At the same time, Li Yueting, who was staying at home watching TV, suddenly saw the news that “the wanted criminal sneaked into Jincheng”.

This made her look slightly shocked, and she immediately ran upstairs to find Zhao Yan, who was watching the ball game.

“Husband! A Class-B wanted man has escaped to us, most likely in the town! ”

“And that guy is practicing evil deeds and loves to eat the blood of young children!” Red Moon will be all right, right? ”

Li Yueting’s face was anxious, and she was eager to go to Hongxu immediately.

Hearing this, Zhao Yan turned off the TV, frowned, and said:

“Class B wanted? Practicing evil with the blood of young children?

Is that guy’s name Yin Gu? I’m probably a bit impressed.

But don’t worry, Jincheng is so big.

It is unlikely that he will just run to our town and then stare at the red moon again.

Where in the world is there such a coincidence? If you’re in a hurry, I’ll go to school and get her back. ”

Hearing this, Li Yueting said eagerly:

“Hurry up and hurry up, hurry up and get our precious daughter back.”

Wrong! I’ll go with you! ”

Although she was adopted, Li Yueting poured a lot of feelings into Hongxu’s body.

After saying that, she pulled Zhao Yan along and walked outside the door.

But at this very moment —


A faint humming sound sounded.

Ordinary people couldn’t detect it, but Zhao Yan and Li Yueting, two B-level martial artists, could clearly catch it.

“This is the aftermath of the B-level warrior’s battle, and it’s a fierce battle for life!”

It’s hard to do… Did that guy from Yingu really come to our town? ”

After sensing for a moment, Zhao Yan said with some disbelief.

This sudden situation made Li Yueting’s face change drastically and she was completely panicked!

“Oops! The Red Moon hasn’t come back yet! ”

At this point, Li Yueting was really a little panicked, and Zhao Yan was also nervous.

The two of them quickly went downstairs and headed outside the door.

However, before Zhao Yan and Li Yueting walked out of the house, the courtyard door was pushed open.

A smaller, cute figure dressed in a red dress appeared in front of them.

Not red, but who else?

Hongxu calmly walked into the courtyard, looked at Zhao Yan and Li Yueting with an anxious face, and asked strangely:

“What are you going to do?” Is there anything urgent? ”

“No, it’s okay, you’ll be fine when you come back!”

Seeing that Hongxu was safe and sound, Li Yueting was very happy and rushed up to hug her.

A hint of helplessness appeared on the face of the red indifference.

She always felt that this woman seemed more childish than she was…


After Hongxu returned home safely, Zhao Yan and Li Yueting were both relieved.

But Zhao Yan did not stop there.

He gave Li Yueting a look and quietly went out.

Li Yueting was clear in her heart and nodded slightly toward him.

A B-class warrior appears in the town and is fighting for his life.

No matter what, Zhao Yan had to go and have a look to prevent it from affecting the normal life of their family.

After all, B-level martial artists are all fighting for their lives, and it is certainly not a trivial matter!


Zhao Yan wore a black night-time suit and wandered in the shadows.

Born as a killer, he is extremely strong!

Even in broad daylight, it was difficult to catch his tracks.

Soon, Zhao Yan came to the scene of Yin Gu’s death.

At this time, the place was sealed off layer by layer, and some figures could be faintly seen walking around inside.

“The man inside… Is it a Level IV International Detective? Fourth-level international police detective, at least A-level powerful warrior!

What the hell happened to provoke a strong person of this level?! ”

Zhao Yan was extremely confused in his heart, and he felt more and more that the situation was not good!

He glanced around, locked on to a tall building with a better view, and quietly sneaked into the past.

Once you reach the top of this tall building, the view is suddenly much better.

Zhao Yan could see the scene of Yin Gu’s death more clearly, which made his face change drastically!

“Yin Gu is actually dead!” Who did this to you? ”

Zhao Yan’s strength was stronger than Yin Gu’s, but his strength was also very limited, and the difference was not much.

This murderer can kill Yin Gu, and most likely he can kill him.

Could it be that even the fourth-level international police detectives were alarmed!

This is a big deal!


After discovering this situation, Zhao Yan had an extremely headache.

He had just settled down in this small town and lived the life of an ordinary man.

As a result, it was only a few months, and there was big trouble coming to the door!

“I hope it doesn’t affect us.”

Since the scene was investigated by a fourth-level international police detective, Zhao Yan did not dare to come closer.

After roughly looking at it for a few moments, he quietly returned home and told Li Yueting about the general situation.

After learning about this matter, Li Yueting was also extremely worried.

Fortunately, the school notified the temporary suspension of classes, and the three of them could hide in their homes and avoid the wind.


Quietly observing the scene of the case, not only Zhao Yan, but also Han Junfei.

Although he handed over the case to a more powerful detective, he was still uneasy.

Or rather, I still want to explore the truth!

Han Junfei wanted to see who this mysterious master who killed Yin Gu was!

Driven by this mentality, Han Junfei followed the fourth-level police detective and did not leave for a moment.

Han Junfei had been with him for too long, and after a while he was discovered by the fourth-level police detective.

However, Han Junfei is a disciple of the half-ton immortal, and tracking it will also be tracked, and this face still has to be given.

With the acquiescence of this fourth-level police detective, Han Junfei followed him until the evening.

As night fell, the investigation squad was ready to finish.

Yin Gu’s body was escorted by them to the Forensic Department.

At this point, today’s investigative task is basically over.

More things to do waiting for tomorrow’s investigation.

The fourth-level detective and his men exchanged words and prepared to go back to the hotel to rest.

Seeing the situation, Han Junfei also planned to leave.

But at this moment, a thin and vicious figure suddenly appeared in the darkness!

It shook and walked towards the fourth-level detective!




In the darkness, some could not see the face of this figure clearly.

The first thing that was caught was a somewhat harsh rubbing sound.

And then, you can hear the crows hissing!

These two sounds alone made Han Junfei feel a huge chill, and the goosebumps on his body all stood up!

“Could it be the mysterious master who killed Yin Gu?”

Why is it that he hasn’t gone out yet, so that I can feel the fear?

Is this the oppression of the strong? You should be able to get used to it, right? ”

Han Junfei swallowed a little saliva and his mind rolled over.

However, when that figure was revealed, Han Junfei fell into even greater shock and fear!

This slender figure is actually a vicious and terrifying scarecrow!

It carried an old lantern glowing with a tragic green glow in one hand and a huge and terrifying scythe in the other!

On the left and right shoulders, there is also a huge crow parked on each side.

This crow was pitch black, and only his eyes were red as if they were about to drip blood!

It seems that at any time, I have to choose someone to eat!


“This… This…… What is this?! ”

Han Junfei was stunned and horrified to the extreme!

How could he not have imagined that out of the darkness was suddenly a scarecrow who looked like a demon god!


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