It wasn’t just Han Junfei who was stunned.

The fourth-level police detective, who was an A-level martial artist, was also dumbfounded!

There is no concept of “weirdness” on blue stars.

Chen Mo was the first weird they saw, and it would be the last!




Chen Mo’s doppelganger, carrying the Seven Sins Nether Lamp, walked towards the fourth-level police detective without hurrying.

If you want to spread fear in this world, you must first test the strength of this world.

This fourth-level detective was the first A-level martial artist Chen Mo had ever encountered.

On the one hand, some fear values can be harvested from him.

On the other hand, you can test the strength of the world’s power system.


Looking at the slowly approaching Scarecrow, the fourth-level detective finally woke up.

He drew his sword and slashed across, and a silver-white light continued to fly towards Chen Mo like a horse.

And in the process of flight, it constantly changed, becoming a seven- or eight-meter-long crescent blade.

This trick is one of the special skills of this fourth-level police detective – crescent moon chop!

After the martial arts cultivation reaches the A level, the “qi” in the body can be released and condensed into various powerful moves.

So in this martial arts system Heavenly Dynasty, the gap between B level and A level is very large!

After seeing this move, Han Junfei couldn’t help but widen his eyes, wanting to carefully observe the movement of the A-level martial artist on “Qi”.

At the same time, he also gave a breath.

After suppressing the initial shock and fear, Han Junfei found that the scarecrow did not have any “qi” on his body.

And the speed of action is also very slow, and there is no threat at all.

“Maybe it’s a robot disguised as a scarecrow.”

Han Junfei thought so in his heart, somewhat expecting the picture of it being slashed by the crescent moon.



With a muffled sound, the silver knife slashed at the Scarecrow’s body, cutting it in half!

“Ahem! Pretend to be a ghost! Not yet vulnerable! ”

Seeing the situation, the fourth-level police detective put away the battle knife quite skillfully, and saw that the subordinates who had not yet gone were admired.

But his smile was only halfway revealed, and he froze violently.

The scarecrow, who had been cut in half by a knife, actually maintained the speed he had just had, and walked towards him without hurrying!

And the severed upper body is rapidly merging!

After two seconds, it’s back to basics!

“This… How is this possible? ”

Seeing this scene, the fourth-level detective froze, and couldn’t even dare to detail his eyes!

His crescent moon can chop even a tall building!

The scarecrow was only cut in half, not shattered.

In his opinion, it is already very good.

But this scarecrow’s wound actually fused up quickly, and it didn’t look like there was any damage at all!

Even the most tenacious warrior with the strongest vitality could not survive after being stopped from fighting.

Not to mention the immediate recovery!

This completely shattered the perception of this fourth-level detective!

How can there be such a strange thing in the world?

In a panic, the fourth-level detective frantically swung his sword, releasing one crescent slash after another.

The scarecrow did not shy away and ate all the knives!

At first, the wound was a little bigger.

In the back, a crescent moon cut could only open a small wound.

Recover almost in the blink of an eye!

This scarecrow monster seems to be adapting to the power of the crescent moon!

Thinking of this, the fourth-level detective was even more terrified!

What he didn’t know was that it wasn’t this doppelgänger who had adapted to this kind of sword.

Instead, his power of fear was constantly increasing Chen Mo’s strength!

Chen Mo’s remaining strength was not much, and it needed high-quality fear power to replenish it.

The fear of this A-level warrior is very delicious!

Chen Mo tasted his fear, and the eyes of the black hole hole became deeper and deeper, like two black holes!

At the same time, the two Death Night Ravens parked on his shoulder were also roaring wildly!

It seems to be longing for blood, for fear!


“What the hell are you monsters?!”

Seeing that the distance between the Scarecrow and himself was getting closer and closer, the fourth-level detective let out a slightly trembling roar.

With the knife in his hand, he stared at Chen Mo deadly, not daring to slacken off in the slightest!

Chen Mo didn’t bother to pay attention to him at all, and still walked towards him step by step.

Such an unhurried pace caused a huge sense of oppression to this fourth-level police detective!

Finally, he couldn’t bear the horror.

“Damn monster, go and die!”

The fourth-level detective lost his usual calm, roared angrily, jumped up high, and swung his knife at the scarecrow!


In the darkness of the night, a knife blade expanded rapidly, reaching a length of twenty or thirty meters.

Like a waterfall falling from the sky, cut at the scarecrow!


This knife went down, the scarecrow was chopped to pieces, and countless straws were sprinkled on the street.

At the same time, the entire street road was cracked, as if a magnitude ten earthquake had occurred!


“Is this the strength of an A-level warrior?” And it’s only the weakest A-Grade! ”

This scene shocked Han Junfei, who was watching the battle, and only felt that the blood in his body was boiling!

This is the path of martial arts he is pursuing!

With such a huge force, any chaotic monster will only have one way to die! Not enough!

However, Han Junfei hadn’t been excited for long, and Yu Guang saw an incomparably terrifying scene!

This scene was like a basin of ice water poured on his head, making all his hot blood just now extinguished.

It’s cold to the bone!

Han Junfei saw that a small piece of straw had fallen on the back of the fourth-level police detective, and then burrowed into it like a living creature.

Immediately afterward, on the back of this fourth-level police detective, a scarecrow actually grew rapidly!

This scarecrow parasitized on the back of the fourth-level police detective, with a sinister and strange smile on his face, staring at his host so deadly!

And the fourth-level detective didn’t seem to know anything about it!

This scene simply makes people’s scalps explode! Chill to the extreme!


The fourth-level detective still had no feelings, and did not know that a scarecrow had appeared on his back.

He looked at the scattered pieces of straw, breathed a long sigh of relief, and took a sharp bite.

“Yuck! What the hell? Still want to scare Lao Tzu? Is Lao Tzu scared?! ”

This fourth-level detective scolded and grinned.

It seems that only in this way can we take a good breath of the evil qi that has just been frightened.

But when he looked up, he found that his men were looking at him with a look of horror and were constantly retreating.

“What’s wrong? Any questions? The scarecrows have been blasted into slag, what are you afraid of? ”

The fourth-level detective asked strangely.

“Back… Back…… On your back! On the back! ”

An international detective trembled with a finger deep in the depths, pointing in horror at the back of his superior.

“On the back? What’s wrong with my back? ”

The fourth-level detective frowned slightly, and some strange turns his head to look behind him.


There is a difference between the two systems.

In the Spirit Hunter system, there are many strange means, and it is not so easy to kill.

But in the warrior system, high degree of damage to the body basically means death.

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