Blue Star’s martial arts began with a change more than a thousand years ago.

Since then, the entire Blue Star has entered the era of martial arts!

After more than five hundred years of martial arts development, the first S-class warrior appeared!

A new chapter in the martial arts system!

However, even if it develops to the present, there are not many S-level martial artists in the entire Blue Star.

Even in the Martial Arts Alliance, there are only eleven S-level warriors, and they are in a state of retreat for many years.

On the surface, the half-ton immortal, a wireless warrior close to the S-level, was already the most powerful being.

He had never imagined that after this information about the Scarecrow was submitted, it actually alarmed an S-class warrior!

The appearance of the S-class martial artist shook the entire martial arts alliance!

Immediately around this old senior, a conference was held!

All those who were eligible to participate in this meeting were A-level martial artists.

Half a ton of immortals were among them.

As for the S-class warrior, he did not go directly to the scene, but used the equipment to project a blurry portrait over.

This extremely dense meeting, except for the top brass in the martial arts alliance, no one knows what exactly was discussed.

But after this meeting, many countries received a notice:

As soon as you spot the strange Scarecrow, report it to the Budo Alliance!

This incident caused quite a stir among the high-level martial artists!

Many people have heard of this strange thing.

However, because it is so bizarre, it is not known how many people believe it.

These high-level warriors didn’t know that the real horror had just begun!


On the other hand, Chen Mo also didn’t know that he had already attracted the attention of the top power of the Blue Star.

Of course, even if you know it, you won’t care too much.

After killing an A-Class Spirit Keeper and harvesting some fear points from him.

Chen Mo’s understanding of the world deepened one more point.

First of all, it may be because the strength of the warrior is cultivated by himself a little bit.

Therefore, at the same level, the level of life is slightly higher, and the fear emitted is more delicious and more abundant.

This is a good thing for Chen Mo!

Secondly, the A-level martial artist was still very weak in Chen Mo’s view.

He estimated that the A-level warriors of this world should not be able to cause him any harm.

I just don’t know if there are any S-class martial artists.

If so, what kind of strength.

On the Blue Star’s network, the warriors below the S level have some clear news.

But the S-class warrior has the vague meaning of becoming a legend.

The credibility of the occasional piece of news is also very low, similar to folklore.

Therefore, Chen Mo couldn’t figure out whether Blue Star had any S-class martial artists in the end.

Not enough for him and no hurry.

The Blue Star Martial Arts are prosperous and there are many warriors.

Fresh leeks everywhere!

There is no need to cut the thickest “leek” first, you can cut from the weak “leek” first.

Just in time, he could slowly enhance the strength of Chen Mo’s body, and it was also good to move closer to the body as soon as possible.

The question now is how to “cut leeks”?

With the experience on the White Feather Star, Chen Mo clearly realized that he could not cut leeks on a large scale on his own!

There must be a few good tool people.

But now, where to find a good tool person?

If you think about it, there are only two ways to go.

The first way is to find a way to make the red flame recover.

With strong strength and strange means, Red Fire is definitely the number one tool man under Chen Mo’s command!

Merely…… The trauma she suffered while traversing the rift of space was a bit severe.

Even Chen Mo didn’t know how to make her recover quickly.

Fortunately, Red Flame has the ability to repair itself.

Wait for ten years and eight years and maybe you will be completely recovered, but the time is a little long…

The second way is to find new tool people.

However, the tools that are easy to use are not so easy to find.

If he could, Chen Mo wanted to re-establish the Twilight Sect on the Blue Star!

Once the Twilight Sect is on the right track, a snowball of development will take shape.

There was no need for Chen Mo to worry at all, the Twilight Sect would help him spread fear!


After thinking for a moment, Chen Mo decided to try both methods.

While trying to cure the red flame, he is also a new tool man.

If you want to cure the red flame, you must first start by recovering your memory.

That night, Chen Mo launched the Dream Realm and dragged Red Fire into the nightmare!

This nightmare is based on the experience of Red Flame.

However, Chen Mo did not know much about Hong’s previous life.

So the opening scene is the Red and White Double Ghost Domain!

Ordinary people fall into this nightmare, and it is estimated that they will be scared half to death!

But after a brief moment of fear, Red Fu had a vaguely familiar feeling.

Especially the bride of the red ghost, it made her inexplicably feel intimate.

This dreamlike scene made Hongxuan feel confused, as if she had returned to the river of time.


Hongxu was busy here, and her nominal adoptive parents were not idle.

At this stage, Chen Mo was still the number one tool person in Hongxu, and did not intend to leave her too far.

This useful tool of the province was a surprise to people.

But the Pegasus country where they were located was really weak.

The national strength is estimated to be similar to that of the Nanchuan Kingdom when Chen Mo just crossed.

Chen Mo searched several times, but he couldn’t find a few decent B-level martial artists.

In the end, it was Zhao Yan and Li Yueting, who were once gold medal killers, which made him relatively like.

Zhao Yan was a B-class martial artist.

After washing hands for a few months, the golden basin had some feelings and broke through to the B+ level!

Li Yueting, B-level martial artist.

Not long after Zhao Yan broke through, he also broke through to the B level!

In terms of talent, these two are top geniuses!

You must know that more than ten years ago, there were 3,000 children who participated in the training with them!

In the end, only ten people survived and became the organization’s gold medal killers.

And these three thousand children are still selected!

The blood and horror in it are not enough for outsiders either!


At this time, Zhao Yan and Li Yueting did not know that they had been targeted by the Scarecrow.

In the bedroom, the two were discussing something with their brows furrowed.


The update is here! Recently chased down the mad, do not know whether it can be stable in two thousand, crying o o(╥_╥)

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