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Confused, Han Junfei felt like a deep purgatory! Surrounded by horrible scarecrows!

As the sun sets, the eerie night crows are hissing, and the figure of the scarecrow is becoming more and more twisted and more and more eerie…

“The Scarecrow… Scarecrow…… No!!! ”

Han Junfei screamed in horror, woke up violently, and sat up from the hospital bed.

After those terrible scenes just happened were just dreams, Han Junfei relaxed a little.

But he was still breathing heavily, cold sweat.

Han Junfei turned his head to look and found a huge mountain of meat sitting next to him.

It was his master, the half-ton immortal!

The Half-Ton Immortal is one of Interpol’s top brass.

After the news of the death of the fourth-level police detective was confirmed, he soon learned everything.

At the same time, some people found the unconscious Han Junfei more than a hundred kilometers away, and his mouth was trembling and chanting the scarecrow.

It seems to be related to the death of the fourth-level detective.

Level IV detectives are already the mainstay of Interpol, and each one is a valuable asset of the organization!

Inexplicably dead one, definitely a major event!

Coupled with the fact that this matter was also related to his precious apprentice Han Junfei, it was also a natural thing for the half-ton immortal to personally investigate.


After Han Junfei calmed down a little, the half-ton immortal asked him in a deep voice:

“You should have been there at the time, right?” Tell me what happened! ”

This accident is really weird!

First, the fourth-level detective was inexplicably killed, and after his death, he was also posed as a scarecrow.

Immediately afterward, the detectives who witnessed the scene fell into madness one by one!

Yes, the detectives who were there were all crazy!

After calling for help, they quickly fell into madness, constantly chanting Scarecrow, completely crazy!

Such a strange thing made the half-ton immortal, an A+-level warrior, feel a chill!

He had lived for eighty years, and had heard countless secrets.

But such a strange thing, he still encountered for the first time!

Now, the only person who witnessed the incident and did not go crazy was Han Junfei.

At first, the half-ton immortal was worried that his precious apprentice would also become crazy.

Fortunately, his strength is not good, and his heart is firm enough.

Barely survived.


In the face of the half-ton immortal’s inquiry, Han Junfei’s throat rolled a little, and his eyes trembled with horror:

“It’s the Scarecrow… It was the Scarecrow who killed the fourth-level detective! ”


Half a ton of immortals frowned and asked.

“Yes! It’s a scarecrow monster!

It was thin and tall, carrying an old lantern glowing with a miserable green light in one hand and a huge sickle in the other.

There were also two huge blood-red crows resting on its shoulders!

This scarecrow, even if he is an evil god who came out of the horror legend, exudes a breath of fear all over his body!

It…… It’s weird, it’s terrible! ”

Speaking of this, Han Junfei’s face was distorted, his eyes were scattered, and there were faint signs of a mental breakdown.

Seeing this, the half-ton immortal quickly slapped it on the top of his head and sent some “qi” to him.

In this way, Han Junfei slowly recovered a little.

And dare not ask any more questions.


After a pause of about half an hour, Han Junfei’s condition was much better.

Half a ton of immortals asked again:

“That scarecrow you’re talking about, is it very powerful?”

According to the scene, the fourth-level detective did not even last five minutes! ”

Speaking of this, the look of the half-ton immortal was extremely dignified.

But what he didn’t expect was that after hearing this question, Han Junfei actually shook his head.

“It’s not a question of being strong or not, it’s really that kind of … Very weird, very scary existence.

The power it shows is different from that of a warrior and elusive!

At first, the scarecrow just walked over to them.

Nothing special except for being able.

But…… This is just the beginning of a nightmare! ”

Han Junfei began to explain the whole battle.

With Han Junfei’s story, the half-ton immortal’s brow wrinkled deeper and deeper, and a fat face was full of solemnity!

Infinite resurrection, infinite parasitism, infinite division.

Such a method is really weird!

Even listening to Han Junfei’s story, the half-ton immortal could imagine how frightened and helpless that fourth-level police detective was before he died!

No wonder his entire face twists together after he dies…

Put yourself in the shoes of the Immortals and think about it, half a ton of immortals can feel the sense of fear and oppression that comes over their faces!

But soon, he found the loophole.

He asked Han Junfei:

“You just said that the scarecrow’s actions have not been hurried.

So why didn’t he choose to run away, but rushed up and fought with the Scarecrow? ”

Hearing this, Han Junfei was also stunned.

“Yeah, why didn’t you run away?”

Han Junfei was a little confused at first, and then recalled the feeling at that time, and immediately understood.

He said in a trembling voice:

“I… I probably know why.

As you were reminded of this, Master, I seemed to have discovered another ability of that scarecrow!

The fear emanating from it seems to affect our minds and minds!

At that time, my brain was almost blank and I didn’t have much thinking ability! ”

“What? Can it affect people’s thinking? What is this ability? ”

Half a ton of immortals were completely shocked!

After learning about this ability of the Scarecrow, he finally realized that this was an incomparably strange and incomparably powerful being!

There had never been such a thing on the blue star before.

His power is completely different from that of a warrior.

In some ways, there is even a vague sense of restraint.

There was already an A-level warrior who had died at its hands.

Who knows if there will be more powerful warriors killed by this scarecrow!


“No way! I have to inform the Budo League of this! ”

The Budo Alliance is a large international organization formed by the warriors of all the countries of the Blue Star.

It is also the most powerful organization of Blue Star!

There are eleven S-class martial artists on record!

Yes, there are S-Class Warriors on the Blue Star!

A warrior of this level is called a martial saint!

The terrifying revival of the White Feather Star had only been twenty years, and it was already a rapid development to be able to appear so many A+ level Imperial Spirit Beings!

Only the system of the Spirit Guardian could develop so quickly.

The Blue Star’s martial arts civilization has a history of thousands of years, and it is very normal for S-class martial artists to exist.

But at this time, Chen Mo did not know the news…


Back to the Budo League.

Although it is the strongest organization of Blue Star, it is usually very loose and almost does not care about anything.

Only when there is a major event that threatens global security, the Budo Alliance will attack!

And this time the Scarecrow incident, in the eyes of the half-ton immortals, is a big thing that will threaten global security!

At the same time, he also has a little selfishness.

Such a strange scarecrow, can’t let Interpol deal with it?

Or find a bigger guy to get it done.

What made the half a ton of immortals never expect was that.

After he submitted the information related to the Scarecrow incident, the entire martial arts alliance was shaken!

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