his eyes and asked.

Although he asked this question on his lips, he saw Han Junfei with a look of fear in his solemnity.

He could guess that there must have been something wrong with the operation…

Sure enough, Han Junfei shook his head and said with some trepidation:

“No, he was killed before we caught him!”

The whole battle lasted less than two seconds!

Moreover, Yin Gu was killed head-on, and he fought all his strength before dying.

But there is no way to change the fate of his own death! ”

“What? Yin Gu was killed in two seconds? ”

Hearing this, the half-ton immortals also came to be interested.

“This powerful warrior must have reached the A level.”

But I don’t remember that Pegasus has A-class martial artists? Not even a few B grades.

Don’t…… Is it some passing master?

Boy, can you be sure who shot it? ”

After some general reasoning, the half-ton immortal asked Han Junfei.

Han Junfei sighed and said helplessly:

“I can’t deduce which A-level martial artist it is based on the traces and clues left at the scene, so I would like to ask Master to help me see.”

“Okay, you show me the scene, and by the way, help me explain it.”

The half-ton immortal agreed.


A-level martial artists are basically masters with names and surnames!

And the strength to this step, basically their own faction, with a strong personal style.

It’s easy to deduce who the killer is based on the battle traces.

Of course, if it is deliberately concealed, it is not easy to see.

However, there are many traces of the scene of Yin Gu’s death!

It was straw again, and it was a corpse that had been placed in the shape of a scarecrow.

Has a strong style!

In Han Junfei’s view, such a master is unlikely to be a nameless person.

His own master respected half a ton of immortals, and was more likely to know some news.

So Han Junfei chose to ask for help from his old man.


After a brief communication, Han Junfei held up his mobile phone and explained the clues collected while showing the scene to the half-ton immortals.

“This master, his body is extremely fast, Yin Gu can’t get rid of it.”

So before he died, he chose to give it his all!

Not enough Yin Gu’s all-out attack had no effect, and he was easily taken over by the master, and then killed in an instant!

This master’s weapon is straw, and the original soft straw is even more terrifying in his hands than the divine weapon!

All of Yin Gu’s internal organs were shattered!

In addition, Yin Gu seemed to be in great fear of the dead! ”

In the end, Han Junfei focused the camera on Yin Gu’s face that was twisted together and his eyes were full of fear!

After seeing this face, even across the screen, the half-ton immortal felt a little cool!

The smile on his face had completely disappeared, and all that remained was solemnity.

Half a ton of immortals said in a deep voice:

“A class martial arts master who uses straw… I haven’t heard of it.

Something is wrong with this case! You hurry up and hand it over to a higher level detective! ”

Although I don’t know what happened to Yin Gu’s murder.

But the half-ton immortal instinctively felt a hint of bad breath!

Across the screen, it made him, a famous A-class martial arts master for many years, feel bad.

This is definitely not a simple case!

The man who killed Yin Gu was terrifying!

With Han Junfei’s current ability, it is absolutely untouchable!

“But Master, I…”

Han Junfei’s face was tangled, and he was a little unwilling.

But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a half-ton immortal.

“But what? Listen to the words of the teacher and get out of there quickly! ”

Half a ton of immortals usually smile and squint, with that fat face, there is a sense of harmless kindness between humans and animals.

But once it gets serious, it has a feeling of immense majesty!


Han Junfei, who was reprimanded, trembled for a moment, then lowered his head and answered in a low voice.

“Well, this is the obedient disciple of the Master!”

Soon I was looking for someone to take over the case.

But rest assured, when the results of the investigation are out, I will let them inform you as soon as possible.

If there is still something to do here for the master, hang it first.

After hanging up, you immediately leave there and hand over the case to other detectives. ”



The half-ton immortal holds a high position in the international police detective organization and has many affairs.

After some instructions, I hung up the video call.

After the video call hung up, Han Junfei sighed helplessly and said to his subordinates:

“Gather some information, seal off the scene, and wait for others to take over.”


Hearing this order, his men all looked happy.

Such a dangerous case should be handed over to other stronger people to investigate.

However, Han Junfei did not have the slightest happy emotion, and his face was a little lost.

This strange case deeply attracted him.

Han Junfei very much wants to find out the truth!

The man’s sixth sense tells him that behind this case, there is a shocking secret!

“No way! I have to look into this case!

Master won’t let me check, then I’ll quietly check! ”

After thinking about it for a while, Han Junfei made up his mind to find out who killed Yin Gu and what kind of secrets were hidden behind it!


Soon, a level four detective took over the case.

Han Junfei, who had nothing to do, got half a month’s vacation.

However, he did not leave, but quietly lurked in the town with two powerful men.

While keeping an eye on the investigation of the fourth-level police detective, he quietly investigated himself.


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